A Glimpse

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I held my breath in anticipation, fearing for my life. From my obscured position behind the brick wall, I could hear the harrowing footsteps that approached me.

The louder the footsteps became, the less time I had to escape.

My heart beat erratically from beneath my hand that I had placed over my chest. The thumping of my increased heart rate could most likely be heard by anyone in the immediate vicinity.

With my free hand, I clamped my trembling mouth, stifling the breath that threatened to escape.

This was the end. There was no possible way that I was going to make it out of this situation alive.

The scuffling of the footsteps ceased on the adjacent wall of the corner I was hiding behind.

I closed my eyes tightly to avoid watching my assailant murder me. I had always imagined my death, but never like this.

"Come..." A silvery voice beckoned, "...come and sit with me."

I prevented a sob from escaping my throat by now using both hands to bind my mouth. With a shaking of my head, I silently answered the voice, refusing to comply.

"Just a few moments." The voice promised. "Just a few questions."

A clammy hand grasped my arm and I immediately opened my eyes in fear.
My chest heaved as I suddenly sat upright in my bed. Being awakened suddenly was painful for both the mind and the body. I would know with my expertise in that area.

A moment passed before I could collect my breath and my thoughts. I felt like I had been imprisoned in my sleep, subjected to constant nightmares and relentless terrors.

I rubbed my eyes in frustration. Through the window on the wall to the immediate left of my bed, the early sun's rays cheekily peeked through, offering small beams of light into my otherwise dark apartment.

Habitually, I reached for my phone on my nightstand on the right side of my bed.

6:08 A.M.

I groaned in aggravation, upset that my mind prevented me from sleeping in a little bit longer. But there was something I'm sure inspired the nightmare.

Today was my interview.

I had been waiting for what felt like years for the right opportunity to present itself.

As it turned out, the opportunity sought me out personally.

With a sigh, I ran my hands over the obsidian colored comforter that I had removed from myself mid-sleep. I desired to sleep, I could never get enough of it. I always felt tired. But my body prevented me from truly enjoying it.

The nightmares made sure that I dreaded even closing my eyes.

I placed my feet on the cold, hard-wood floor and began pattering to the kitchen portion of my studio apartment. The deep gray walls accentuated the approaching black cabinets that beckoned me further.

I truly loved my apartment. Dark tones, black accents, and an overall shadowed complexion made me feel protected in a cocoon of privacy.

And then there were my most treasured possessions.

Bookshelves lined the every available space along the walls, overflowing with every genre imaginable.
Science fiction, historical journals, magazines, horror, mystery, and any other option were stuffed in its rightful position throughout the living space. While I felt protected, I also was in the company of many cherished characters from books that I so deeply cherished.

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