Just One Look And You Already Have All My Attention

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It was strange, it had been a sudden change but he never felt this comfortable and safe before this change happened. Was he a bad son for feeling safer in the arms of this man when he never did even feel safe on the other side of the house when his dad was home? Was he an even worse son for feelings like the love this old lady was giving him was full of true maternal love unlike his mother? Was he worth such a nice big brother and his family? From what he was told, him and his big brother, Hanagaki Takemichi, he needs to remind himself that this is his big brother's name, share the same mother but different fathers which confuses him why Hanagaki Masaaki would take him in seeing that he was his ex(?) kid with another man but he was just so nice and warm. Just like Hanagaki Setsuko who when he was ushered inside their home, also his now but he doesn't dare hope that it will last because good things don't last when it comes to him, just looked at him and already started to take care of him like telling him he needs to fatten up a bit and that tomorrow once he had settled they would talk about his schooling and other things. His own brother just smiled at him and showed him his new room while talking about all things they could do together and how he would try to be the best big brother he ever had.

Everything was so strange but he welcomed this all even if he wasn't sure if it would ever end. He wasn't Hanemiya Kazutora anymore(he wouldn't arrive home with one of the best notes in class to be beaten up because he didn't take first place or he wouldn't be compared to his father just because his injuries hurt and the glass he held fell to the floor) now he was Hanagaki Kazutora. Maybe he shouldn't thank god for the accident that took his parents from him but how could he stop those thoughts when he found a true family and a safe place after they died(especially because the other kid that had also lost his parents in that accident seemed to love his parents dearly and didn't look like he had anyone to take care of him so Kazutora hoped he would find someone who would bring him happiness and become his safe haven).


Another boring day for Kazutora who had just finished his classes for the day and hoping for some excitement decided to walk around and pass by his big brother's school to see if he already left or was hanging out with his friends or girlfriend.

He was walking near the gym part of his brother's school when he noticed there was a big group of people reunited there and saw a short and tall guy also walk in that direction so being the curious kid he was, Kazutora followed them. At first he wasn't seeing what was so important until he noticed his brother's friends looking worried to the middle of the group which made him look at that place. He felt his blood burn when he saw his brother, the sweetest big brother anyone could have, being beaten up by a fucking idiot so without thinking twice he ran into there and kicked the person hurting his big brother in their face knocking said person out.

"Eh? Tora?" said Takemichi surprised when he suddenly saw his baby brother in front of him instead of Kiyomasa

"Really Take-nii? What did I tell you about getting in fights when you know you can't fight? I know that it hurts your pride to ask your younger brother to fight for you but losing your pride is better than me losing you, okay?" lectured Kazutora while helping Takemichi to get up neither noticing the short and tall boys Kazutora had followed hadn't taken their eyes from them, more specifically of Kazutora

"Sorry Tora" winced Takemichi feeling bad for making Kazutora worry

"Thanks for helping Kazutora and sorry that we made you worry again" said Takuya approaching both brothers with the other three members of Mizo Middle gang

"It's okay" sighed Kazutora knowing that sooner or later something like this would happen again "Just message me before you guys decide to get in a fight again" he said

"We will" said the five boys in unison before they started to made their way to the Hanagaki household were the oldest boys knew they would hear a bigger lecture from Masaaki and Setsuko for arriving injured at their home again


Takemichi felt happy that his baby brother was able to help him and his friends but he really didn't want to involve him with Toman since him, Takuya, Makoto, Akkun and Yamagishi were already involved with them unwillingly(because of Kiyomasa) and he didn't want the same for Kazutora but here he was now in the presence of the commander and vice-commander of Toman.

"What do you want with him?" asked Takemichi because he may be afraid of them but he won't be selling his baby brother who he adored so much

"We just want to know his name and where he studies" said Draken just trying to make sure Mikey didn't try to beat the answers out of the boy in front of them

"I won't give any information about him without knowing what you want with him" repeated Takemichi serious and Mikey growled

"Why?!" asked Mikey pouting like a little kid because he just wanted to know the boy who made his heart beat like crazy by just looking at him

"He is my baby brother, I won't just sell information about him" glared Takemichi and the two members of Toman froze because they understood what the boy in front of them meant but also they really want to know who Kazutora is

"He attracted us when we first saw him and with how good he is at fighting" finally said Draken with a sigh

"Will you involve him in the gang?" asked Takemichi because really it wasn't the first time that Kazutora's looks made someone fall for him but still Mikey and Draken were more dangerous than the other people that approached him about his brother before

"We may take him to meet the rest of us but otherwise we do not plan to involve him in our gang things" answered Mikey pouting and Takemichi smiled softly at that since he liked the answer

"His name is Hanagaki Kazutora and he is my half-brother. He has been living with me, my father and grandmother since he was 10, so basically two or three years, so never ask about his life before that'' started Takemichi and Makoto who has been present since the beginning had to stop himself from laughing because Takemichi may not tell about his baby brother easily but once he started he let people have a rundown about they should or shouldn't do/mention so Kazutora never feels uncomfortable "If you ever hurt him just know that our father is a military and our grandmother was the leader of a famous gang during her younger days" he added and Draken and Mikey quickly nodded their heads in agreement feeling like they really should that take this threat seriously "Good, here is Kazutora's number and once he asks who you are just say you are a new friend I made" he finalized giving a paper with Kazutora's number to the two boys before leaving with Makoto

"You started like that but now you are acting like a cupid" said Makoto amused once they left the private room of the restaurant they had been before

"Kazutora deserves the best and someone strong enough to protect him and they don't seem like a bad choice but if they will get him or not depends on them" was Takemichi's simple answer that made Makoto laugh

Now it was only the future who could tell who would win Takemichi's baby brother's heart because Draken and Mikey were just the beginning of the number of people who with just one look and interaction would fall for Hanagaki Kazutora who would take some time to notice what the looks his new friends gave him actually meant. Let's hope that the fight for Kazutora's heart doesn't bring a bloody war with him but then again if it did Kazutora for sure wouldn't be happy about but with how much they would became simps it is a good question of what actions they would take and if they ever would accept to share him.

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