The Legend of the Sun and the Moon

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Since the dawn of time, humanity has manufactured stories to explain every phenomenon and issue within the world. Over time, these stories evolved into legends, and those legends would be altered and changed until the original tale was unrecognizable.

This is the same for the legend of the Sun and the Moon.

There have been many revisions and additions to this fable of tragic love. Depending on who reiterates the story next has the ability to alter it enough to achieve a desired response.

Sometimes, the story can be changed as it's being told.
The Sun was greatly admired by all who looked upon its heavenly beams of light. It was rejoiced and praised for its abilities of rejuvenation and life-giving abilities.

It was because of the Sun that the people of the world were warm, joyous, and able to advance in their societies. In the day, labor could be accomplished, distance could be traveled, and battles could be waged.

The world cherished the Sun for everything it provided, and the Sun felt empowered due to humanity's worship. The people adored the Sun and presented offerings to remain in the the good graces of the celestial being. The Sun believed it would never need anything other than the admiration of those below.

Sometimes, the Sun wondered if this routine was all that its existence was destined for. This existence of solidarity was a sacrifice for the benefit of the world beneath. The Sun would convince itself that this responsibility was enough to satisfy every one of its desires.

Until the Sun accidentally caught a glimpse of the Moon.

Quiet, reserved, and cloaked in darkness, the Moon observed the world after the Sun had succeeded in its daily duties. The Moon was mild and peaceful, gently caressing the world in a quiet glow.

The Sun observed in awe as the Moon silently assumed its place amongst the stars, not worrying about the veneration that it didn't receive. The stars framed the lone heavenly body in a way that even the Sun could not compare to its majesty.

But the Sun realized that it was the only one appreciating the beauty of the Moon as the world slumbered away, ignorant to the celestial radiance that guarded them every night.

In a way that the Sun could never realize, the Moon, although reserved and dutiful, felt completely empty and alone. There was no one to greet them when they arose, as the world was preoccupied by thanking the Sun as it set each evening.

How the Sun wished to join the Moon.

After the initial impression, the Sun couldn't wait until the day was over so that it could watch for the Moon to appear. The Sun even became envious of the stars that sometimes paraded with the Moon, although distanced by vast space.

The Sun soon cared not for the admiration of the world, but yearned to love the Moon. It desired the Moon's love in return.

While the world worshiped the ever-powerful Sun, the Sun would surrender its affection to the Moon.

Just as the people idolized the Sun, the Sun revered the Moon.

Every night, for a limited amount of time, the Sun would observe the Moon passing, illuminated in the heavens. The Moon was seemingly locked away in a seclusion of shadows, isolated away from the tendrils of light.

The Sun's admiration for the Moon only intensified as it beheld the majesty of the tranquil being.

But the Moon was a world away.

Over time, the Moon noticed the Sun staying a few moments longer in the evenings, and the Moon enjoyed the time that the Sun remained.

The Moon forgot about its loneliness and anticipated for the completion of its responsibilities to watch the Sun appear once more. Sometimes, the Moon was able to remain in the sky just a moment longer to experience the Sun's companionship.

The Sun and Moon fell deeply in love with the other, despite the obstacles that prevented them from being together.

The Moon was aware that the world admired the Sun and didn't want to hold the Sun from the people that worshiped the life-giving entity.

And so, the Moon slowly retreated from the Sun, afraid to interfere with the Sun's immense responsibilities. As for the Sun, it burned brighter with love for the Moon than ever before. The Sun loathed the fact the Moon was distancing itself further into the shadows and further from the devotion that the Sun gave the Moon.

In order for the Moon to not fade completely away from the Sun's sight, the Sun gave of its own life and light, illuminating the Moon against the expanse of the sacred night.

The Moon, more noticeable than ever before, knew the unfathomable depths of the Sun's love, even to the point of the Sun sacrificing part of its own being.

And so the Sun and Moon, forever distanced, but always in sight, were bound together for all eternity. They were destined to rule the day and the night, but they were fated to always be separated.

The Sun and the Moon were preordained to be lovers, admirers of the other and their abilities.

But they were fated to remain apart.

The Moon and The Sun (MoonKnightxReader)Where stories live. Discover now