Once Upon A Time...I Had Been Happy

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It was like those times happened million years ago or maybe they did because Sanzu had lost his sense of time since his king died Why did he also leave? Why am I the last surviving member of our little group? and he probably only was alive because of his belief that despite abandoning him his sister and childhood friends would want him to continue living and also because Takeomi made sure he was taking care of himself.

Sometimes Sanzu wished to go back in time and be back to the time where the four of them had been alive and happy but that wasn't possible so after praying one last time in front of the little shrine he had made for his sister, Baji and mikey and after leaving a letter to Takeomi, Sanzu left his apartment.

He would never come back but at least he would be back to the side of those he adored more than anything in his life.







The first ones to meet were Sanzu, Senju and Mikey since their older brothers had been childhood friends too. They had become close on their first meeting and it was the same when Mikey presented Baji to them after meeting him in his grandpa's dojo. It was pretty difficult to get them separated to the point some even joked that they were soulmates...maybe they were since soulmate doesn't translate to a person you will marry in the future.

"Guys! Wait for me!" shouted Senju running after her brother and their two friends

"Hurry, Sen! Or we will not reach the ice cream shop before it closes!" shouted Baji back and Senju pouted but ran faster

Those small moments always filled the four kids with warm feelings and Hope's that their future would be like this too.




Maybe Sanzu shouldn't have locked his sister in her room with Baji to make her company and left to take her place but he knew that their uncle wasn't a good man and he wouldn't let her suffer under him because for much that Takeomi met some powerful people none of them were powerful enough to make sure Takeomi continued to be the guardian of both his siblings so he made his decision.

"We will miss you Haru" whispered Mikey, who would always recognize who is who between the Akashi twins, while hugging him

"I will miss you all too, Jiro" whispered Sanzu back holding a bit more stronger to Mikey

"Sen, come here" called Takeomi from where he was with their uncle

"Coming, Omi!" Sanzu said thanking that him and Senju still had the same voice even if sooner or later their voices would change

"I will miss and try to visit you" Takeomi said while hugging Sanzu but he couldn't believe those words because Sanzu knew what type of person they uncle was "I love you" he whispered

"I love you too, Omi" Sanzu whispered and they separated for Sanzu to leave with their uncle

That was the last time he saw all of them until Mikey accidentally found him a year after he had run away from his uncle's house not being able to support more of the abuse especially that but he was happy to see Mikey again even if he knew both weren't the same anymore. It hurt him to know how things had just gone down since he had left but outside of Shinichiro everyone was still alive. Maybe not the best present but it was better than what he had been through.




He had the feeling that this was how the fight would end even if he wished it wasn't. Sanzu knew Baji better than anyone Mikey once did too, before what happened to Shinichiro and Draken appeared in their lives so he noticed the love Baji's voice and eyes expressed when it came to Kazutora so it wasn't difficult for him to know that Baji would give anything for Kazutora Sanzu wished for a love like that but the owner if his heart, Mikey, didn't feel the same because it had always been Senju who held Mikey's heart and now it belonged to Draken and Takemichi . And here he was seeing his childhood friend dead in the arms of his vice-captain, it hurt...it's like having his heart ripped in two, so he could save Kazutora from dying in Mikey's hands Sanzu loved his king but he didn't like the monster he could become now...he missed the sweet child who would never try to kill someone even after they hurt him and maybe that made it worse than Baji having died.

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