Protecting Their Spring

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Bonten was a criminal organization so it was no secret that none of them were nice people.
But hating someone was something neither did since they saw no reason to hate someone they could kill in seconds.
That was until she came to their life, more specifically into Sanzu’s life, changing their way of thinking.
Oshiro Katsumi.
That was her name and they all could agree that they hated her more than anything in this world.
Katsumi seemed to be a nice person when they first met her, especially because she made their pink baby(they never call Sanzu that to his face because they would certainly be killed for that) happy and they rarely saw him that happy.
They really couldn't pinpoint when it changed but they would admit that it was already late when they noticed it because Katsumi had already wrapped Sanzu's mind with her words and acts.
Sanzu was in an abusive relationship and they didn’t notice it for a long time and no matter what they tried, Sanzu didn’t listen to them believing he was completely in love with Katsumi and whatever she did to him was his fault or her way to show she loved him
Takeomi was the first one to notice that something wasn’t right with his baby brother.
They had been doing a job together, which they did rarely since Takeomi knew that Sanzu still didn’t trust him, when he noticed some strange marks on Sanzu’s arms which weren’t there the day before.
"Sanzu?" Takeomi called and the younger man looked at him with a raised eyebrow
"What?" Sanzu growls
"What are those marks in your arms?" he asks worried and Sanzu looks confused
"Katsumi did them" was Sanzu's only answer before he made his way out of the place they were in
He didn't know how to feel about it at first because it could be that his baby brother and Katsumi were into BDSM but something deep down told him that it wasn't that which made Takeomi worry and decide to keep a better eye on Sanzu.
Mochi was the second one to notice that something was wrong….well not notice because he heard it.
He had been walking back to his room to change his bloody clothes into some clean ones when he heard a voice coming from Sanzu's room, the pink haired man rarely stayed in the mansion nowadays, and normally Mochi wouldn't try to eavesdrop but his gut feeling told him to do it.
So he approached the door and he hated what he heard.
"I don't think I will make it in time"
"I know Katsu! But Mikey…."
"Oh….okay, I will try!"
"Yeah, I will leave as soon as I can and have dinner ready for you"
"Really?! I love you too!"
"Oh, no! Takeomi didn't say anything about those Mark's again"
"Of course I know they are how you show your love for me!"
"See you later, Katsumi!"
Mochi left before Sanzu could see him but he decided that once the meeting ended that he would go and talk to Takeomi about what he just heard.
Kakuchou and Koko were the next one to notice something wrong.
Bonten had gotten an amazing deal with a drug and arms dealer so Mikey decided to celebrate it and deserved one of their clubs for all Bonten members.
"Hey, Sanzu" Kakuchou called, seeing the older man getting ready to leave "Are you already leaving for the club?" he asks
"Oh, no! I'm not going to the party" Sanzu says smiling
"Why not? Even Mikey will go" Koko says confused since Sanzu tries to always be near Mikey to make sure the other man is safe
"Katsumi thinks it isn't safe for me and want me home in case she needs anything" Sanzu hums and the two other look confused and slightly worried
"She thinks you going to a party isn't safe but is okay with you being basically a murderer?" Koko asks trying to find some sense on this but finding nothing
"Yep! Someone could try to drug me or something" Sanzu says "See you guys tomorrow!" he waves at them and leaves
"This doesn't sound okay" Kakuchou says and Koko nods his head in agreement
That night they end up mentioning this to the others and they notice that Takeomi and Mochi know something but once they are told what those two know neither Koko or Kakuchou like it even a little bit.
The Haitanis were the last ones, not counting Mikey, to notice that something was wrong.
Ran and Rindou used to hang out a lot with Sanzu since the three had grown close since the Kanto Manji days but from some point Sanzu stopped spending so much time with them. At first they thought it was normal since Sanzu could want to spend more time with his girlfriend but out of nowhere whenever they tried to just have an hour to hang out with him Sanzu would say no since he was spending it with Katsumi or Katsumi wanted him home.
It worried them because Sanzu was closing himself to everyone, including Mikey, except Katsumi who just didn't look like the nice girl they had met in the beginning and they thought was good for Sanzu.
They talked to the other executives about it and this really confirmed their suspicions.
Sanzu was in an abusive relationship and they needed to get him out of it.
