Destiny, Perhaps?

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"Please, sit. Let's chat." Donna motioned for me to take a seat located in front of a sleek desk, the top of it completely tidy and free from mess.

"Thank you." I accepted her invitation and sat in the cushioned chair. It was quite comfortable for an office space. The interior was lightly washed in a pale creme aesthetic, as light neutral tones dominated the office.

The chair I was currently sitting in was also a velvety beige material, which was different than the typical leather chairs of offices that I encountered before.

"I appreciate you responding to my emails. With someone of your caliber, I was pleasantly surprised to see your timely response." Donna began as she took her place behind the desk. "How do you like London so far?"

I nodded and responded, "It's truly wonderful. Everything that I find to be entertaining is probably quite mundane to you now." I lightly laughed to ease my nerves.

Donna returned a light chuckle. "That is probably the case. Either way, we are honored to have you here."

The flattery was overwhelming, but I understood that she was just trying to establish a professional relationship.

"So, Miss (L/N). I contacted you because I was in search of a candidate for a curator. You are more than qualified, but there are some things that I'd like to address in your application."

My stomach turned nervously. What had she found that was problematic? I began to subconsciously pick at my fingernails, a daily habit of anxiety that I could never seem to break.

"Are you really a Dr.?" Donna questioned, her eyes glancing at me in curiosity.

"Yes. Well, in the sense that I have a PhD in World History. Mainly focused in African and European history. I also have a few minors regarding other histories in different regions of the world."

She huffed, presumably in astonishment. "How old are you, that you would have the time and patience for that?"

I smiled kindly, "I'm 25. to read. And research. I also...had a lot of free time that allowed me to advance quickly in my studies. History is my passion."

That would be another story for a another day.

"And it says here that you are fluent in..." Her eyes scanned the papers before her, " 5 languages?"

I cleared my throat before answering. "Yes. Italian, German, Latin, French, and I'm currently studying to become fluent in Egyptian hieroglyphs. Well, it's another form of an alphabet, but in order to understand the complexity, one has to..." I noticed her minuscule change in expression. "Sorry. Anyways, I stay quite busy in my research."

Donna clicked her tongue. "Right. You remind me of someone, but you'll make a much better tour guide." She laughed in regards to her own knowledge.

"But, I'm interested in the curator position." I offered, confused at her phrasing.

"Of course. That was mainly a laugh for me. You are quite the specimen. An all-package deal, aren't you?"

I shrugged. "I appreciate it. I'm just honored to be able to apply my skills in such a respected museum."

"We'd love to have you." She grinned cheerfully. "As you might have noticed, our Egyptian exhibits are fully on display. Didn't I read that you have a degree in Egyptology?"

With another nod, I confirmed her questioned. "Yes. A Master's degree. I have a few years before obtaining my Doctorate."

"Heavens!" Donna declared. "Why have you chosen a life such as this? Completely filled with schooling, learning, and aspiring for more?"

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