Mr. Delincuente

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Mizo Middle Gang.
When most people heard about it, they only thought of sweet little Hanagaki Michiku and her boyfriend Tachibana Hinata.
Rarely did anyone think of the other four girls who were part of this group.
Suzuki Makomo, Yamagishi Kazumi, Sendou Atsuko and Yamamoto Tamako.
They weren't considered pretty enough or special enough for people to take notice of them.
Of course, they never blamed their friends for getting all the attention but sometimes they wish someone would see them instead of their two friends.
Things continued like that until the Mizo Gang reached high school, the girls' body developed and with that they gained everyone's attention.
A lot of boys tried their luck with the four girls but they weren't able to get them all because of one simple thing.
These girls much prefer Mr. Delincuente to a guy who will want them as a trophy wife.
"I really wish I could pack a punch" Tamako muttered as she threw herself in Makomo's bed
"Another stupid guy who asked you out thinking they would get lucky?" Atsuko asks not taking her eyes from the game she was playing in her phone
"When not?" Tamako mumbles into the pillow
"Michi is lucky that she has an amazing boyfriend who keeps all those idiots away from her" Kazumi says as she reads a action manga Makomo recently got
"She really is" Makomo agrees as she does something in her laptop
“When will they understand that we aren’t dumb girls?” Tamako sighs because it was tiring having all the boys go to them and ask them out thinking they can play with them or make them their future trophy wives
“The day we start dating someone” Kazumi answers
“Yeah, so probably not soon” Atsuko says since they had a specific type and it would be hard for them to meet someone
Before any of the girls could say anything the door to Makomo’s opened to show the girl’s older brother.
“Waka-nii! What did I say about just opening the door?! What if we had been changing clothes or something?!” Makomo says glaring at Wakasa who just gave her a lazy smile which made Makomo roll her eyes while her friends giggles being used to this already
“Nothing I haven’t seen” Wakasa says “And me, Omi and Shin need your help” he adds
“Help with what?” Tamako asks curious because rarely did Wakasa ask for their help
“We want to buy some clothes for our girlfriends and while me and Omi are good with fashion we are shit on getting the right sizes” he explains and the girls look at each other before answering him
“As long as you buy at least one piece of clothes for us” Makomo says because if she had to help her brother, she would be getting something out of it like the good little sister she is
“I wouldn’t expect less” Wakasa says and the girls get up
“Now, shooo!” Kazumi says “We will change clothes and meet you at the living room” she adds
“Sure” Wakasa nods and leaves the room so the girls could change clothes in peace
In no time the four girls found themselves in a clothes store together with Imaushi Wakasa, Sano Shinichiro, Akashi Takeomi and Arashi 'Benkei' Keizou.
"Shinichiro, put that shirt down! If you give that to Nami-nee she will kill you and none of us will stop her!" Tamako said knowing that the other boy had the same taste as Takemichi in clothes
"But Tama-chan…" Shinichiro started but he shut up at the glare the younger girl sent him
"Hmmm, that size is too small for Akane" Atsuko said when Takeomi showed her the dress he was planning to get for his girlfriend
"I will see if they have a bigger size then" Takeomi says smiling at the younger girl for her help
“What do you think of this one for Naoko?” Wakasa asks showing suit to his sister since Tachibana Naoko wasn’t a big lover of dresses and skirts
“I think she will love it” Makomo says since the suit was completely Naoko’s style
"Aren't you going to get something for Yuzu?" Kazumi asks Benkei curious
"I already did" Benkei answers "She isn't the biggest fan if getting clothes as a gift do I had a necklace made for her" he adds and Kazumi smiles
"That's so sweet!" Kazumi gushes and Benkei just offers a smile while feeling a bit embarrassed
At the end of the day the four girls ended up with four new outfits while the three men who wanted help to get something for their girlfriends, had found the perfect gift for said girlfriends.