The Bonten executives tried their best to get Sanzu to leave Katsumi but he said that all those things they pointed out to be abusive were just Katsumi's way to show her love for him and that he just couldn't leave the woman he loves.
After so many failed attempts, and slight notices that the abuse was starting to get worse, they choose to go to Mikey and hope he would be able to help them since Sanzu always listened to his childhood friend.
"Mikey" Ran calls once Sanzu leaves the meeting since Katsumi wanted him home soon today from what he said
"What is it?" Mikey asks a bit confused about why most of his executives were still here
"You need to tell Sanzu to break up with Katsumi" Rindou says serious
"I don't know why you dare saying that" Mikey sighs "But I don't get myself involved in my subordinates or friends relationship" he says getting up to leave
"Please hear-" Mochi tried to say but Mikey interrupted
"I said no" Mikey said before he left not letting them explain that Sanzu was in an abusive relationship
It was just another failed attempt which left the executives with the only option of waiting and observing, something none of them liked.
The abuse continued and Sanzu started to lose the shine in his eyes but whenever one of the executives brought up the idea of him finally leaving Katsumi, he would close off and say he loved her and that whatever she did to him was her way to show him that she loved him or was something he deserved.
Takeomi wanted to hug his brother and tell him that all that Katsumi said was a lie but he couldn't. He felt even more like a failure of a brother even if he had grown to become a better brother to Sanzu and was forgiven by the pink haired man.
Mochi felt horrible that he could do nothing to help Sanzu who didn't deserve what he was going through because despite being a bit crazy and sadistic, Sanzu was a great friend.
Koko wanted his sarcastic and happy best friend back but he couldn't do anything to bring his Sanzu back.
Kakuchou felt his heart break once more and feared losing another person he loved without being able to do anything to help them.
Rindou and Ran watched the person they grew to see as another brother become so dull and like a doll without being able to stop that from happening.
Mikey continued oblivious to all this just believing that Sanzu had finally found someone who loved him like he deserved.
Or he would have continued oblivious until one day he received a call that Sanzu was taken to the hospital after a maid found him really hurt, almost close to death, in his shared bedroom with Katsumi.
"How is Sanzu?" Mikey asked the doctor having came as fast as he could to the hospital
"He wasn't in a good condition when he came,  and from what I noticed he may have been abused for a long time, but he will be okay" doctor said with a sad tone when mention the abuse part that made Mikey froze
"Abuse?" Mikey asks remembering when his executives, except Sanzu, tried to tell him to get Snazu to leave his girlfriend
"Yes, his body showed signals of abuse and even the injuries that made him have to brought here came from abuse" the doctor said before he had to leave to look at another patient
Mikey felt like an idiot and bastard for not having listened to his executives and almost lost his last childhood friend from that.
"I'm a fucking idiot" Mikey says to himself but already planning somethings
When Sanzu woke up he immediately asked for his girlfriend since she wanted him home anytime he wasn't working but Mikey only looked serious to him.
"You will break up with Katsumi" Mikey says and doesn't let Sanzu say anything before she adds "This isn't love and you never deserved to be treated like this by anyone. You deserve so much better and Katsumi isn't even dust compared to what you deserve" after hearing this Sanzu bites his lip but nods at this
Three weeks later, after Sanzu leaves the hospital, he breaks up with Katsumi who tried to manipulate him to not do it but thankfully Takeomi was there to stop that so Sanzu was finally free from his abusive girlfriend. That same day the Haitanis kidnapped Katsumi and made her pay for what she did to their pink baby.
It took a long time for Sanzu to get over everything that Katsumi told or did to him but with Bonten next to him at every step he was able to do it and found happiness and love once more.
"Will you, Akashi Haruchiyo, take Hitto Kakuchou as your husband for the rest of your life?"
"And will you, Hitto Kakuchou, take Akashi Haruchiyo as your husband for the rest of your life?"
"With this I declare you husband and husband! You may kiss the groom!"
Shouts of happiness were heard as the couple kissed and sealed their wedding with it. The party after the wedding was fun with Takeomi crying about Haruchiyo finally leaving the nest while every Bonten member made sure that Kakuchou would suffer if he hurt the pink baby. They were all happy and that was everything they could wish for.

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