🌙Eclipse [Bonus!]🌙

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[Here is the first Bonus Scene of this series! Here you will read of Steven/Marc and what occurred in the museum. Please reference the chapter "Familiarity" to understand what the scene mentions. Let me know if there are other scenes that you'd like to read from the perspectives of Steven and/or Marc. As always, enjoy! 🖤]
[Third Person POV]

The metallic door was being weakened by the second as the jackal clawed and punctured the only barrier to the employee bathroom.

There was no escape, and no possibility that either Steven or (Y/N) would make it out alive.

Steven frantically tired to concoct a plan that would effectively save both (Y/N) and himself, but soon realizing that their fate had been sealed shut in the bathroom with them.

Knowing that this might be their last moment together, Steven embraced the woman he loved, feeling as if he failed her and sent her to her premature grave.

The scent of her hair, the warmth of her skin, the calming effects she had on him began to take place, but was soon interrupted by the one thing that never seemed to leave him alone.

"Steven." He calmly said, drawing the shaking man away from the terrified woman. Steven glanced into the rows of mirrors on both sides of the bathrooms with sinks located beneath the long, horizontal mirror.

The lights in the bathroom began to flicker and Egyptian hieroglyphs glowed in the porcelain tiles of the walls. They pulsed with an otherworldly life, rhythmically glowing, as if they were embedded in the walls.

His reflection was staring back at him, but Steven knew it wasn't him.

Or was it?

"No! No!" Steven slapped himself in the face repeatedly to either wake himself or stimulate something that would affect the reflection.

"We don't have time for this, Steven." The reflection calmly uttered, glancing at the woman behind Steven in adoration.

After all this time, she was still the most beautiful woman on the planet, looking as perfect as the final day they saw each other.

"This is not real, you're not real!" Steven shouted into the mirror and pointed at his reflection in an accusing fashion.

"I am real. This is real. It's happening." The reflection traversed the length of the mirror, motioning towards the door that was mere seconds away from being brutally ravaged completely.

Steven muttered while watching the deep incisions of the creatures claws appear in real time. "I'm gonna die...we're gonna die..."

The reflection interrupted Steven's spiral of fanatical and terrified exclamations. "You're not going to die. I can save us. Let me save us. Let me save her." He commanded, not expecting Steven to defiantly disagree.

"No! I can't!" Steven continued to berate himself as well as his reflection as the door was maliciously bending inwards towards the seemingly defenseless couple.

"You will. You have to give me control, Steven." The reflection directed to the sweating man on the outside of the mirror. "If you let her die, I will make your life a living hell. I will keep you awake every hour of every night and have you wake up in a different country every day." He promised, venomous truth lacing every word. "If she dies, I will take away your will to live, Steven. I will not watch her die again." The reflection glared at Steven, but also sympathetically watching (Y/N) tremble, unable to console her fears from inside the glass.

Steven understood their grave circumstances and looked towards (Y/N). He gazed back to the mirror before returning to the woman. He reached toward her, his fingers barely brushing her cheek. "Do it...save us...save her." He hardly whispered, following by a nod.

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