Shadow of the Sun

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[A/N: I wish I could reply to every comment on the last chapter and say thank you for your kind words, but that is an overwhelming task! All of you have poured out sweet words and praises and I wish to return to you and to thank you all for being here. This book is not yet finished as there are a few chapters that I would like to give you all. So, please enjoy! -K 🖤]

[🌙This chapter contains swearing, violence, and sexual insinuations.🌙]
I tilted the martini glass upwards, finishing the last of the alcohol and returning it to the mini bar that was just to the right of me. The glass clinked as it connected with the protruding bar and I sighed in satisfaction.

He never allowed the liquor to run empty and he always made sure I was more than comfortable as his most treasured passenger.

How did you find him?

Anubis questioned from beside me on my left, adjusting his completely black three piece suit that was intricately detailed with hints of golden embroidery. I chuckled before crossing my legs and adjusting the material to sit just where I needed it to cover. "I didn't." I returned before Khonshu, on my right, also responded with a quick and deep laugh.

It was all his planning.

"He is the one who told us to dress our best. Well, he told you two to dress up nicely." I smiled admiring their striking suits as they wore opposing colors of black and white. "And I think the both of you clean up nicely."

And why did he tell you to dress up?

Anubis raised an eyebrow and flickered his ear as it uncomfortably hit the interior roof of the limousine. "He actually picked this out for me as a gift." I ran my hands over the obsidian material over my arms. "And he said that he had another gift for me, so... I'm not real big on gifts, but from him, he shows his love through his offerings."

He had also specifically prepared and gifted the limousine that we currently resided me.

I sighed and glanced at Khonshu. "And you seem to appreciate his gifts as well." I raised an eyebrow as well as my tone.

Yes, I am very grateful. He fulfills my wishes quite quickly and...erratically.

With Anubis to my left and Khonshu on my right, I felt more powerful and confident than ever. Now realizing my worth and presence within the world, I knew that I didn't need gods to feel this way and recognize my place in society.

But I felt like a goddess in their midst.

The red, leather seats of the limousine contrasted with the darkened interior, as the windows were tinted to a somewhat illegal level, making us completely inconspicuous and incognito. The world might not react pleasantly if they knew that two mighty Egyptian gods were cruising in a classy, alabaster limousine through their otherwise safe streets.

Or if they knew who else was safely harbored in the backseat.

Soft jazz played in the background and the temperature of the car was perfect. He knew how to spoil me, and spoil me he did. Just this morning did he shower me with affection and this ornate, expensive dress that I didn't ask for.

I folded my hands into my lap which caused my skin to run over the still familiarizing jewelry that rested on my left hand. With a blushing smile, I grinned in adoration at the wedding ring, complete with both upper and lower bands, making a complete set of three rings.

A simple, but breathtaking diamond resided in the middle, but was only complimented and complete when the three separate bands were worn together.

Did you decide on a honeymoon destination?

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