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[A/N: Happy MoonKnight Eve, my lovely readers! Here is the final chapter before the final episode! I honestly don't know what to expect, but I certainly have my own theories. Either way, you're going to want to stay to the end of this book. As always, enjoy! -K🖤]

[🌙This chapter contains swearing, EXTREMELY saddening angst, and brief mentions of suicide.🌙]
"What did you do, Anubis?" I reiterated, not feeling confident in the way that his back was facing me and he was ignoring my questions. His breathing had increased slightly, almost as if he was becoming anxious.

And I had never seen Anubis anxious, or nervous for that matter.

I slammed my hands onto the embalming table, forgetting of the gruesome murder that had taken place when Steven and I had entered this chamber earlier. The blood that hadn't dried, that had seeped into the crevices, splattered onto my hands, and towards Anubis.

"Oh-oh my God. Oh God. Is-is that fresh blood there? Are those chunks of meaty bits?"

Steven's voice echoed around me and I, in my natural reflex, searched for him amongst the shadows.

Your mind is failing you, my avatar. You must give me control to prevent something that I cannot fix.

I closed my eyes tightly and tried to only focus on Steven's fading voice, but just like his apparition, it disappeared, leaving me feeling desolate and even more hollow than I had felt before.

"Don't tell me what to do." I gritted through cleaned teeth. "Answer my question, Anubis. What have you done?" My tone was threatening, and very much so, because I was unbelievably pissed.

What was he keeping from me, and why was it considered a betrayal of leviathan proportions?

And why could no one seem to tell me the truth, except for my beloved Steven, and the one person I loathed most in the entire world?

Anubis, uncharacteristically, dropped his head, and his once confident, tall-standing ears, followed suit. He sighed, never expecting this specific moment to finally arrive.

You must understand, it was long ago.

My eyebrows raised in curiosity, but my heartbeat began to increase in an uncontrollable pattern, trying to escape the confines within my chest. My once calm breaths were now silent gasps as I attempted to control my now nervous expectations of what he was going to say.

"We'll be fine, we'll be safe. I'll keep you safe, I promise."

My head whipped around to Marc's voice and found him standing just feet away and looking at me with affectionate love and his signature smirk. "Marc...?" I whispered before running towards him with open arms.

I expected to collide with his strong chest and protective arms, finally able to bury my face into his neck and breathe in his comforting aroma that always made me feel safe.

But my arms wrapped around...nothing.

It has begun. You are seeing your past memories in your present environment. These hallucinations will only solidify a permanent fracture, (Y/N).

My hands immediately covered my face, my mask that covered my face, in soul-devouring grief. Even in death, I'd never stop chasing after my only love, and my fading soul would always be half of a whole being.

"St-stop distracting me! You haven't answered my question!" I faced Anubis once more who was now facing me, an expression of concern written across his normally cross exterior.

It doesn't matter now.

"What the hell does that mean? Whatever it is matters enough because you're keeping it from me!" I yelled towards Anubis, my voice carrying through the chamber and connected corridors.

The Moon and The Sun (MoonKnightxReader)Where stories live. Discover now