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[A/N: Hey, my readers! I've already put a warning on this chapter, but please be further warned that more of (Y/N)'s backstory is revealed here, which will explain more of her past and reactions to the present. PLEASE, skip past the italics if you do not wish to read! Hopefully, this chapter will assist in explaining part of (Y/N)'s complicated backstory. I will hopefully upload again sometime this evening. As always, enjoy my lovelies! 🖤]

[🌙This chapter is long and contains traumatic situations and mentions of abuse. PLEASE skip it if you do not wish to read!🌙]
The intense heat of the sun relentlessly bore down onto Steven and I as we traversed through the mountainous terrain. The colossal rock faces were intimidating and, although there was substantial space, I felt claustrophobic trekking through the corridor of stone. Walking through this enclosed passageway towards the distant tomb only solidified the fact that I was still conspiring against Marc and Steven.

And once we reached Ammit, I would be the one to release her.

Steven and I craned our necks to see a massive rock perched in between the rock faces, perfectly balanced and apparently safe from collapse. Resting on top of the levitating stone was a goat, bleating at our intrusion into the walkway it was supposed to be watching over.

Cawing birds caught my attention, and my ears immediately focused on their awful squawking. From where they perched high above in the dead branches of a dried out tree, I realized that they were crows. I squinted against the morning sun to fully carve out their feathered bodies against the rocks.

An uncomfortable feeling arose in my stomach as the repetitive cawing continued. I paused in my tracks, watching the birds tilt their heads and beady eyes, staring at Steven and I, continuing to sound their harrowing alarms.

Crows were harbingers, messengers, the foretellers of death.

Were they simply announcing my arrival as the avatar of Anubis?

Or were they warning us?

"Hey, love, you coming?" Steven questioned, turning backwards to face my stilled form. His innocent expression held a small smile and he reached his hand out towards me, his fingers wiggling in expectation.

And just like the sun above, my Sun, even on the cloudiest of days, never ceased to brilliantly shine, sending loving rays to illuminate the darkest of shadows.

My eyes revolved from the crows to Steven several times. Should I believe in the superstition and renounce the mission? I bit my lip, unsure, but committed. I had to continue despite the warning.

Steven and Marc were counting on me to succeed, although neither of them realized it.

I looked at his outstretched palm, unsure why I was so hesitant to grab it. This wasn't the first time I had an inclination to avoid touching Steven or Marc, not because they frightened me, but because of something frightening associated with the act of the touch itself.

"Yeah..." I nodded, slipping my clammy fingers into Steven's palm. His hand enclosed around mine, and the heat of his skin began to warm up my anxious hand and calm down my rapid heartbeat.

Even though I had slipped up and mentioned that the curse existed, Steven and Marc took it surprisingly well. They still were curious and obviously angered about the whole situation, but I believe they were also aware of the immense pressure that plagued me along with trying to break it.

Marc would let me hear about his concerns later, no doubt.

But if they knew that I was going to set Ammit free...I didn't want to live to see their expressions of disappointment and rejection of me.

The Moon and The Sun (MoonKnightxReader)Where stories live. Discover now