Eternal Veil

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[A/N: Hey, my lovely readers! Thanks for being patient with me! I present to you the longest chapter yet, but it's packed full with important revelations and clues. There will be two more chapters for this particular episode, with the new one being released Wednesday. I love you all and I hope you enjoy! -K 🖤]

[🌙This chapter contains angst.🌙]
Steven's footsteps, along with my own, echoed through the chamber, breaking the centuries of silence that had existed before us. Our flashlights, although not high tech, nor extremely bright, revealed walls of inscriptions, and beautifully preserved images, uninterrupted for many consecutive years.

The chamber, dusty and enveloped in darkness, continued to lead us towards an opening in the stepped brick wall, where a strange luminescence offered a glow that beckoned us to approach.

Before I could enter the next stage of the mysterious tomb, Steven's quiet voice sounded from behind me.

"(Y/N), what was that you had mentioned before, about the curse?" He sounded worried and concerned, as if he felt the extreme weight and responsibility of now knowing about it.

My attention abandoned the entryway and I turned to Steven, who was closer to me than I expected. He was waiting for me to speak, as if he was prepared to take every word into inventory and store it into his heart. I lowered my flashlight, not wanting to blind him accidentally.

"Um..." I wasn't sure how to approach this. With Steven asking, meant that Marc was listening, and I wanted to explain it well for both of them to understand, because Steven was inevitably involved as well. "Marc and I were selected for whatever reason, by several gods, and cursed." My eyes traveled to the floor where I focused on Steven's shoes. His genuine expression was too sincere, too eager, and it would have made me too emotional. "To be madly and irreversibly in love...but never to remain together. Something would always find a way to separate us."

I sniffed, trying to distract myself from tearing up, as well as clearing my nose from the intrusive dust particles surrounding us.

He gently nodded in understanding."Oh... Is that why you call Marc the Sun? And is that why he calls you his Moon?" He innocently asked, hoping to further unravel the complexity of the situation. "Because they'll always be separated by the entire world in between them?" His knuckles brushed against mine, my hand staying stagnant by my thigh.

Hearing Steven try to unwind the meanings of our nicknames, and correlating them to the inevitable curse, felt like he had ripped my heart from my chest, it continuing to beat in his hand. "I...not-not exactly, but" My head hung, almost accepting defeat.

I pondered what Re had said to me about reversing the curse, and how the only way was to have the celestial bodies of the sun and moon swap places. The more I thought about it, the more impossible I realized it was.

I was naive and had been tricked by Re into accepting and engaging in the covenant, which had directly jeopardized Marc and Steven.

And it was my fault.

In trying to improve our situation and ensure our salvation, I had inadvertently made it so much worse, making us drift farther apart.

Maybe...maybe I was too self-destructive for Steven. For Marc.

Maybe the darkness was finally and eternally veiling the moon, encasing it away from the healing rays of the sun.

"Um...I'm so sorry." Steven whispered, reminding me that he was still standing in front of me, our bodies only inches apart. "I didn't mean to..." He apologized, gently locking his pinky with mine. His minute gesture was comforting, but I would forever blame myself for sealing our fate much like that of a sarcophagus.

The Moon and The Sun (MoonKnightxReader)Where stories live. Discover now