Things continued to go as always for the four girls until they were presented with an idea that Emma, Hina's bestfried, had.
"So you want to create something like a secret friend but using this app?" Atsuko asks the golden eyed girl
"Yep!" Emma said grinning "It will be just with people from the gangs we know and those related to them" she adds because she wouldn't want them talking to complete strangers
"And what gave you this idea?" Kazumi asks curious
"Sei-kun and Sen-chan said that what made their relationship be born was when they started talking because Sen-chan wrote my number wrong" Emma explains and the four girls hum thoughtfully
"It will be safe, right?" Tamako asks softly
"Of course!" Emma says serious "I would never let you talk with someone who would hurt you" she says and that sells it to the other girls
"Then we will be part of this idea…..just don't tell Waka-nii about it, he is quite protective of us" Makomo answers and Emma jumps in happiness that they all agreed
"Thanks! You are the best!" she says hugging them
"Waka, stop glaring at the ceiling" Naoko sighs seeing her boyfriend like that
Wakasa ignores her, making Naoko roll her eyes at how he was acting like a child.
"I think he is acting like that because his sisters have been glued a lot to their phones" Shinichiro says as he and Minami are making lunch for everyone
"So? Most teenagers are like that" Naoko says since Hina, his little brother, is on his phone most of the time
"Do you remember how Akane acted when she finally got Takeomi's number and they started messaging each other?" Yuzuha asks looking up from the book she and Benkei were reading
"Yeah, why?" Naoko asks with an amused smile at Akane pouting and glaring at Yuzuha until Takeomi kissed her cheek making her blush and go back looking at the TV
"That's how they are acting" Benkei answers for his girlfriend
"Oh, I see" Naoko says understanding better why Wakasa was acting like that but still knowing it was stupid that he acts like this because of that "He knows that they would grow up at some point and find a lover, right?" she asks
"But it doesn't make it easier to accept" Shinichiro says having experimented that when his little sister fell in love and started dating Draken
"No one is good enough for them" muttered Wakasa and maybe he was saying the truth but that wouldn't stop people from falling in love
"My brother thinks the same about you and we are still dating, Wakasa" Naoko says and Wakasa pouts because while Hina thinks that Wakasa is cool, he wasn't really that happy when he and Naoko started dating since for him no one is good enough for Naoko
"How about you ask to meet them?" Akane says
"What do you mean?" Wakasa asks looking at the blonde girl
"Instead of being here moping about your sisters being in love" she started and ignored when Wakasa said he wasn't mmoping"You could ask them to meet whoever they like or their lovers just to make sure they will not hurt them" she continues and Wakasa looks at her in surprise
"I actually hadn't thought about that" Wakasa mumbles "I will be going there then"
"First eat and then you can go" Minami says and Wakasa just nods because if there is a woman none if them will ever fight it would be Minami who defeated them in a fight before
"Did you need something Waka-nii?" Makomo asked with a raised eyebrow when her brother, once more, entered her room without knocking
"I want to meet them" Wakasa said looking seriously to the four girls
"Meet who?" Michiku, who finally had some time to hang out with the other four, asks confused
"Yeah, who are you talking about?" Kazumi also asks confused
"Your lovers or the boys you like" Wakasa clarifies
"You guys like someone and didn't tell me?!" Michiku asks looking at her friends shocked
"But we don't like anyone?" Atsuko says sounding confused
"...You do realise that the way you act with whoever you have been texting this last days his the same way Akane acted when she finally got Takeomi's number and started messaging him" Wakasa said not expecting them to not have realized their feelings yet
"Oh…." the four girls mumble in shock because they had never thought they would fall for someone especially the four boys they started talking with thanks to Emma
"It's okay!" Michiku says "I'm sure they like you too!" she adds smiling at her friends but the other girls don't feel so positive about that
