Doting Boyfriend

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When you think of Hanma Shuji as a lover you would immediately think that he is a horrible one and almost everyone who knows him would agree. Sadly, for those who thought so or started rumors about that, those were only assumptions and Hanma loved to spoil his sweet little boyfriend and everyone in Tenjiku knew it better than anyone since they had first class seats to watch it happen.

"Do you think he realizes that he has Hanma warped on his little fingers?" asked Koko one day to Kakuchou while they watched Hanma helping his boyfriend with his homework

"No but Hanma knows about it and is proud of it" said Kakuchou and really he couldn't blame Hanma for being proud of it because Hanemiya Kazutora was too adorable without noticing

"True but then again any of us would be too" hummed Mochi who near them and was letting Shion braid his hair

"Even Izana forgave him for what happened to Shinichiro and he still doesn't want to stop his nonsensical hate for Mikey" said Shion amused and the other three agreed with him on that

They continued making comments about what they would probably also do if Kazutora was their boyfriend but except for Shion they still kept their eyes on the couple and happily enjoyed the dog food they were being given(of course they were jealous but well that never stopped people from enjoying things).




At this point everyone was just watching Mikey and Izana fight each other and some Tenjiku members were even making bets. Everyone was so focused on the fight that they didn't notice when Hanma looked at Kisaki's watch and saw the hours and cursed or at least they didn't until Hanma called for Izana.

"HEY IZANA!" shouted Hanma and Izana growled but looked at the place Hanma was

"WHAT?" Izana asked but didn't stop his fight with Mikey which Mikey didn't seem against too

"I WILL BE LEAVING NOW!" answered Hanma and that made the fighting duo stop and looked at him

"What the fuck do you mean?" growled Izana because really why would Hanma just decide to leave their fight like that(even if technically only him and Mikey were fighting right now)

"Because I promised by lovely boyfriend that I would pick him up from therapy and I'm already late" said Hanma smiling

"I'm coming with you!" said Koko suddenly

"Me too!"

"Me and Rin are also coming!"

"I'll be taking Sanzu with me and meet you there"

"I'm coming too since I need to give him back something!"

Slowly all members of Tenjiku started saying they would come with Hanma leaving everyone confused because they didn't know that Hanma had a lover and that everyone in Tenjiku, including Izana and Kisaki, seemed to adore him.

"He is mine so just give up" said Hanma smiling to the members of Tenjiku who just pouted

"At least give us some dog food" said Shion and Toman members looked with disgust at him

"Why again did you recommend us to read those novels?" asked Kakuchou to Kisaki who just shrugged his shoulders while smiling

"I hate you" sighed Kakuchou

"So can I leave or not?" asked Hanma just wanting to go to Kazutora already

"Just go and let him now he will be sleeping at my house today" Izana said and Hanma glared him and muttered some curses at Izana before he left to pick up Kazutora

"Hanma has a boyfriend?" finally asked Mikey

"Oh, yeah. You wouldn't know" murmured Mucho realizing that outside of Tenjiku no one knew Hanma had a boyfriend

"Do you wanna know about him?" asked Rindou ready to deliver some chaos

"Sure" said Hakkai a bit confused but also curious

"So..." and with that every member started to talk about Kazutora and how sweet his relationship with Hanma is


"HANMA FUCKING SHUJI IS DATING MY FUCKING BEST FRIEND?!" shouted Baji at the end of everything while Hanma already cuddling with Kazutora in Izana's living room sneezed making Kazutora pat his head hoping his boyfriend wasn't getting sick




"I know that they just got married but do they need to be so..." said Takemichi trying to think of the right word to describe how sweet Hanma and Kazutora were being while dancing


"Lovey dovey?"



"Whatever that is that I need in my own relationship?" asked Emma because really why couldn't Draken and her be just like Hanma and Kazutora

"Yeah" said Takemichi because they were all correct

"I'm happy for Kazutora but he is making me feel single even if I'm dating someone" said Baji and no one said anything because they all agreed with that

"So many dog food" hummed Kisaki not stopping taking pictures just like the other ex-Tenjiku members




"I love you, Shuji" smiled Kazutora while both watched the stars in their new home's balcony

"I love you too, Tora" hummed Hanma giving a quick kiss to Kazutora's forehead "I didn't expect that we would reach so far" added Hanma because he always loved Kazutora but he never expected that Kazutora would love him as much as he did him

"And many more years to come" giggled Kazutora bringing Hanma down for a kiss just to be followed by them enjoying this night together while wishing to live this happy for the years to come and that their love would never weaken

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