Blackmailing Siblings

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For everyone Kokonoi Hajime and Yamagishi Kazushi had nothing in common or no reason to know each other except when Takemichi brough Koko and Inui to Toman but what if there was something else connecting them besides Takemichi and their information/blackmail gathering skills?








"Don't shout, Hanako! You will wake up Hajime!"


"We didn't marry for love and you know it, Hanako!"

"But I deserve more respect than this! What if one of our partners had found out about it? Do you imagine the consequences that would have in our company?!"

"I know! But we got drunk and it happened!"

"...Why did you decide to told me only now, Kaito?"



"She is pregnant!"


"I'm sorry, Hanako"

"Fire her and bring her to live here"


"Hajime is always alone since we pass most of our time working, he wouldn't say no to some company"

"...Thanks, Hana! You are the best!"

*sighs* "What are best friends for right?"




"Hi! I'm Yamagishi Sakura"


"Sorry, Sakura. Hajime is a bit shy"

"It's okay, Hanako-san"







Yamagishi had been nervous since he heard that the Black Dragons had messed with someone in Toman. He really hoped that his brother was okay and that nothing bad would happen to him since if his mother found out about it, she would kill whoever hurt his brother.

"Hey, Yama! Why are you so nervous?" asked Makoto but Yamagishi just shook his head and didn't say anything to which his friends let it be because they knew that if Yamagishi didn't want to answer something no one would be able to make him talk

They continued what they were doing and let Yamagishi get lost in his thoughts knowing that once he was ready he would tell them what got him so nervous




Takemichi was a bit nervous of Toman members once it was announced that some of the ex-members of the BD would be joining the gang under the 1st division but he didn't expect that the moment Koko showed himself that someone would jump on him.

"Haji!" shouted Yamagishi when he saw his brother and jumped into his arms making Koko show his rare shown, unless you were his family or Inui, smile

"Kazushi" said Koko accepting his baby brother on his arms

"I was worried about you! You haven't been home in a week! Momo would have had an attack if it wasn't because you called her three days ago" said Yamagishi and Koko laughed softly

"Sorry, I didn't want to appear home injured so I said Sakura-san that I would pass the night at Inupi's" said Koko and Yamagishi pouted but didn't say anything else

"You know Yamagishi?" asked Takemichi surprised

"He is my baby brother" answered Koko

"WHAT?!" shouted everyone but the two half-siblings and Inui




Draken had to admit that he was happy that both Koko and Yamagishi where on their side because watching them take care of some people wanting to mess with them by just using blackmail was probably more scary than when Mikey or Angry lost control and almost kill someone which actually shouldn't be more scary than that.

"Make sure to inform any other gang that we have information and blackmail on all of you, okay?" hummed Koko patting the leader of the gang who wanted to mess with them

"And that if they target our families, we will show their darkest secrets to the world and kill them" added Yamagishi smiling innocently

"Remind me to never get on their bad side" mumbled Hakkai who had also come with Draken to accompany the two half-siblings

"If you do the same for me" mumbled Draken back and both nodded their heads and shook hands in agreement

"Boys, time to go!" said Koko making his way to where the two where while Yamagishi ran to them and grabbed Hakkai's hand and started to push him in direction of this new coffee shop his father had mentioned that he had wanted to go

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