"...There are girls much better than us for them" Tamako says because they knew the boys they were talking with, it wasn't hard to guess who they were, and they were surrounded by girls who were more amazing than them
"Anyone would be lucky to be with any of you" Wakasa says entering the room and sitting in Makomo's bed
"No, Tama-chan is right" Makomo sighs "They have this amazing and beautiful girls who they can hang out with and that probably have confessed to them at some point" she adds looking sad like the other three
"Who are the boys?" Michiku asks softly because she would try to find if they liked her best friends and if they didn't, she would have to try and find the most amazing boys who would now down to her friends for them to date
"Well….I have been talking to Taiju" Atsuko mumbles looking at her own hands
"Haitani Ran" Tamako adds
"Haitani Rindou" Kazumi says after a few seconds
"And you, Mako-chan?" Michiku asks looking at her black haired friends
"...." Makomo doesn't answer hoping Wakasa wouldn't ask her since she doesn't think he will like the answer
"Makomo? Who have you been talking with?" Wakasa asked and Makomo winced slightly
"...Kuma" Makomo mumbles softly and almost isn't heard by Michiku and Wakasa but they do hear it
"Kuma-san?!" Michiku shouts in surprise
"The fifth founder of the Black Dragons?" Wakasa asks too calmly with a twitch on one of his eyebrows
"....Maybe?" Makomo says offering a nervous smile
"Outside of all of them being older than you four, even if Taiju is just one year older than you Atsuko, you guys had to choose the most violent ones?! And let's not get started on how many tattoos they have!" Wakasa says glaring at the girls who pout knowing that he is just saying that because the problem will be their parents reaction to who they could be dating in the future since they wanted them to meet a nice guy, marry him and be a housewife or trophy wife like their own mothers were
"...We know" they all said but they didn't have the fault that their type were guys just like those and even less could someone blame them for accidentally falling for them
"It could have been worse" Michiku says and Wakasa looks at her with a raised eyebrow "They could have fallen for people we don't know" she says and Wakasa had to give her a point
"You can continue to talk to them but if you start dating them, you should be ready for whatever your parents say" Wakasa sighs not being able to be angry at his sisters for long
"Thanks, Waka-nii" the girls said before hugging Wakasa who hugged them back while ignoring that Michiku took a photo of the hug
"So…." Rindou says looking at the other three that were with them
"Yep" Kuma says sighing
"How did this happen?" Taiju asks since none of them ever expected that to happen
"This is all Emma's fault" Ran declares and the other three nod in agreement
"Wakasa will kill me when he finds out I fell for his little sister" Kuma groaned hiding his face in his hands
"I think he will kill all of us, it is no secret he adores Tamako, Atsuko and Kazumi as his little sisters too" Taiju says already imagining how his death at Wakasa's hands would be like
"And let's not talk about how scary Michiku can be too" Rindou adds because everyone had seen her mad and knew she could be very scary
"We are completely fucked up" Ran said and no one tried to deny it
It had been a complete accident that they had fallen for the four girls, Emma had just told them that she just wanted the gangs to have a more friendly relationship so they accepted to participate in this game or whatever that she created.
And now here they are, completely and utterly in love with Sendou Atsuko, Yamamoto Tamako, Yamagishi Kazumi and Suzuki Makomo. They could only hope that if they ever get the chance to date them that their friends and Wakasa won't kill them for it.
"Waka-nii? Did you need anything?" Kazutora asks when she sees that it is the older pretty man who has been knocking at the door
"Is your brother home, Tora-chan?" Wakasa asks and Kazutora nods at that
"Kuma-nii is in the sewing room" Kazutora says and lets Wakasa enter
"Thanks" Wakasa says before making his way to the sewing room to have a talk with Kuma
When he entered the room he found the other boy focused on making a very beautiful dress that Wakasa did remember his sister mention that she wanted one like that to wear at her prom which would happen in a month.
