Meeting Between Two Universes

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They were bored.
Ugh, they hated when this happened!
Messing with Fate was fun but they wanted to do something new.
They just came back from the Sano triplets universe and were trying to think of something entertaining to do.
Oh! Why did they never think about that?!
They are dumb.
Having already a plan in mind they surrounded the people of the original TR universe and brought them to another one.
"Hope you enjoy the universe where your life is a mere show!" they say excited for what they were about to watch
Ken knew he should have just woken up when his lover did and go with them to the studio but no, he decided to sleep for one more hour just to wake up with his house invaded by copy pastes of his friend who actually are the characters from the serie he and his friends are the actors to.
"This is so fucking confusing!" Ken growls
"Sorry, we don't really know what happened or how we ended up here" Mitsuya apologizes seeing how stressed Ken was while Draken was having his life hugged out of him like some other people that died but appeared here with them
"It's okay" Ken sighs "I will take you with me to meet your other versions" he adds
"But won't they be filming?" asked Takemichi
"Most of us are already done and are just there to mess with those still filming and those who are still filming do have some breaks" Ken says tired and Takemichi nods at that
"But how will you take all of us?" Hina asked curious
"People do like to cosplay us so your appearance won't be suspected and I did choose this house because it was near the studios I normally work at" Kem explains "I will change my clothes, eat something and then we can go" he adds before disappearing to his room
As Ken got ready some were looking around the house to see if the life of their actors(?) was that much different from theirs. Emma was looking at the photos and was finding it strange that most of them were of Ken with a very pretty man but didn't give much thought about it and went to see other things or talk to her siblings.
"Let's go" Ken says once he ate and was ready
"Okay" Shinichiro says and they all follow Ken
They arrived to the studio faster than any of them thought, some of them probably were in shock on how people came to them and told them they nailed the cosplay to the Tokyo Revengers series and how their other selves looked happy in the small advertisement they saw, and were silently ushered inside one of the rooms by Draken.
"They should be filming the part where Kaku and Michi find Haru in the train" Draken explains them as they look towards were the scene was being filmed
Kakuchou, Takemichi and Sanzu knew very well what should be happening, they just lived it before they were brought here, but they felt like something didn't make sense on what the actors were doing.
"They are doing it again" they heard an amused voice and looked briefly to see the other version of Makoto before they looked back to the filming set
"Hanagaki…and Kakuchou?" Haruchiyo says slightly surprised
"It's just like Takemichi said…." Kaku mumbles in shock
"Why, Sanzu?!" Michi says in sadness(?) and disbelief
"It's for the best" Haruchiyo says with a sad and tired of everything look
"No it isn't!" Kaku says and they all hear some amused laughter and a tired sigh coming from where the director and cameraman are "Are you really going to abandon your friends like that?!" he asks desperate
"You mean the same ones that helped him hide he was cheating?! None of them ever thought of my feelings and probably never even considered me their friend!" Haruchiyo says trying not to cry
"Was this what was happening, partner?" Chifuyu asks Takemichi who shakes his head negatively
"But you still have us!" Michi says just wanting Haruchiyo to stay
"...I just can't" Haruchiyo mumbles "This place is full of bad memories" he whispers but is heard by everyone
"Please don't go! We love you!" Kaku says and Haruchiyo looks in shock at them
"...What?" Haruchiyo asks in shock
"You heard, Kaku-chan! We love you so please don't leave us!" Michi repeats and Haruchiyo seems to look like he is trying to decide between staying for them or still go
"I…I really can't stay" Haruchiyo says and the two in front of him look at him broken "But…you can always leave with me?" he adds a bit hopeful
Kaku and Michi look at each other and talk telepathically before they nod at each other.
