Papa Shion

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Tsukasa had been an accident, born from a one night stand between stupid teens, but that didn't stop Shion from taking him in, he would never let his own child go to the orphanage even if he himself was only a fifteen year old boy, and giving all his love to him. His worst years were when he had been sent to juvie since he couldn't be there for Tsukasa but thankfully his uncle offered to take care of Tsukasa during those years to which he would always be grateful to his uncle. Shion had been the happiest when he was finally free and able to see his baby who was also happy to see his papa again.

Madarame Shion may not be the nicest person and known as a violent delinquent but he was the best father Tsukasa could have and he always tried his best for his son.




"Izana, you're wrong" said Shion after hearing Izana agreeing with Kisaki's plan and everyone looked at him in surprise and asking if he didn't fear to die in Izana's hands(for those confused in the next lines this is Izana talking privately with the other Tenjiku members so no Kisaki or Hanma)

"What do you mean?" growled Izana furious for Shion disagreeing with him

"This won't help you at all in fighting Mikey" said Shion not fearing for his life "All you will do is make him hate you and make you hate yourself even more for being the reason you baby sister will die" added Shion and Izana froze before glaring at Shion

"You know noth-"

"I know enough! For fucks sake, Izana! Shinichiro loved you and Emma still loves you! You still have family but if you do this you will be left alone!"

"Why? Will you leave me too?!"

"No one left you beside that woman who you called mother once upon a time! But if you follow everything Kisaki says we will all die!"

"How would you kno-"

"Because I'm not blind! I have a fucking kid to take care and thanks to juvie I learnt to read people's intentions! I'm not going to let you all die because of some fucking jealosu bastard!"


"You have a kid?" asked Ran surprised since it was the first time he heard that

"I do. He will turn five in next year" answered Shion trying to calm down

"Is Kisaki really like that?" asked Kakuchou who had moved into Izana's side and had a hand on Izana's shoulder

"Why don't you ask Koko, Mucho and Sanzu?" said Shion who looked at the three he mentioned

"Well?" said Izana looking at those three that ended up telling everything they knew about Kisaki

At the end of the reunion Izana thanked Shion for stopping him and inviting him to bring his kid to their meetings or hang outs if Shion didn't have someone to take care of Tsukasa. Shion just smiled and said Tsukasa would be happy to get to know his uncles.




Shion was making his way to the kindergarten to pick up his son when he noticed two purple haired girls looking around nervous that made his papa instincts activate so he walked closer to them and saw a old man looking at them with lecherous eyes which made Shion want to puke. As fast he could he made his way to the girls putting his back in front of the disgusting old man.

"Sorry for taking so long, girls" said Shion and the two girls looked surprised and confused at him "Are you ready to pick your baby brother from kindergarten?" asked casting a short look at the old man that was still looking at them which made the two girls understand that he was helping them

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