"Kazukuma" Wakasa calls and hearing his full first name, Kuma stops what he was doing and looks surprised at Wakasa
"Waka? Did you need anything?" Kuma asks getting up
"Just want have a little conversation with you" Wakasa says smiling calmly and Kuma shivered at that
'Did he already find out that I'm in love with his sister?' Kuma nervously thinks "About what?" he asks hoping he was wrong
"Nothing much" Wakasa hums "Just about how you have been talking to Makomo for a long time and that you stole her heart" he says glaring a bit at Kuma because no matter how much he adores this friend, no one would be enough for his darling sister
"W-what?!" Kuma says in shock because he couldn't believe what Wakasa just said
Suzuki Makomo was in love with Hanemiya Kazukuma just like Kuma was in love with her, that was something he never thought would happen. It was like a dream…until Kuma looked back at Wakasa and realized that he might die before he could even confess to Makomo.
"I'm going to assume that you correspond my sister's feelings by the way you reacted" Wakasa says and Kuma nods while blushing "I would give a talk about what would happen if you hurt my baby sister but I'm sure you already know what would happen, right?" he asks smiling and Kuma nods rapidly because he knew what Wakasa did to one guy who touched Makomo without her authorization "Good, just take care of her and make sure she knows she is loved" Wakasa says
"I promise I will make her the happiest I can and show her that I love her everyday!" Kuma says knowing that if Kazutora ever got a lover, he would like them to promise to do this to him
"I really hope so" Wakasa says serious before sighing "Make sure the other three know this too, this is the first time they have fallen in love and I don't want them to end up heart broken" he adds and Kuma just nods in understanding
With that Wakasa leaves Kuma to contact Taiju, Ran and Rindou and tell them about the talk he had with Wakasa before giving all his attention to the dress he was making for Makomo and planning how to ask her out.
Shiba Taiju wasn't a romantic person so when Kuma called him and told him Wakasa's warning and that Atsuko felt the same as him, well he didn't lose time in messaging her to meet him in the park near the church he visits every sunday or when he needs to clear his head.
So right now he was waiting for Atsuko with a bouquet of pink, white and red camellias 8n his hands which he planned to give to her.
"Tai-San!" Taiju heard and looked to were the voice come from just to see Atsuko wearing a cute anime shirt, black shorts and all stars
"Atsuko" Taiju says getting up which made him notice that there was a big height difference between them
"How are you, Tai-san?" Atsuko asks not having noticed the flowers yet
"I'm good and you?" he asks smiling softly at her
"Me too! My brother finally said I could officially start working at his hair salon!" Atsuko says excited and Taiju felt proud of that knowing how his girl always dreamed of being a hairstylist
"Those are amazing news" he says before showing the bouquet to Atsuko "This were supposed to be for something else but I think they also work as a good gift for those news" he adds when he sees Atsuko's questioning look
"Really?!" Atsuko asks surprised "Akane-san made us learn the flowers meanings and this should be given to a lover" she adds ignoring that her heart hurt thinking that Taiju already had a lover or was going to confess to some random girl she didn't know and was probably better than her
"Your right, they were for a confession" Taiju admits and Atsuko tries to keep a smile on her face despite feeling her heart break "But the flowers are still being given to the person I was planning to give them to anyway" he says looking at Atsuko who froze while trying to understand what Taiju just said
"Y-you…." Atsuko says blushing when she finally understands what Taiju meant
"I what?" Taiju asks slightly amused making Atsuko pout
"Don't be mean, Tai-san!" Atsuko says and Taiju just laughs
"Sorry, you are just too adorable when blushing" he says, making the girl blush even more and hit him in the chest "But will you give me a chance?" Taiju asks and Atsuko looks confused
"A chance to what?" Atsuko asks
"To try and be the best boyfriend you could ever have" Taiju clarifies and Atsuko bits her lip and looks to the ground "Atsuko?" he calls softly
"...You aren't playing with me, right?" Atsuko asks softly, that if it wasn't because Taiju was so close to her he wouldn't have heard her
"Of course not!" Taiju says making her look at him and see how serious he was about this "I would never lie to you unless it was for a surprise Atsuko and even if you don't accept dating me, this will be a promise I will keep" he says and Atsuko just knows he is telling the truth because that is what his eyes show her
"...Okay, I accept your confession" she mumbles blushing and Taiju grins before bringing her to a short and sweet kiss
"Thanks for giving me the chance to make you happy" Taiju says and Atsuko gives him one of the happiest smiles she ever gave someone
"I should be the one to thank you for falling for me and not breaking my heart" Atsujo whispers and Taiju just shakes his head before hugging her and kissing her forehead
Haitani Rindou wasn't sure of what he should do after the call with Kuma. He wanted to confess to Kazumi but didn't know how to do it.