"We will! Wait for us there!" Michi says serious and Haruchiyo gives them a last smile before entering the train
"Cut!" Wakui, the director, says and the trio laughs amused "You guys are little shits" he says amused by this
"We know!" the trio says grinning at the man
"You three really love to do this, don't you?" asked a giggling Hinata to which the trio just grinned even more
"Let's be real" Takashi started "We all have done it once" he says and everyone had to agree
"Like that marriage proposal Ranran did to Tora!" Keisuke says laughing
"Or when Fuyu fell during the filming of Tenjiku vs Toman and said to Kanji that his beauty distracted him and made him fall!" added an amused Tetta
"Good times, good times" Yuzu agrees
"Hey, guys!" Ken says approaching them and his friends while the canon selves stayed behind not sure of what to do
"Yoh, Ken!" most say as they see the tall blonde
"You arrived later than usual" Manjiro says looking curiously at his friend who makes a face before pointing behind him to where the canon selves are
"You found cosplayers?" Yuzu asks confused
"No, they are our other selves(?). Basically they are really the people who we interpret in this series" Ken tries to explain but has  hard time because he still doesn't understand completely what is happening
"Oh! That seems interesting!" a very excited Ji says
"Calm down Ji" Bo said to his brother
"Ah, sorry" Ji apologizes
"Hi?" Takemichi said not really sure what to expect
"Hi! I would say it is a pleasure to meet you but I just feel the need to drag you to a therapist" Michi says to his other self
"I think all of them need to go to the therapist" Rin says
"He isn't wrong" Naoto agreed with the other version of Rindou
"Maybe we should all talk with our other versions to know how their life is?" Inui offers and everyone agrees
Chifuyu & Fuyu
"So…" Fuyu looks at Chifuyu waiting for questions
"How did we become actors?" Chifuyu asks since he was unsure if it was okay to ask his other self about his romantic life
"Hahaha" Fuyu laughs embarrassed getting a raised eyebrow from Chifuyu "It was by accident, they still hadn't chosen someone to your role and Wakui-san was just walking around when he saw me beat up some kids that had been bullying my little brother and chose me for that role" Fuyu added
"Ohhhh" Chifuyu mumbles not expecting that "You have a little brother brother?" he asks a bit confused
"Yeah, it is Naoto" Fuyu answers and Chifuyu looks surprised
"But isn't he Hina's brother?" Chifuyu asks confused
"Nope, Hina is the middle Kawata triplet" Fuyu clarifies and if Chifuyu didn't know this was another universe he may have had a heart attack over this
"Uhhh" Fuyu looks at him letting him digest what he just heard and think of any other question "Are you dating someone?" Chifuyu asks after a few minutes in silence
"Me and Kanji have been dating for three years and I'm waiting for the right moment to pop the question" Fuyu says looking at where Mochi and Kanjo were with eyes full of love
"What?!" Chifuyu says in disbelief because he couldn't ever see himself with that gorilla
Shinichiro & Shin
"This is bit strange" Shin says looking at Shinichiro
"Yeah, especially because technically I am dead" Shinichiro agrees
"Oh, yeah. I had forgotten that" Shin laughs
"How is it like to be an actor?" Shinichiro asks curious
"It's fun, playing as you was fun especially when we all decided to be little shits like Haru, Michi and Kaku did" Shin says with a big smile
"You guys do that a lot?" Shinichiro asks curious
"Yep!" Shin says grinning "I still say the best one is when Izana and Mikey were confronting each other and yours and Emma's ghost appear behind Mikey because to make it funnier all the background characters on that scene and us started to throw it back and only stopping once both Mikey and Izana started laughing" he says laughing just by remembering that scene
"I can imagine how funny that must have been" Shinichiro says amused just by trying to imagine it "Oh! Are you dating someone?" he asks just wanting to know if at least one of his other version had found a lover
"Yeah, I am" Shin smiles softly before looking towards where Mucho and Yasuhiro were talking "Me and Yasu met while filming a show and fell in love immediately. We will complete five years of dating next month" he adds softly
"While I don't know Mucho, I'm happy you found love with his self from this universe" Shinichiro hums happily
Takeomi & Omi
Omi observed Takeomi waiting to see if the other man would ask anything.
