Sakura Empress

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She always loved dancing.
When she was finally able to get into dance classes, she took to them easily and became the best student of the dance teachers.
Of course it didn't change her personality or also her love for fighting.
But it changed her fighting style for sure.
Akashi Haruchiyo fought like she danced, with passion and grace that no one else was able to imitate.
Anyone who saw her dance or took attention when she was fighting had to admit that it was an amazing sight.
She was just a view no one ever saw but once they did, they couldn't stop themselves from continuing to watch it.
"Are you sure this is the class you want to have, kitty cat?"
"Yes, Take-nii!"
"Very well, I will go talk with the dance teacher and see when you can start"
"Thanks, Take-nii! You are the best!"
"Whatever you say, Haru"
"Wow! You are amazing, Haru-nee!"
"I have to agree with Senju, I don't really understand dancing but you looked incredible"
"HaruHaru was the best dancer out there!"
"Thanks Sen, Kei and Jirou!"
"My brother is right, you certainly were the best between every competitor"
"Thanks, Shin-nii"
"Come on, I will pay ice cream for you guys since Haruchiyo did such an amazing job"
"Really, Waka-nii?!"
"Yeah, Senju"
"Want a piggyback ride, Haru?"
"Can I, Kei-nii?"
"I'm offering, am I not?"
Sanzu enjoyed her dancing classes but when she turned thirteen she had to give them up since Takeomi couldn't pay for them anymore since their father started giving them less money. 
Of course she didn't give up completely on what she loved but she only danced at her home or in the home of one of her childhood friends, she didn't count how her fighting style was almost the same as dancing, but she didn't indulge in it as often as she did in the past.
She joined Toman to be there for her friends after Shinichiro died in an accident and when Baji died because of an unknown disease Sanzu decided to always be there for Mikey and followed him during his descent to the dark because of sadness and guilt.
Sanzu was cleaning the communal kitchen, everyone's rooms had a kitchen and bathroom attached to it for privacy, when she heard the rest of the executives of Bonten enter the living room while fighting about something.
“What are they fighting about now?” Sanzu mumbles rolling her eyes
She finishes cleaning the counter before making her way to the living room where the others were fighting to see what was the cause of it this time. The only ones not fighting were Senju, who after all these years had cut her hair and dyed it black, and her husband, Mochi, who just looked done with this.
“Why are they fighting this time?” Sanzu asks those two
“Take-nii told us in the meeting that Mikey should come to the next ball with a partner, one talented at something, since some other mafia/yakuza leaders were planning to try to get Mikey to marry their daughters through the small talents contest they were going to do at the ball” Senju explained and Sanzu took a deep breath because the rest of executives were idiots
“Hey, idiots!” Sanzu shouted making the executives look, more like glare, at her
“We are not idiots!” Ran said growling her but Sanzu ignored it
“Mikey already has a partner so you can stop fighting about who should take that place in the next ball” Sanzu says and they look surprised at her
“He does?! Since when?!” Rindou asks because he never knew that
“Yep, me and Kanji tried to tell you that but you guys ignored us” Senju said rolling her eyes
“He has been with his partner for more than five years” Mochi adds
“How did we never know? And does Emma know?” Izana asks with a raised eyebrow
“Emma knows” Sanzu answers
“And Mikey wanted to just have a peaceful relationship without anyone teasing them or annoying them” Mochi added even if he only knew about it because of being Senju’s lover
“That makes sense” Koko hums because if he could have, he would have done the same when he started dating Izana
“So we will meet them on the ball?” Kakuchou asks
“Yep!” Senju says smiling
“I will go back to cleaning the communal kitchen” Sanzu says leaving to continue her cleaning
“Do you need help?” Rindou asks since he was the one who helped Sanzu the most when her cleaning moods came
“Thanks but I just really need to finish cleaning the communal kitchen and I will be done” Sanzu says and Rindou nods at that, letting her go back to the kitchen
The day of the ball arrived and all the members of Bonten, except their boss and No.2, were already present. It was clear that everyone was curious about who would be the person who had won Sano ‘Mikey’ Manjirou’s heart, by Mikey’s orders Koko had started the rumor of Mikey having someone and going to bring them to the ball, so when the doors opened to show Mikey in a beautiful dark blue suit with white details and right behind him came through the most beautiful woman any of them had ever seen.
The woman had long light pink hair in a high ponytail, brilliant blue eyes that were accentuated by the light gold eyeshadow and black eyeliner, pale skin that had two tattoos on it(the Bonten tattoo in the arm and a sakura tattoo on the back of the neck), a light blue dress with gold details that fit her body right and golden high heels.
“Bonten’s leader Sano Manjirou with his wife and Bonten’s No.2 Sano Haruchiyo!” the guard at the door shouted like he had done when any leader and their partner entered
‘Sanzu?!’ was the shared thought of Bonten members since they didn’t think that Sanzu was Mikey’s partner or that they were married to each other
After that the ball continued like any other until the talent competition started and even after knowing that Mikey had a wife, people were pushing their daughters to Mikey until Sanzu’s turn arrived and she went to the stage.
“I will be showing you guys a dance and I apologize if it isn’t a great one since it had been a long time since I have danced in front of spectators that wasn’t my husband, childhood friends or siblings” Sanzu says with a small smile before she signals for the orchestra to start playing the music she had gave them
From the beginning till the end of the dance no one was able to take their eyes off the amazing dance Sanzu was performing and how talented she was since she made no mistake in the whole performance so it wasn’t surprising that at the end everyone applauded her performance.
“Sanzu! Why didn’t you tell us you knew how to dance?!” Ran asked once Mikey and Sanzu had joined the rest of Bonten and their partners
“I danced a lot as a kid but nowadays I rarely dance unless someone asks me so I saw no reason to tell you” Sanzu explains
“You are really talented, if you wanted you could have a professional dancer” Mucho says and Sanzu offers her a smile
“Thanks, Yasumi” Sanzu says before Mikey hugs her from behind and kisses one of her shoulders “Already tired from socializing?” Sanzu asks her husband
“Hmm” Mikey hums in agreement
“You can go home, we all can take care of anyone interested in Bonten” Izana says and the others nod at that
“Are you sure?” Mikey asks because while he may hate this balls he doesn’t want to make the others to suffer through them because of him
“Of course, just go” Kakuchou says putting a arm around Mucho’s waist
“Thanks” the married couple says and then leave
“I’m so lucky to have you, HaruHaru” Mikey hums kissing his wife
“And I’m also lucky to have you” Sanzu says smiling softly at him
“Love you, my beautiful wife” Mikey says cuddling more with her
“Love you too, my husband” Sanzu whispers before they let Morpheus claim them in his arms

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