The Sanzu-Kawaragi Family

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Akashi Haruchiyo and Akashi Takeomi didn't expect this to happen.

One moment they were having a fight in the middle of Bonten's old hideout and the other they found themselves in front of the old park where they used to play when kids.

"What the fuck?" cursed Takeomi

"..." Sanzu only glared at Takeomi before looking around and freezing when he saw a black haired teen together with a light pink haired kid and baby "Isn't that us?" he asked in a whisper and Takeomi looked confused at him before he turned to look to where Sanzu was looking

"Come on" Takeomi said grabbing Sanzu's hand and walking away before their past selves saw them

Once they were away from the park, they started talking about possibilities of them being drugged(Sanzu immediately ruled that out knowing what side effects each drug would have and nothing for this), them dying and seeing their past memories(also out because they had been safely in Bonten's old hideout which was only known by the leader, executives and advisor), etc. They stayed like that until Sanzu remembered a strange talk he had with Mikey just in the beginning of Kantou Manji that could probably be linked to what was happening to them.

Sanzu told about said talk to Takeomi, even if he prefered to keep it to himself, and that led to them having an even longer talk about what they should do now.

"We need to change what will happen in the future" Takeomi said because he always felt guilty about how he treated his siblings, especially Sanzu, and he wants to change that

"For that we will need to choose a good reason to approach and help them" Sanzu hummed not being against saving this version of himself from all the things he went through

"True" Takeomi mumbled

Later that day Sanzu Akira and Kawaragi Tetsuo appeared in Japan to start living there and to meet Akashi Masako, Akira's cousin, kids who they never had the opportunity to meet until now.




Tetsuo was nervous the whole way to the Akashi house, he really hoped to be able to make things better for his younger self and his siblings. He didn't know how Akira could be so calm but then again he was never able to read his younger brother well.

"We arrived" Akira said and Tetsuo took a deep breath before he left the car with Akira

They made their way to the house and knocked on the door which was open by their grandma who, when their mother was still alive, was a bright ray of light but know having to take care of her grandchildren with her old age had deemed a lot not forgetting she lost her daughter-in-law and her own son disappeared and only leaves money to his kids once a month.

"Oh..." Akashi Mayumi said in surprise seeing how the two men in front if her door looked like her grandkids

"We are sorry to appear without notice but just recently did we hear about my cousin, Akashi Masako, death and wanted to see how her children were doing" Akira said softly and respectfully

"Masako had cousins?" asked the older woman

"We lived in England and my mother had separated from her family because of some troubles" Akira explained and Mayumi remembered that Masako once mentioned having an aunt that left the family after a pretty bad fight with her father

"I see, come in" Mayumi said letting them in

After guiding them to the living room, Mayumi left to prepare some tea and call her grandkids to meet their uncle and his friend(?). Ten minutes after Mayumi came back with some tea and cookies the three kids came down(Takeomi was holding baby Senju).

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