"Are Sanzu and Senju also your siblings?" Takeomi says after some time in silence
"No, we actually are cousins" Omi answers and Takeomi looks slightly surprised at that
"Cousins? So you still know them since we were kids" Takeomi hums
"Yep, and Senju's siblings too" Omi agrees
"She has siblings?" Takeomi asks a bit curious about who are Senju's siblings in this universe
"Yeah, the three Chos are her older siblings" Omi says pointing to where Choji, Ji, Chonbo, Bo, Chome and Me were talking
"Uh" Takeomi says because he had never met those boys in his life but he supposed they must be good siblings to Senju
"Any other questions?" Omi asks
"Ah, do yo-" before Takeomi could ask his question they were interrupted when someone hugged Omi from the back
"Omiomi!" the person said and when Takeomi looked at said person he was surprised to see one of Takemichi's school friends
"Do you need anything, Kazushi?" Omi says turning to Kazushi and kissing his forehead
"Nope! Yamayama just wanted to meet who I married" Kazushi answers pointing to a shell shocked Yamagishi who Takeomi couldn't blame for that reaction because he couldn't believe what he just heard too
Shion & Shi
"Is your tattoo real? Or a fake one?" Shion immediately asked his other version
"The one in my head is fake but I have a matching tattoo to my hermoso fiance" Shi said smiling softly once he mentioned his fiance
"Fiance?" Shion asks surprised
"Yeah" Shi says showing the engagement ring on his hand
"Lucky you, Ran is completely in love with Toman's 2nd division captain" Shion pouted looking sadly to where Ran and Ranran where talking
"Ah, that's quite unlucky for you" Shi said feeling a bit bad for Shion "But if he doesn't notice you just means he doesn't deserve you" he adds and Shion smiles at him
"Thanks" Shion says "But who is your hermoso fiance?" he asks so he doesn't have to think that Ran will probably never love him back
"I'm not sure you know him but he is one of your Takemichi's friends, Yamamoto Takuya" Shi says and Shion tries to remember who Takuya is
"Oh! One of the two I beat up, right?! The one with light brown, almost blonde, hair?" he asks and Shi nods at that
"Yep! He is the most hermosa person I have ever seen and a bit sadistic whenever he feels like it" Shi says looking with eyes full of love to Taku who waved at them while Takuya looked in shock at them
"Can't deny he is good looking" Shion says since he doesn't know much about Takuya or Taku
"I know" Shi said amused because that was also one if the first things he noticed in Taku on their first meeting
South & Minami
“So, half-brazillian too?" South asks his other self
"Sim(yes)" Minami answers
"Not really sure of what to say" South sighs because this certainly was the first time he found himself in this situation and he was unsure how to react and do on it
"Maybe ask things? Like about family, life, etc?" Minami says feeling the same way as South but having a bit easier time because of being an actor and participating on films/series that involved parallel people meeting each other
"Uh, do you have siblings? From what I know I'm an only child" South says slightly curious since he only ever had his mom, Dino and his grandparents
"I have a half-sister, Sano Emma, but I also consider my cousin, Hanemiya Kazutora, as my brother" Minami answers and South raises an eyebrow surprised by this
"So the youngest Sano here is also my sister and the one who killed BD's first leader is my cousin" South mumbles "That wasn't what I expected"
"I can imagine it wasn't" Minami agreed, understanding how strange this must be to his other self
"And love life? I have dated two people in my life but never someone I would see myself married to" South says and Minami smiles at that question
"I'm happily married to Hanagaki Takemichi, we got married last month" Minami says and South looks a bit surprised but hums at that
"I won't deny he is quite pretty but Takemichi's personality just doesn't fit my taste" South says and Minami nods in understatement since Michi and Takemichi despite sharing the same name and appearance are different people
Kisaki & Tetta
"It must be really strange" Tetta comments and Kisaki looks at him with a raised eyebrow "Finding yourself here after having died and all that" he clarifies
"Yeah, it is" Kisaki says serious and Tetta pouts having had forgotten that Kisaki was the serious and analytic type of person
"Want me to tell you a bit about myself or just stay here in silence?" Tetta asks in hope the other answers positively
"Whatever" Kisaki mutters making Tetta roll his eyes at that
"Well, I'm 20 and work mostly as an actor but sometimes I help Tai and Michi with their small book/coffee shop" Tetta hums and contains himself from smiling when Kisaki raises an eyebrow at the mention of Michi and Tetta having a good relationship "Everyone who works in this series is great friend and I have a very beautiful and amazing fiance" he adds not sure if he should add something more or not
"You have a fiance?" Kisaki asks seeing that he only ever liked(more like obsessed) Hina
"Yes! She is a wonderful person even if her younger brother can be scary" Tetta says shivering when he remembered 'the talk' he was given
"Who is she?"
