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[A/N: Happy Easter, my lovelies! Here is the long awaited fight scene, and I'm so happy to share it with you all. Following this is the ⚠️Steven scene⚠️ that many of you have been expecting! As always, enjoy! -K 🖤]

[🌙This chapter is lengthy, contains slight swearing, and several depictions of extreme violence.🌙]
My hands were very much on fire.

I stared in utter amazement at my open palms and my extended fingers, only turning them over to survey the backs of my hands. Although engulfed in a brazen and uninterrupted flame, my skin remained completely unaffected. But, just as the screaming man across from me was panicking, I too was internally anxious. I immediately and frantically knelt to snuff the handheld infernos by viciously rubbing my hands into the dirt.

"Where is he?!" The larger one of the two bodyguards angrily shouted towards my kneeling figure, once again returning his trained sight and end of the gun's barrel towards my face.

Never had I imagined to see the hollow barrel of a gun so many times in a single evening.

Slowly, to prevent any suspicion or unwanted attention, I removed myself from the dusty ground, now standing to face the men who were preparing to end my life without the slightest reason. I carefully raised my now normal hands up in surrender. The other and more frightened guard matched the one standing nearest to me, now both of them ready to commit a synchronized execution.

Suddenly, the two guards weren't focused on me anymore, but craned their necks to gaze upon the figure draped in white who was perched on the pinnacle of the glass pyramid.

The previously scared guard began to back away, knowing that the next few moments were going to be a torrential, irreversible, and unavoidable destruction of the land and desecration of the earth.

Out of the corner of my eye, Bek hurriedly forced a shocked Mogart to begin running, escaping out of what was going to become a battlefield, an absolute and overflowing bloodbath. Mogart continued to stare towards Marc, astonished at who or what he was seeing on the top of his pyramid. Bek forced him to continue fleeing to put space between the masked vigilante and the wealthy owner of the estate.

While I was distracted by a captivating Marc, one of the guards seized my hand that was still peacefully raised, bringing the cold metallic barrel of the gun to rest on my temple. As hard as I attempted pulling away from him, his grip grew tighter. My feet began to lose their planted position in the earth, ensuring that he was successful in tugging me away a few steps farther from my position near Marc.

Quicker than I could perceive time itself, a glimmering object whipped past my head and accurately buried itself deeply into the guard's chest, which in turn, caused him to abruptly release his painful hold on me.

Beneath the illumination offered by the hanging lights above me and the slight luminescence of the moon, the mixture of different lights reflected back from the visible part of the object. The end was peeking out from the bleeding chest of the man that was sprawled lifelessly on the ground. It was golden and curved: an undeniable crescent shape.

My eyes flashed towards Marc, and that's when the gunfire began.

I covered my head as the panicked guard just feet from me began to fire at Marc, who had now jumped from the pyramid, his cape flowing around him like the slight crescent shape of the moon above us and the familiar shape of the object that he had so effortlessly targeted the other guard with.

Amazingly, the bullets had no effect on Marc as he continued to descend towards the guard. With a rough kick to the chest, Marc delivered a crucial blow, sending the man several feet backwards, and then landing on the dusty ground.

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