Solar Flare

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[A/N: Hi, my wonderful readers! Just so you all know, I am continuously stalking the comment sections here and I see everything, and they all make my day. How did you guys find or hear about this story? I'd love to hear how far it's spread! Also, I hope you don't mind me stretching out the episode so I can write as many chapters as I can for you all! As always, enjoy! 🖤-K]

[🌙This chapter is a bit long, contains swearing, and sexual insinuations.🌙]
The early hours of the morning were peeking over the layered mountains of sand, having been deposited over long periods of time. Playful, warm rays entered the windshield of the vehicle, bringing an incandescent glow over Steven's stoic expression.

"Harrow must have headed to the tomb, unless he hasn't found it yet..." I muttered, trying to convince myself that Harrow was three steps behind us, and that we were the ones with the true advantage. I glanced toward Steven who was nestled in the passenger seat. He absently nodded in response and we continued to drive towards the needed coordinates.

With a sigh, I suggested, "If Harrow is there... Steven, we need Marc, okay?" Although Marc had lost the suit of Khonshu, he still had the ability to hold his own. I couldn't risk Steven being injured upon our entry into Ammit's tomb.


His sudden and determined response surprised me. "...No?" I questioned back, slowly turning to glance at Steven. His expressed was hardened, as if he was resolute and angry in his decision. His eyebrows were drawn together in a tense line, and he avoided returning my eye contact.

"No." He stated again, even more defiant than before. "We made a deal, Marc and I did, yeah. That when his business with Khonshu was finished, he'd let me have the body back. Now, Khonshu is gone and-"

My once curious glance evolved into a glare as I gripped what remained of the deformed steering wheel. "What do you mean 'let you have the body back', Steven? Marc's not going anywhere, let alone just disappear." I honestly wanted to laugh at Steven's proposition, as if it had been predetermined and decided.

Steven's face finally turned towards me, and whatever humor I thought existed in the conversation was completely dissipated. Steven's wide, sympathetic eyes fought to look me in my own, as if he'd knew I wouldn't accept what he was saying."Well that's the thing, innit? He promised me he would go away for good...that was before I met you."

I ripped my eyes from him and focused on accelerating towards the approaching rock face. My breathing was ragged and my hands trembled at this new revelation.

Was this the secret that Marc had been keeping from me?

That he was going to disappear forever?

"Wait." I stated, not sparing another look at Steven who had picked up on the cues of my sudden escalation in mood. He was nervously twiddling his thumbs, now facing me as I stared ahead. "The both of you made a deal? That Marc would vanish from my life after I had just gotten him back?"

The end of my question had unfortunately revealed a slight inflection at the end, insinuating that my throat had tightened due a trapped cry.

Steven began to panic as he stared at the side mirror, obviously being berated by Marc for his careless words. "(Y/N), wait, that's n-not what, what he..." Steven's hand reached towards one of mine on the wheel, but I slapped it away in protest.

His shoulders slumped and he sadly glanced at me downcast face through long eyelashes.

"You..." My shaking hand pointed towards his cowering form, and I didn't relinquish my stare from the view out of the windshield. I couldn't look at him, knowing that he was aware this entire time. "You think maybe one of you should have told me?"

The Moon and The Sun (MoonKnightxReader)Where stories live. Discover now