Toman's Big Brother

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Mutou Yasuhiro, mostly known as Mucho, never thought about having siblings, especially younger ones since his father had abandoned him and his mother once he found out his mother was pregnant and when his mother fell in love again it was with an amazing woman. Mutou Momo and Koda Miho were the best mothers and showered Mucho with all they love but also taught him to be a good person and how to defend himself so if someone asked him who his favorite people were he would for sure answer with their names but now it was a bit different.

It all started by accident, about a month and half since Sanzu joined the 5th division, they had left their bikes in Shinichiro's old shop since Draken wanted to make a little revision on all the captains and vice-captains bikes to see if everything was okay. Both of them lived far from the shop so they had to take the train to get home, they lived in the same street so most of the time they ended up going home together. The train was full today so they had to be on their feet and basically glued to each other. There was nothing wrong with that, especially because Mucho and Sanzu got along pretty well, until Mucho felt Sanzu freeze and get stiff out of nowhere. At first Mucho didn't give much thought about it because Sanzu could just be uncomfortable for being surrounded by so many people but when he noticed Sanzu trembling he decided to look around them to see what could cause that. He got his answer when he looked at the old man behind Sanzu who was improperly touching his vice-captain who was discomfortable and Mucho could see was close to have a panic attack so hsi next action was push Sanzu against him and glaring at the old man who become pale and put a big space between them and him, or at least the most he could with the train full, and kept his hands to himself until the Toman duo finally arrived at their stop.

"Are you okay, Sanzu?" asked Mucho seeing that Sanzu hadn't said anything and was still holding his arms

"I...don't know" mumbled Sanzu like he was lost in some memory making Mucho wince

"Do you wanna sit for a bit?" he asked and Sanzu only nodded his head

Mucho guided Sanzu to a bench that was far away from all those people and sat with Sanzu and hugged the younger boy. Sanzu once he felt the hug couldn't hold it and started crying making Mucho nervous since he never was good at comforting others but he tried his best by petting Sanzu's hair and making their hug tighter. After that Sanzu finally opened to Mucho telling his whole past including how he was raped by his transphobic step-father and that his twin probably didn't remember him being that the reason why he ahd told Mucho before he was an only child. Since that day both got much closer and also started the way for Mucho to become Toman's big brother.

Surprisingly the next one to be taken as a little brother was someone that no one had known was part of Toman, or more said person thought they had no more place there after what they had done in the past, and said person was no one else but Hanemiya Kazutora. Mucho had been walking around after buying some things Miho had asked him to buy before he returned home when he noticed a boy being molested in a back alley by a group of five men and Mucho couldn't let that happen so he put the things he bought in a bench and made his way to help the boy. Once the men were beaten black and blue Mucho finally looked to see the boy who seemed to be not older than 15/16 but was too thin and had a haunted look on his eyes. Slowly Mucho approached him and touched the boy's shoulder who just looked at Mucho as if waiting to be beaten or molested which made Mucho feel the want to protect the boy.

"What's your name?" asked Mucho softly and the boy looked confused at him but he answered Mucho

"Kazutora" the boy mumbled

"No last name?" he asked fearing a bit what would be the boy's answer

"Not anymore" said Kazutora letting out a hollow laugh like he was making fun of himself for the situation he was in

"Come on" Mucho said picking Kazutora's hand and bringing him out of the alley

"Where?" asked Kazutora who didn't even care since he knew no one was expecting him since he left juvie just a week ago

"My house" answered Mucho picking up the bag he had left in the bench "My mothers always wanted another kid" he added giving a soft smile to Kazutora who opened his eyes in shock and tears started to descend down his face but neither commented on it as they started their way to the Mutou residence

That day Mutou Kazutora was brought to the Mutou residence and experimented parental love and the love of a big brother for the first time even after he told them about what he did in the past they accepted him especially because Mucho himself had gone to juvie before and not for a good reason for sure.

Since the Mutous took in Kazutora it had become easier for Mucho to act like a big brother even without noticing so slowly each member of Toman started to see him as their big brother and whenever they felt insecure, were afraid or just needed company or a hug they went to Mucho who had his arms always open to them but he would always be Sanzu and Kazutora's big brother first(Sanzu once he had visited the Mutou residence for the first time he had been basically adopted by Miho and Momo who were happy to have two more children to love and take care). Maybe one day Mucho will break their hearts when he will choose Kurokawa Izana above Toman or maybe he will choose both but until the time comes for him to make that decision he would be known as Toman's big brother and cherish his little siblings.

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