"Shiba Yuzuha, hopefully soon she will be Kisaki Yuzuha" Tetta says smiling and waving to where Yuzu and Yuzuha were talking to which Yuzu sent a kiss making Tetta laugh while Kisaki and Yuzuha observed this in shock
Emma & Em
Emma and Em were getting along pretty well since they loved almost the same things, the reason why Em had an easy time acting like Emma, but when it arrived the topic of love…well Em felt a little bad for what she would have to tell her other self.
"I'm still quite sad that he only confessed when I died but at the same time I'm just so happy Draken corresponds my feelings" Emma says happily
"I'm happy for you" Em says feeling a bit awkward since she actually saw Ken like a brother, being that ien of the reasons Em was more than happy that Emma and Draken never kissed in the series, so seeing someone with her face basically telling he how much she loved Draken was certainly awkward
"Oh! Do you also love your Draken?! If yes, are you guys dating? When we were at his house I didn't see any photo with both of use that didn't include someone else also in the photo, the most present people were Draken and a very pretty man" Emma says and Em has to stop herself from laughing because of how Emma talked so fast
"Yes, I do love Ken but not in the same way as you do" Em clarifies
"Oh…" Emma says slightly sad that in this universe she also didn't get her so desired love story
"But I'm married to someone" Em adds and Emma looks curiously at her "From what I remember of Tokyo Revengers storyline, you have never met her thought"
"Really? But can you still tell me?" Emma asks a bit curious who was this girl, or so she assumed since Em had used 'her' instead of 'him' or 'they', that made her other self fall for her
"Technically she is now Sano Akane but before she married me she was a Inui" Em answers her question and Emma looks shocked
"Inui's sister?! She is quite pretty but I would never even think that me or a parallel self would end up falling for her since I only know her from some people mentioning her" Emma says not sure how to feel that Draken wasn't her only love in all universes
"I understand that but once you meet Akane it is so easy to fall for her" Em says with a soft smile
"I see" Emma hums at that because it had also been easy for her to fall for Draken "...Can I ask you something more?" Emma says after a few minutes of silence
"Of course!" Em says grinning
"This will be a stupid question since it will make me feel bad no matter that our universes aren't the same" Emma starts a d Em looks worried since what could Emma be going to ask that would affect her so much "Who is your Draken dating?" Emma asks and Em finally understands what the girl meant with what she said before
"Ken is actually married to that person" Em clarifies
"Oh, I see" Emma mumbles
"And the pretty man you saw in those photos at Ken's house is his husband" she adds
"I never thought that Draken could be bisexual" Emma says still digesting what she heard "But I don't remember ever meeting someone like that man, is he someone outside of Tokyo Revengers cast or something?" she asks and Em really has to laugh when she hears this "What is so funny?"