Yamagishi Kazumi was the first person to get a child of his heart and he feared fucking it up and losing her but doing something stupid. She probably knew him better than anyone but it didn't mean that Rindou wouldn't accidentally hurt her for saying something he didn't notice that would hurt her.
"Something wrong, Rindou?" Mochi asks when she notices that her friend looked troubled
"Yes and no" Rindou sighs knowing that he could trust Mochi
"Tell me what is going in then" Mochi says sitting in front of the younger boy and waiting to hear about what was troubling him
"Well…" with that Rindou starts to tell Mochi about wanting to confess to Kazumi but fearing to hurt her since he could be quite insensible some times
"I see" Mochi hums "But I think you just need to be upfront with her and tell her your fears" she says and Rindou looks confused at her "If Kazumi loves you a much as you love her then you will find a way to deal with this or maybe she already accepted that part of you" Mochi explains
"Thanks, Mochi-nee!" Rindou says hugging the older girl before leaving to plan on how he would confess to Kazumi and explain his fears to her
"They are growing up so fast" Mochi whispers before going to look for her boyfriend
A week later Rindou arrived home with the brightest and happiest smile he ever had on his face telling everyone in Tenjiku that he and Kazumi were dating which made them all happy for him.
"And what did she say when you explained your fears to her?" Mochi asked slightly curious
"That she had fallen in love with every part of me and that if I hurt her she could still throw a strong enough punch to hurt me and make me understand that I hurt her" Rindou said with a totally enamored smile on his life making Mochi giggle
"I'm happy for you" Mochi says patting Rindou's hair before going to stop a fight Izana and Shion were starting over who had the biggest chest between her and Yasumi
"Me too, Kazumi makes happier than ever" Rindou whispers and smiles even more when he sees he received a text from his girlfriend
Yamamoto Tamako wasn't a big fan of fancy places but when Ran invited her to eat at his favorite restaurant she wasn't able to say no to him. At least she had the opportunity to wear the clothes Wakasa had bought them that time they helped him and his friends get a gift for their girlfriends.
"You look lovely, Tamako" Ran says once he comes to pick her up
"Thank you" Tamako says blushing at the compliment "You also look good" she adds
"Of course, I can't look ugly when I will have a sweet and beautiful lady to accompany me for dinner" Ran flirts making Tamako blush even more
"Shut up" Tamako mumbles and Ran laughs before opening the car's door for her to enter
With that the two make their way to Ran's favorite restaurant. Once there Ran asked for a private room, which surprised Tamako but she didn't say anything, and they were guided to said room by one of the workers.
"A waiter will come soon to take your orders" the worker says before leaving them alone
"Why a private room?" Tamako asks once they are alone
"I know you hate fancy places since you feel judged by everyone around you so a private room would give you some comfort" Ran explains and Tamako smiles softly at that
"Thank you, Ran" she says because he didn't need to do this for her but he still did
"Anything for la mia bella stella(my beautiful star)" Ran says and Tamako was about to ask what was the meaning of what he said at the end but a waiter come in to ask their orders
Once they made their orders, Ran started to ask Tamako about what she planned to do after she ends school.
