Final Judgment

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[A/N: Hello, my wonderful readers! I just wanted to pop in and say that I love you all. Don't forget to check out the playlist for this book on Spotify! Sorry, I'm finished now, please continue reading and I hope you enjoy! -K🖤]

[🌙This chapter contains extremely GRAPHIC violence and swearing.🌙]
{Third Person Perspective}

(Y/N), followed closely by Marc, slowly treaded the steps leading into Ammit's temple. While the night was shadowed and silent, flickering flames illuminated the feared temple from within.

It wasn't necessarily a welcoming sight, but more of an omen that prevented the majority of the city's population from entering into the desolate temple.

The inside of the temple was immaculate and so clean that if one were to glance at their reflection, they'd believe they were staring at another person entirely. The ceiling was vaulted, incredibly high that the light of the torches couldn't reach the towering fathoms of the disappearing abyss.

In the middle of the temple was a colossal statute of Ammit, the Devourer of Souls. Although depicted with several animalistic characteristics like the front legs of a lion and the hind legs of a hippopotamus, the solid golden stature displayed Ammit as a woman with a gnarly crocodile head.

The flames of the torches that were attached on the walls illuminated the statue, causing a blazing reflection and casting an eerie glow onto different walls around the main chamber.

Blocking off the restricted portions of the temple were scarlet curtains as tall as the ceiling, that draped to the floor in a continuous and endless stream of crimson fabric.

(Y/N)'s father was cleaning Ammit's altar free from the day's offerings, and some of the submitted coins he pocketed for himself.

Approaching footsteps interrupted his silent chore and, using the cane of his late wife, not to assist him in walking, but in a show of power, turned to face the intruders of the temple.

He scoffed in disbelief. "Daughter." He glared at her with disdain as she stood several feet from him, donned in what appeared to be an expensive dress with golden accents.

And a deep red stain on the front.

"I would have assumed you would have been whoring with your husband," He sneered the vile word directed at the stoic-faced man that was directly beside (Y/N), "Not that you weren't already before." He perched both of his hands onto the cane, asserting his favor with Ammit and the power within the cane.

She didn't want him as an avatar, but he would nevertheless commit himself to serving her, even if it meant to the grave.

"Why are you defiling Ammit's sacred temple, and why did you bring your mutt with you?" His hardened stare now rested on Marc, who had tightened his jaw in a determined sneer. "You disrespected me and your goddess when you chose him over us. But you have dishonored me by marrying him."

(Y/N) said nothing, except for taking a menacing step in his direction. "Mutt... That's an interesting choice of words." There was an inflection in her voice that was foreign, powerful, commandeering, even...godly.

Her father ignorant and narcissistic, failed to realize that two deities stood before him, even though he claimed to be a high priest in a temple of a powerful goddess.

Although Anubis had directed Khonshu to take his avatar home, he refused, requesting to be included in this sacred and anticipated act of revenge.

The god of the final judgment and the god of vengeance were foreigners in Ammit's temple, yet they were no stranger to people like (Y/N)'s father. However Anubis would have normally interacted with him after he had died, and Khonshu would have sent his knight after him.

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