Niang Sanzu

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Senju had always been the description of a proper lady in her school(good looking, amazing notes, good personality and talented) and her classmates always said her mother did an amazing job raising her to which Senju just smiled and felt proud because Sanzu may have not been the one to who gave birth to her(especially because man can't give birth yet) but was the one who raised her(their grandparents also had helped but mostly it had been Sanzu who did it) into the person she was today. She never needed anyone else beside her dear a-niang who taught her how to be a good person but also to not take shit from other people being that the reason why Sanzu inscribed her in a gym near their house and in the end impulsed Senju to create her own gang with Arashi 'Benkei' Keizou, Imaushi Wakasa and Akashi Takeomi.

Today Senju had decided to hang out with the other Braham members since Sanzu had said Toman was hanging out today(for much that Senju wished Sanzu's attention was all on her she knew he deserved to have friends and Toman was doing good to him especially Shirong-ge). They had already visited a lot of stores and bought many clothes to the displeasure of the three men with her but she didn't care because they should consider themselves lucky that she just buys clothes not like her a-niang that would buy a bit of everything.

"Hey, aren't those from Toman?" asked Benkei looking at a certain point where you could watch a light pink haired kid patting a short blonde one's head with some other kids looking amused at them but also with jealousy

"That bitch!" muttered Senju not liking Mikey acting like he was Sanzu's kid because that was her place not his while the three men with her raised an eyebrow

"What are you gonna do, Senju?" asked Takeomi when he saw her starting to make her way to the group formed by Toman

"Going to kill a bitch who thinks he has a right to touch my a-niang" growled Senju making them more confused but they followed since this could start a fight between both gangs which none of the three men wanted

While they made their way to the group, said group hadn't even noticed those four approaching them being distracted watching Mikey being a spoiled brat(again). Really Mikey was lucky that Sanzu didn't mind and had patience to take care of him because if anyone else was there they would have hit Mikey and left without thinking twice. The other members of Toman may be watching this amused but deep down they were jealous since they also wanted Sanzu's attention on them so they also wished that something or someone made Mikey separate himself from Sanzu which they finally got once a group of four approached them with a mad girl in the front of said group.

"KEEP AWAY FROM MY A-NIANG!" shouted Senju glaring at Mikey making said boy look at her and also glare

"I don't know someone with that name" said Mikey glaring at Senju and not letting go of Sanzu who first looked surprised when he saw Sneju btu his face soured when he saw the man who he once called brother

"Bitch!" growled Senju "You are hugging my a-niang and he is only mine" she said pushing Mikey from Sanzu and making Sanzu come to Wakasa's side

In less than five seconds from Sanzu being by Wakasa's side trying to process what was happening his little sister and Mikey had started to fight with the other Toman members cheering them on. Sanzu looked at the sky asking why he couldn't have a peaceful day since he joined Toman before sighing and observing that his brother(even if he didn't deserve to be called that he was still their brother, thankfully Senju didn't remember Takeomi otherwise Sanzu would have known sooner about them meeting) was looking amused at the fight(Sanzu couldn't blame him because he probably was the only one who knew what 'a-niang' mean because he was also taught chinese and chinese traditions by their grandparents even if Sanzu was the one who decide to learn more specific things from their grandma which were the dances and food) with the other two men not knowing if they should continue to watch or try to separate Senju from Mikey. God Sanzu really attracted idiots as Mucho had said once and now it was his job to stop them.

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