"Probably work to have money to go to art school" Tamako answers "I want to be a tattoo artist and I need to be good at making any type of drawing for that" she hums
"A tattoo artist?" Ran asks surprised "And do you plan on getting tattoos too?"
"Once I don't live with my parents, they have this imagine that I'm innocent little girl despite me not being one anymore" Tamako sighs because she loves her parents but they never accepted that she grew up or could make decisions on her own
"That sounds kinda annoying" Ran comments and Tamako just nods in agreement with that
They continued to talk about random things even when the food came since they were both enjoying just being like this with the other.
“Are you enjoying the date, Tama-chan?” Ran asks once their dessert was served
“Yea-” Tamako was about to answer before she realized Ran called their hang out as a date “Date?” she asks trying not to make herself hope for something that might not be true since Ran could just mean it as a date between friends and not the one she wanted
“Yes, mia bella stella” Ran says getting up and making his way to Tamako’s side “Would you permit me to date you?” he asks getting on one knee and taking out a small box that had a beautiful silver necklace with his initials
“I…” Tamako was in shock and her mind was between just saying yes and saying that Ran didn’t really mean what he just said to her
“Mia bella stella look at my eyes” Ran said, guiding Tamako’s face to look at his “I love you and I wouldn’t do this if I didn’t. You know better than anyone that I hate playing with people’s hearts” he says softly and Tamako knows he is telling the truth
“I-okay” Tamako whispers and Ran gives her the most beautiful smile she has ever seen in his face before kissing her softly
“Can I put the necklace on you?” Ran asks and Tamako nods so he does just that “Now we have matching necklaces” he says showing a necklace like hers but with her initials instead of his which makes Tamako smile
Makomo was confused to why Kuma had invited her to his house to show her something but since she wanted to hang out more with the older boy, she didn't question him and just accepted to go there when Kuma said for her to go
"I hope you have fun!" Kazutora, who wa the one to open the door for Makomo, said giggling
"I…okay?" Makomo says confused and Kazutora just grins at that
"OKAY! HAVE FUN, TORA!" Makomo hears Kuma shout from the sewing room
"Bye bye" Kazutora says before leaving
Makomo nods and waits for Kuma to appear since he must be working on something and she doesn't want to disturb him.
"Hey, Mako-chan" Kuka says coming out of the sewing room looking as handsome as ever
"Kuma-san" Makomo says smiling at the older teen "May I ask what you wanted to show me?" she adds because she has been very curious about what he may want to show her
"Of course" Kuma says "Follow me" he adds before turning back to the sewing room and Makomo did what he said
Once they entered the sewing room, Makomo took her time looking around it until her eyes fell on her dream prom dress. She had tried to find a dress like that since the start of her last year of high school but never found it.
"Do you like it?" Kuma asks softly and Makomo just nods not being able to take the eyes form the dress "That's good because I made it for you" he says and Makomo finally takes her eyes from the dress to look at Kuma surprised
"Y-you made it for me?!" Makomo asks in disbelief
"Yes, a beautiful girl like you deserves to wear her dream dress to prom" Kuma says smiling at Makomo who smiled back and hugged him
"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" Makomo says while hugging Kuma who hugs her back and pats her back
"You are welcome, Mako-chan" Kuma says and soon Makomo separates from him "But you will need to answer truthfully to a question before I can give it to you" he adds and Makomo pouts at him which almost made Kuma lose his serious look but he was able to maintain
"What question?" Makomo asks once she notices that she wouldn't be able to make Kuma just give her the dress without her having to answer a question
"Would you permit me to be your partner for prom and be your boyfriend?" Kuma asks smiling softly to the younger girl who froze in shock at that question
"W-what?" Makomo asks not believing what she just heard because there was no way, at least in her mind, that Kuma liked her
"You heard me, beautiful, so tell me your answer" Kuma says holding Makomo's hand
"...Y-yes" Makomo says after a few minutes in silence trying to understand what Kuma could have seen in her but also thanking whatever deity that was permitting her to have this chance
"Good, I even made a matching suit to the dress" Kuma says kissing Makomo's hand who blushes at that "I promise to love you and show it to you everyday for as long as you want me by your side" he promises while looking at Makomo's eyes before bringing her for a sweet kiss
Wakasa looked as his little sisters took deep breaths to not shout at their parents that they weren’t interested in their friends’ kids and that there was nothing wrong with their boyfriends.