"Sorry, I'm not trying to offend you" Em apologizes since she really wasn't "But it is quite funny you don't recognize him" she adds
"What do you mean?" Emma asks confused
"The pretty man is simply Akashi Haruchiyo without scars and being his sweet and soft self" Em says with an amused smile
Silence fills the space between both girls while Emma is in shock because of what she just heard
"DRAKEN IS MARRIED TO SANZU?!" Emma shouts once she is out of her shock
Draken & Haruchiyo
"Shouldn't I be speaking to my other self like the others?" Draken asks confused
"Sorry about that" Haruchiyo says "Ken is a bit overprotective of me so he doesn't want me to deal with Sanzu even if I can do that" he adds rolling his eyes at this
"Oh, I see" Draken says still a bit confused
"You can ask me things about Ken or myself if you want" Haruchiyo offers
"Uh, sure" Draken says "Why did you guys become actors?" he asks and Haruchiyo laughs softly at that
"It is a funny story" Haruchiyo says "Me and Ken know each other since middle school and during or last year there a friend of ours dared us and Tora to participate in the audition to a small movie and we just did it for shit and giggles but as you can see it lead us to becoming actors" he says with a smile and Draken looks surprised but also amused by this
"You must be very thankful to that friend" Draken comments
"Yeah, Souya is an amazing friend" Haruchiyo agrees
"Angry?" Draken says
"Yeah, he went to the same middle school as us" Haruchiyo explains
"Do you have a good relationship with your siblings?" Draken decides to ask after remembering that Sanzu denied having siblings but Haruchiyo looked confused for a moment before clapping his hands
"I don't have siblings but I do have a great relationship with my cousins which includes Senju and Takeomi" Haruchiyo says
"So they are your cousins here?" Draken says surprised
"Yeah, they are but we do consider ourselves practically siblings" Haruchiyo hums
"And what about me? Do I have any siblings?" Draken asks curious
"You do! Haruki is your older brother, just for a year but still older" Haruchiyo answers and Draken looks in disbelief at the pink haired boy because he never expected that "I can understand your disbelief but you can also consider the Kawata triplets your siblings seeing that Haruki is married to the middle one" he adds
"Kawata triplets?" Draken asks because last time he checked Angry and Smiley were the only Kawatas
"Yep!" Haruchiyo confirms "There is Mitsuya Nahoya, Hayashida Hinata and Kawata Souya" he adds so Draken is able to know who the triplets are
"Uh, I can actually see the similarities between the Kawatas and Hina" Draken mumbles "But what is that with you saying different surnames for them?"
"Nahoya has been married to Takashi for two years, Haruki and Hinata got married last year and Souya is happily engaged to Waka" Haruchiyo explains
"What the fuck" Draken mutters not being able to see how those couples got together, at least if they are even a bit like the ones in his universe
"Hahaha, this all must sound crazy for you" Haruchiyo comments and Draken can only nod at that "But you should keep in mind that most of us are different from how you guys are" he says and Draken sighs because Haruchiyo was saying the truth
"And you? Do you have a lover or something?" Draken asks since nothing can surprise him more than all this for sure(not sure if the clown face fits here but I'm gonna add it anyways, 🤡)
"I have been married for seven years but me and my husband have been together for ten" Haruchiyo says looking softly to the ring he has on his hand
"That's good" Draken comments "But who is your husband?" he asks curious since beside Mikey he can't see Sanzu liking anyone else
"Oh! It's-" Haruchiyo was about to say but he was interrupted
"DRAKEN IS MARRIED TO SANZU?!" they heard from where Emma and Em had been talking
"There's your answer" Haruchiyo said trying not to laugh especially at Draken's shocked face
After Emma's shout it took some time for everyone to calm down especially because Ken and company just decided to lay out all relationships(couples, family, etc) once and for all which led to a bit more chaos.
"Are all the universes this strange?" Mikey asks
"Probably, especially if every time anyone makes a fic about you guys it open a new one" Mako answers
"Fanfics?" Senju asks
"Ah, yeah. People love to create fics about Tokyo Revengers and sometimes even ourselves" Hajime says with a strained smile
"Still traumatized, Haji?" Kanji asks amused
"They wrote a fic about me and Kazushi! If it had been the series characters I would be okay but it is no secret we are siblings!" Hajime says glaring at Kanji
"So you are okay with tha Haitanicest, Kawatacest, Sanocest, Akashicest and Shibacest?" Tai asks with a raised eyebrow
"They write those with the series characters, not you guys!" Hajime says
"That's true, but it is still strange to see some of them" Rin comments
"The world is fucked up" Inui says serious
"I mean, wasn't that already clear with how your lives are going?" Shuji says with a raised eyebrow
"True" Peh-yan agrees
"While this has been entertaining" Wakui says from the director's chair "But we still have a lot of things to film so I would thank you if you could give me back my actors" he adds
"Coming!" said needed actors said before saying goodbye to their lovers and other selves
Once they were back on filming, those who just came to watch them saw how their other selves just disappeared as Wakui gave the yes to start filming.
This would be an experience that none of them would ever forget because of how amusing and interesting it had been.
But one question will always stay in the actor's mind.
Did their other selves forget what they lived in their world or did they remember and change the destiny of their own universe? They would never have an answer but sometimes they remembered this and asked themselves this.

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