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I'll explain everything.

Steven promised me hours ago that we were going to address what happened this morning. In order to prevent suspicious or peering eyes, we decided to split up and go about our separate tasks at the museum.

We hardly saw each other. When we did, our eye contact said everything that words couldn't.

But I was still expecting an answer. Well, several answers. I would have to wait until we left where he would be comfortable enough to talk.

Dusk had fallen and every patron had departed, leaving the museum full of inanimate objects and the last of the staff. I had finished organizing the next day's project, preparing to tackle it tomorrow.

As I waited for Steven at the pillars, the lights above each trickled off until there were only necessary lights needed by the cleaning crew.

"Good night, everyone. Goodnight, Donna." Steven called behind him as he approached me. Without a word to each other, we began to walk side-by-side.

Steven whipped his head around. "What? Did you hear that?" He asked me, causing me to turn around as well.

"Hear what?" I cautiously awaited for a sound or cause of alarm that would explain his even stranger behavior. "Are you okay, Steven?" I gently turned his face toward me. "I'm worried about you. Do you need to go to the hospital?"

He closed his eyes, pushing his cheek further into my hand, relishing in the contact. "I'm fine, I just thought I heard..." Steven once more looked to the farthest portions of the exhibits. "Pets in the museum?" With a concerning look in his eye, he began to walk in the direction of whatever he was convinced he heard.

Why was I always chasing after him?

Steven and I entered another vast room, lined with glass cases and priceless artifacts. The main lights had been turned off, leaving us to most rely on the fainter and less illuminating lights to guide us through.

I followed closely behind Steven. He glanced towards me and offered an open hand. I slipped my hand into his, tightly holding his hand in mine.

We continued to peruse the room, slowly and quietly. For a moment, he gazed into one of the large, glass cabinets and stared at himself. He shook his head, frightened and unsure.

Then, he continued walking. "Hello? I can hear you, can you hear me?" He called out, attempting to summon whatever invisible being was tormenting him. He was really beginning to worry me and it only intensified with every step.

As we walked down the side corridor of the chamber, Steven tensed and pulled my arm, suddenly tugging me beside him behind the protection of a wide display receptacle.

"Steven Grant of the gift shop. Return the scarab or you will be torn apart. It would be wise if you also handed her over as well."

The voice through the loudspeakers was unmistakable. It was the man from earlier. The one who targeted Steven and then myself.

I gasped and covered my mouth. Steven held my cheek in his hand, shaking his head and placing a finger in front of his lips. I nodded, understanding that any noise would be detrimental to our situation.  He ran a hand over my hair and turned to look over his shoulder.

He grasped his work bag and flung it out to the center of the room, away from us. What was he doing, trying to get us caught?

The bag had landed, and not a second later it was forcefully pushed away as if something attacked it.

Steven grasped my hand once more, forcing me to fall in line with him. We carefully tiptoed, with every intention not to disturb whatever Steven had seen.

The Moon and The Sun (MoonKnightxReader)Where stories live. Discover now