“Mom” Atsuko calls “Who are these people?” she asks pointing to the four unknown boys that were present in their dinner table
“Oh! You four are finally here” Miku, Kazumi’s mom, says “This are the boys we think would be the best partners for you, girls” she adds grinning as if what she said was the happiest thing the four girls could have heard
“I’m Yoshida Masaru”
“Akiyama Yukio”
“Arata Teppei!”
“And I’m Yukishima Eijiro”
The four boys said as they took a better look at the girls as if they were looking at an object they would be able to get to decorate their homes.
“We already have boyfriends” Kazumi says glaring at her mom who just rolls her eyes
“Those boys aren’t good for you” Kyoko, Makomo and Wakasa’s mom, says “Yukio is a much better choice for my darling Makomo” she adds smiling at the mentioned boy who winked at Makomo
“No thanks” Makomo says going to were her dad was cooking so she wouldn’t shout at her mother
"Come meet Teppei better, Tamako" Nanami, Tamako's mom, says grabbing her daughter and bringing her to sit beside Teppei
"You too, Atsuko! Eijiro is excited to get to know his future girlfriend!" Saori, Atsuko's mom, says imitating her friend and bringing her daughter to sit beside Eijiro
'This will end up bad' Wakasa thinks also not liking how those boys looked at his sisters
Soon the food was ready and everyone was eating with the boys and the mothers trying to push the four girls to get along with the boys.
"So, where would you like our first date to be?" Masaru asks Kazumi who freezes
"I'm sorry, but what?" Kazumi says trying to keep a smile on her face
"Oh, Masaru is such a sweetheart! He wants you to decide where your first date will be!" Miko says happily and Kazumi takes a deep breath
"No" Kazumi says
"What do you mean?" Eijirou asks confused
"I'm not going on a date with you, I already have a loving boyfriend and I won't change him for anyone" Kazumi declares serious
"Kazumi! That Rintarou boy or whatever is his name, isn't good enough for you! He is a bad influence!" Miko says mad at her daughter who rolls her eyes at that
"His name is Rindou! And he is a much better person than you are!" Kazumi says furious that her mother dared to insult her boyfriend when she only has seen a photo of him
"Want to go talk outside, Atsuko? We should get to know each other" Eijirou asks Atsuko who tries to ignore how Saori looks excited at that question
"Thank you but like Kazumi, I already have boyfriend" Atsuko starts "I'm sure you are a nice guy and all that but you aren't for me" she adds
"Atsuko!" Saori says shocked with what her daughter said
"It's the truth, Taiju is amazing and I will not date someone who doesn't even held a bit of my interest" Atsuko sighs and Saori looks ready to say something but her husband pats arm making Saori keep her mouth shut
"And what do you wish to be after finishing school, Tamako-chan?" Teppei asks curious
"She will be a housewife like me, right Tamako?" Nanami answers for her daughter
"Actually, I wish to become a tattoo artist and have already gotten job to help pay for art school" Tamako corrects her mother
"Tamako, that isn't a job for a young lady like you" Kaido, Tamako's dad, says looking disappointed at his daughter
"I don't care about that" Tamako says looking at her parents "I'm not an innocent little girl anymore and I can make my own decisions especially on who I date and what job I wish to have in the future" she says serious
"Tamako! Don't talk like this with your parents! That boyfriend of yours is a horrible influence on you!" Nanami says and Tamako just gives her a deadpan look
"For the love of god!" Tamako says exasperated "Ran isn't a bad influence! I have always been like this but you just choose to ignore it!" she adds just tired of the way her parents treat her
"I'm going to assume you are going to say something similar?" Yukio says looking at Makomo who offers him a smile
"You are a smart person for sure" Makomo says "And yes, I will. Kuma is the one holding my heart and I will never leave him" she adds and Yukio just nods while Kyoko shakes her head disappointed
