Jealous Gods

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"Are you not satisfied with the claims of Khonshu and myself, that this man," Anubis pointed accusingly at Arthur, "Will commit an act of violation against the gods and humanity?!" Anubis' connotations echoed from my lips through the inner chamber.

More arguing had transpired, mostly between Anubis and his father. I had never considered that I would feel sympathy for the god of the underworld, but his pain was just as real as my own.

At the same time, and as much as it felt wrong, this power was exhilarating and if not used sparingly, could easily become an addiction that would never be satisfied.

"Anubis, you must consider that humanity hasn't considered us for centuries. They left us behind. Khonshu and Arthur have a past, which is also important to consider." The avatar of Horus finally spoke, attempting to calm the high tensions within the meeting. Although he was advocating for neutrality, he still had reservations about Khonshu accusing his old avatar of a heinous crime.

"They are still within our realm. Under our responsibility! Arthur Harrow was only Khonshu's avatar for a short period of time, yet you accept his words like they had been written into a tablet from a divine hand." Anubis responded passionately, earning a stern glare from Osiris. The gods, although not wanting to admit it, were completely blinded to the consequences of releasing Harrow from this council as a free man.

The gods began to deliberate amongst themselves, planning their next course of action within the trial. "We've heard from everyone except Marc Spector, the avatar of Khonshu." Osiris began, now attentively observing Marc, still bound at his hands. "Perhaps he too has been manipulated by Khonshu, just as Arthur Harrow was."

"This meeting would not benefit Khonshu in any fashion if he were to be the one to blame, especially if he is the one who initiated it." Anubis calmly explained, once more trying to save his...friend...from damnation.

Osiris lifted his eyebrow slightly, then raised his arms. "We shall see. Let us speak to Marc Spector." He commanded Khonshu to rescind control, and allowed Marc to be freed from his bondage with the opening of his palm.

Marc was able to relax, now sitting up straighter, slightly dusting off the imprint of sand on his jeans. His eyes were filled with a terror of sorts as he provided an audience for the gods.

"Are you unwell?" Horus questioned, appearing to be concerned for Marc and his safety when considering that he was the avatar of Khonshu.

And Khonshu didn't have a good record when it came to avatars.

Marc hesitated, glancing to me in sorrow. I had known that he wasn't being honest about how he was truly feeling. He would always try to mask his own pain to not concern me. Marc was selfless in the fact that he didn't want anyone to share in his burdens.

But it was my responsibility as his wife to share his burdens, whatever they may be, as my own. I would shoulder the entire world for him.

"I am. I am unwell." Marc admitted through trembling breaths before Osiris, "I need help." He nodded, and I could see just how much pain he was truly in. But I was so proud to see him not feel like he had to hide anymore. "The fact remains is that this man is...he's-"

"If you have also been exploited by Khonshu, this is a safe space for you to tell us..." Hathor's avatar encouraged Marc to admit if Khonshu was the one in the wrong.

Why weren't they understanding?

"No!" Marc quickly retorted. "He is the one on trial here, not my feelings! Please, just take a moment to listen and you would understand that he's dangerous!" He slowly arose to his feet, motioning towards Harrow in anger.

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