Kid Senju

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No one knew how this happened but out of nowhere, while she fought Wakasa, Senju became a little kid.

Everyone who saw that happening looked in shock at the little girl trying to understand what had just happened but Senju didn't give them time for that since she started crying.

"Hey, Sen, calm down" Wakasa said going to the little girl and seeing Benkei and Takeomi, who had been fighting each other near them, also approaching Senju calm her down

"Senju, it's okay. We are here" Takeomi said picking Senju up but she continued crying which was making everyone look at them and what was happening

"What's wrong, little one?" Benkei asked worried because while he and Wakasa helped raise her it was mostly after she turned 10/11 so he was unsure of what could be happening

"I-I want Haru-nii" Senju cried and the three men froze because there was no way any of them could convince Sanzu to come to his sister especially now

"Don't you wanna hang out with Waka and Kei?" Takeomi asked trying to get the girl to not think about Sanzu

"Haru-nii! I want Haru-nii!" Senju demanded still with tears falling down her face

The trio formed by ex-BD members tried to calm down Senju but to no vail and most of the fights had stopped at the time to watch this scene in front of them.

"How come you can't calm down your own sister?" Ran asked approaching the group with Mitsuya both extremely disappointed on the other older brother

"She wants someone who can't be here" was Benkei's answer but the duo ignored him and went to Senju

"Why are you crying, sweetie?" Ran asked using the soft voice he used as a kid whenever Rindou got hurt

"I want Haru-nii!" was Senju's answer because she just wanted her brother there

"Haru-nii?" asked Mitsuya confused and he looked at the trio

"Sanzu, she is talking about Sanzu" Wakasa answered making Ran and Mitsuya look surprised at them

"Uh, didn't know that the crazy bastard had siblings" mumbled Ran




While that happened on the other side of the battlefield where the fight was still happening, Sanzu and Mikey were observing the fights happening in front of them in silence.

"...Won't you join the fight?" Mikey asked not looking at the boy behind him

"If my king wants me to go, I will go" Sanzu answered and Mikey hummed

"Go and see what is happening on the other side, it seems like they have stopped fighting" Mikey ordered and Sanzu nodded before he left to do as his king ordered




As Mikey had said, the fights had stopped which left Sanzu curious since even the Haitanis weren't fighting. When he arrived there he saw everyone looking at something in specific so he went to see what it was just to find his sister, who seemed to have turned into a kid, crying while the grown ass adults and two teens tried to calm her down.

"What the hell is happening here?" Sanzu asked calling everyone's attention to him

"Sanzu" Rindou said looking at the pink haired boy

"So?" Sanzu asked again

"As you can see Senju turned into a kid out of nowhere" Hakkai answered and Sanzu took a deep breath having an idea of why Senju was crying

"Hey, Senju, look who is there" Mitsuya said making the little girl look at Sanzu

"HARU-NII!" Senju shouted and ran to Sanzu once Takeomi put her in the ground

"Sensen" Sanzu said smiling softly at his sister and picking her up

"Sensen missed Haru-nii! These people didn't want to bring Sensen to Haru-nii!" she whined and Sanuz just hummed and played with her hair while glaring at the three man who should know that before the incident Senju was practically glued to Sanzu since he was the one raising her

"It's okay, Sensen, Haru-nii is here now" he said kissing her forehead

Everyone observed these interactions in surprise since no one expected Sanzu to be this soft for someone outside of Mikey but here he was acting like this towards his sister.

"Haru-nii, where is Emma-chan?" Senju asked knowing that her brother and Emma were always side by side while making most look sadly at them since Emma had died

"Emma, Keikei and Shin-nii are visiting her brother Izana" Sanzu answered trying to ignore the pain he felt knowing that none of them was in this world anymore

"Ohhhh, I wanted to talk to her" Senju said pouting making everyone look in shock at her since when it came to wanting Sanzu she cried but now she didn't

"But we can go hang out with Manman" Sanzu added and Senju glared at him making him laugh "Still angry about that?" Sanzu asked amused

"Haru-nii is mine! Manman can't marry Haru-nii!" Senju said and Sanzu looked amused at her

"Hai, hai" Sanzu said amused "I will not marry Manman" he added because even if loved Mikey, which he didn't since the owner of Sanzu's heart was dead, he knew that the blonde boy loved Takemichi

"....If Manman promises to not marry Haru-nii, Sensen will believe that" Senju said and Sanzu just nodded at that

"So let's go to where Manman is" he said and started to make his way back to where Mikey should still be watching the fight(at least the ones that are still happening)

"I was really a shitty brother" Takeomi said seeing his two siblings leave

"You still are" Wakasa and Benkei said

"Care to tell us what you mean with that?" Mitsuya asked because he, and Ran too, where more than open to give a talk to someone who was a shitty sibling

"Of course" Benkei said ignoring the pleading look from Takeomi before he started telling everything he knew to the two purple eyes older brothers




"No, he is mine!"

"Haru-nii belongs to Sensen!"











"Is Mikey fighting with a kid over who Sanzu belongs to?" Takemichi asked in disbelief to Kakuchou who could just nod his head in agreement to that also in disbelief

"This was something that they did a lot as kids" Sanzu hummed not even trying stop Senju and Mikey

"Really?" Chifuyu asked and Sanzu nodded his head in agreement

"Who won then?" asked Mochi this time

"Neither of them" Sanzu hummed with a distant look

"But shouldn't we stop them?" asked Akkun worried since this was still a gang fight and Senju was a kid now

"Sensen, come to Haru-nii!" Sanzu called and Senju showed her tongue to Mikey before she ran to where Sanzu is

"I will show you that Haru is mine!" Mikey declared

"In your dreams!" Senju shouted back

Sanzu rolled his eyes amused and picked up Senju to take her to the house he shared with Mikey and Koko knowing that the other two plus, at least, Benkei and/or Wakasa would go there once Mikey and Takemichi had finally talked.

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