"Can't you see he isn't good for you?! He is Wakasa's age! He is probably using you!" Kyoko says and Wakasa needs to be held by their dad because he can't believe his mother insulted his friend like that and believe he would have let Kuma date his sister if he planned to use her
"Should I remind you that you and dad also have a seven years of age difference? Are you saying that he used you too or something?" Makomo says glaring at her mother "And Waka-nii would never let me date Kuma if he was planning on using me" she adds "You guys are just acting like this because they have most of their body tattooed and they are members or founders of gangs" she says getting up and leaving being followed by Atsuko, Kazumi and Tamako
"I hope you guys grow up, otherwise you might lose your kids" Wakasa says serious before following his little sisters
They were all celebrating that Tamako finally opened her own tattoo shop when Kazmi decided to make an announcement.
"Guys! Guys! I have an announcement" Kazumi calls and everyone looks curious at her
"What is it, babe?" Rindou asks curious to see what his fiance had to say
"In nine months we will have more people join our family!" Kazumi says grinning
Silence fills the room as they all digest this until congrats are given to the couple even if Rindou is in shock.
"But why announce it during this party?" Yuzuha asks since this party is for Tamako
"I said people in plural" Kazumi hums mischievously and everyone looks confused at her
Michiku is the first to understand what Kazumi means and she can't stop herself from laughing once she does and she laughs even harder when Ran, Kuma and Taiju also connect the dots 
"You impregnated my sister?!" Wakasa says glaring at Kuma who was still digesting completely that his wife was pregnant
"If Michiku was truly our best friend she would be announcing a pregnancy now too" Atsuko says and Michiku pouts at her friend
"Hey! Not my fault it hasn't happened yet!" Michiku says and Hina blushes while Naoko laughs at that
"Michi!" Hina says embarrassed but his girlfriend ignores him and starts talking with Naoko about how her babies with Hina would probably look like
"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" Taiju asks hugging Atsuko from her back while putting his hands in her belly even if he knows he won't be able to feel the baby yet
"We found out at the same time so we wanted to tell everyone at the same time" Atsuko hums leaning into Taiju's chest
"Before you ask, we played rock, paper, scissor to decide who would start telling about the pregnancies" Tamako says when she sees Ran approach her
"And Kazu-chan decided to be a little shit about it, right?" Ran asks amused and Tamako nods her head "But I'm happy that we will have a kid" Rans says before kissing Tamako softly
"I'm going to be an aunt!" Kazutora says excited while hugging Makomo who just laughs at that document of the older woman
"I know, Tora" Makomo says amused "But can you let me go so I can save Kuma from being killed by Waka-nii?" she asks and Tora laughs before letting Makomo go
"I'm going to kill you, Kazukuma" Wakasa growls trying to hit his friend but being stopped by Benkei
"Sorry!" Kuma says because he didn't plan for getting Makomo pregnant, it just happened
"Waka-nii stop trying to hit my husband" Makomo says going to where they are "It happened and you should start to think on when you are going to Nao-nee in marriage seeing me and Kuma are married and going to have a kid" she says and Wakasa looks at his sister like she betrayed him by saying that
"I'm also curious about when you will ask me in marriage" Naoko says amused and Wakasa pouts making her giggle
"Thanks for the save, beautiful" Kuma says kissing Makomo's cheek
"Anything for my baby's daddy" Makomo says softly
"Can't wait to meet our baby" Kuma whispers and Makomo just smiles softly, happy that she and her friends found love and have an amazing future in front of them with their lovers and family beside them

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