Is it possible?

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Memories passed by Izana's mind when he looked at those gold eyes that held the hurt of a broken promise. It was Izana's fault that those eyes lost a bit of their light and he couldn't see how Kazutora was able to just look at him and not shout that it was his fault and that he broke what they had at the time.

"Kazu..." mumbled Izana but neither took the eyes of the other and let themselves get lost on their past




They first met in a park where Izana costumed to play(Karen never let him bring Emma anywhere alone and maybe that should have told him something was off). It was an accidental meeting since Kazutora was running from Junpeke and accidentally bumped into Izana which made both of them fall down.

"Sorry!" said Kazutora getting up and offering a hand to help Izana up

"It's okay" muttered Izana accepting the help

After that they had small interaction whenever they met each other in the park until they became best friends




"Izana no!" said Kazutora grabbing his friend's hand

"He deserves to have his face beaten up after what he did to you" growled Izana and that someone dared to hurt his only friend(the only one who didn't abandon him after his mother left him in the orphanage)

"But you beating Junpeke won't help me at all!" said Kazutora glaring at Izana who stopped and looked at Kazutora's golden eyes "Let's just go to my home and after ryou help me take care of the injuries we can watch a movie together" he added once he noticed that Izana had calmed down

"I'm not happy with that decision but if it is what you want then I will let it be" muttered Izana not happy while Kazutora smiled and gave a quick kiss to Izana's cheek before he pushed the other boy to his home




The two best friends were looking at the river sadly(Kazutora) and in anger(Izana). Both didn't say a word for a very long time because they feared to accept that they wouldn't be able to see each other again since Kazutora was going to move to another city with his parents separating the two best friends.

"Kazu" mumbled Izana after a long time

"Yeah, Na-kun?" asked Kazutora looking at Izana

"When I'm old enough I will take from your parents house and we will live together" he said looking at Kazutora's eyes who looked surprised before giving him a soft smile

"I will hold you into that, Na-kun!" Kazutora said giving a quick kiss to Izana who blushed making Kazutora giggle "Here, I was going to give this to you on your birthday but I won't be here now" he added giving a small box to Izana

"Oh, I also have this for you" said Izana doing the same as Kazutora

The two friends looked at each other for a bit before laughing because they seemed to have the same idea. Once they calmed down they opened their own gifts to find an earring making them look at each other before running to Izana's bike so they could get one of their ears pierced to use each other's present.

"Love you, Na-kun" hummed Kazutora smiling at his best friend and crush

"Love you too, Kazu" hummed Izana giving a kiss to Kazutora before they had to go on their separate ways




Kazutora was never an emotional person despite what everyone outside of Toman thought so seeing him getting this mad and sad surprised those who were around him so much that they didn't stop him when he walked directly where Izana was fighting Mikey. He stopped one of Izana's kick surprising the two fighting boys before glaring at Izana.

"I hope you are happy with the decisions you made, Kurokawa Izana!" growled Kazutora and that was the moment Izana looked into Kazutora's eyes and recognized his first friend and that he had broken a promise and destroyed the last gift he gave Izana

"..." Izana didn't say anything and made a signal for Tenjiku to leave who did it even if they were confused as was everyone outside of Izana and Kazutora




Maybe in a way what Izana had done wasn't a bad thing but for those who had problems with being abandoned or people breaking promises time after time it was one of the worst things he could have done. He just hoped that Kazutora could find one day the want to forgive him because even if Kakuchou was important to Izana the only one who held his heart was Kazutora. They hadn't seen each other since the Tenjiku vs Toman fight until now and it had been an accidental meeting in the same park they had met for the first time.

"Na-kun" murmured Kazutora and they stayed like that before they had to go in their separate ways again but then again they never needed a lot of words to show each other their feelings or what they want so they can always hope that in the future they will be together once more

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