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[A/N: I have so many hilarious headcanons concerning Anubis and (Y/N). Let me know if I should make a chapter dedicated to them! Enjoy, lovelies! 🖤]
Not even a minute after I had run into the street, the sun was completely obscured by what appeared to be the moon. Unbeknownst to the confused onlookers towards the strange phenomena in the sky, Khonshu was requesting a hearing.

Because I didn't receive an invitation, we're going to create an entrance of our own.

"I'm not comfortable with that..." I warned Anubis, darting down the street, trying to carefully squeeze through the gathering crowd which were now mesmerized with the sky.

Do you still want me to bless your union? Look, even now when the world beholds the unification of the sun and the moon, they stare in unbelief because they know that this cosmic fusion is not natural. It is an obscenity.

Hearing his explanation only inspired to me to comply. I sighed and nodded, momentarily coming to a stop behind a blockade of people, unaware to my urgent need to pass through.

Then you will comply. Khonshu is meeting with the Ennead for a reason, and if I'm correct, he's accusing someone to be put on trial before the gods. And what's a fair trial without me, the god in charge of delivering justice?

Instinctively, my eyes darted to the high heights of building surrounding the marketplace. My eyes widened upon seeing Anubis perching on top, peering over the bustling inner city. His armor that I had seen in the Duat was now flowing golden robes, still shimmering relentlessly even though the sun had been partially muted.

While I had acclimated to hearing his voice, I would never get used to seeing him materialize in the world around me. Originally, I thought I could keep him limited to the confines of my mind, but as arrogant as he was, would take every opportunity to assert his power, even if no one else could see him.

A moment for escape appeared as a break in the crowd began to form, and I easily slipped through. Frantically, I searched for a portal, an open doorway, something insinuating that there was a pathway to Marc.

Anubis approached me from the opposite end of the street, using the staff as yet another accessory to express his status. He pointed to an abandoned alley and I sprinted down, but finding no opening, I began to panic, unsure of his plan.

"What now?" I questioned, running my hands down over the dusty brick, wondering if there was a hidden mechanism or a loose piece that I had to push.

You're thinking too hard. Just rest your hands on the wall, mortal.

I hated when he called me that, as if my humanity was a weakness, as if it made me less than him.

With hesitancy, I placed my palms onto the bricks, grounding myself with deep breaths. Before my eyes, the sandy bricks slowly blackened over, as if a drop of pervasive black ink had been applied to a dried parchment, the ink soaking into the fibers.

This is what I saw in my vision back in my apartment when I thought I had inadvertently caused the flowers to decompose.

But now, I could do it on command.

From the middle of the wall, the deteriorating stone began to rot and fall away, revealing a hollow and shadowed walkway. Soon, an entrance perfect for me to walk into had been carved away.

I cautiously glanced inside, only seeing rectangular and reflective slabs lead further into the depths of wherever the Ennead was.

Go. It has begun.

"Wait!" I yelled after Anubis as he began to tread away from me. "Aren't you coming with me?" I questioned, a motioned my head towards the oblique doorway that I had just created.

The Moon and The Sun (MoonKnightxReader)Where stories live. Discover now