The Sun Should Rule Over the Night

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[🌙 This chapter contains depictions of violence and death. There are also sexual insinuations and a lot of angst.🌙]

[Hey everyone! I worked hard on this next installment for you all! It is very long, but there are a lot of explanations that are important to the plot. If you haven't read the chapters before, please do so before continuing, as it might be confusing. As always, enjoy! 🖤]
My back stiffened as I noticed the figure peering at me intently. I gritted my jaw. "Who are you?" My first instinct was to reach for a weapon, but the closest object in my vicinity was the vase of flowers sitting idly on the kitchen table.

I was absolutely not going to ruin my flowers that Steven brought me. They were a special gift from a special person. No intruder was worth destroying the bouquet for.

Without making any sudden movements, the lamp on my desk flicked on, illuminating Steven in the white cape and hood. His face was still covered as he relaxed in the chair, his legs manspreading before him.

There was something about this particular suit, whether the hood, the intricate wrappings, or the way his figure appeared to be muscular and broad... It affected me in a way that words couldn't describe.

But I also thought that the tailored suit, especially when Steven threw his jacket off and rolled up his sleeves, that was unmistakably attractive as well.

I gulped at my sudden and intrusive thoughts, but then breathed a little easier when I remembered that it was only Steven that was before me.

"Damn it. Steven! Take the suit, or whatever, off and show me your face. I want to see you." I removed myself from behind the table, wanting to walk closer to him.

But he didn't budge, and stayed in the same sitting position.

I sighed and raise an eyebrow in irritation. "It's not like we're strangers. And how did you get into my apartment?" I questioned, slightly upset and concerned that he must've broken something to gain access.

Certainly, there were many more questions that I could've have spouted out, but I left it there, wondering about his process of entering my home.

Steven retracted the suit and I tensed slightly.

The calculated stare, the predatory posture, the darker eyes and more tousled hair... Steven had never looked at me like this before.

"Steven?" I questioned, concerned at what had gotten into him. In a tantalizing manner, he rose from the chair and approached me, in a teasing yet menacing manner.

Just as a certain figure approached a certain camera in a certain museum.

My breath hitched as I eyed the way his shoulders shifted, his legs swiftly bringing him closer to me. His eyes never left mine, and suddenly I felt as if I were a trapped prey being cornered by the fiercest predator.

Finally, he spoke. "Steven is resting." His sultry voice flushed my cheeks and the stranger change in accent had me wondering how hard Steven had hit his head.

The voice was too wasn't Steven's light and meek enunciations, but it was determined, confident, and it made me feel something foreign.

And yet familiar.

But my theory couldn't be correct, so I chalked up my rampant thoughts as a side effect of an unfortunate concussion.

I rolled my eyes playfully, not believing Steven's antics. "Real funny, Steven. Put your accent back on." Abandoning his approaching stride, I turned the other way, going to my bedroom area to find something more comfortable to put on.

The Moon and The Sun (MoonKnightxReader)Where stories live. Discover now