Difficult Questions

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[🌙 There is slight swearing and insinuations in this chapter. Also, it's another long one. Please enjoy.🌙]

My foot tapped repeatedly and anxiously on the hardwood floor of my apartment.

Waiting for most of the morning and rest of the afternoon was taking its toll on me. I was exhausted, frustrated, saddened, and many other indistinguishable feeling.

After reviewing the footage from earlier, Steven and I were separated. I was taken to a disappointed Donna's office, where she decided to put me on unpaid leave until the entire situation could be dealt with accordingly. I was berated and shamed until I was dismissed.

I begged her to give Steven the same percussions, but she plainly told me that he wouldn't be returning to the museum. She added that if I wanted the same punishment, then I should keep trying to lessen Steven's verdict. I didn't say another word.

The thought absolutely crushed me. Steven loved the museum.

Thinking about the morning stressed me out, and I couldn't stay still much longer. I stood up from my bed and walked to the kitchen. I was halted by the flowers on the kitchen table that Steven brought me earlier. They were in full bloom.

I reached out to admire the bouquet by stroking one of the petals.

As soon as I touched the flower, it immediately wilted, turning black with decomposition. The decay quickly spread through the rest of the bouquet, leaving disintegrated ashes behind.

Immediately, I choked on my breath, backing up in horror. I searched my hands, flipping them to explore my palms.

Once I glanced back the corrupted flowers, I was surprised to see them completely as they were, blooming, sprouted, and beautiful. I forced my eyes closed, and squeezed them unbearably tight.

When I opened my eyes, the plants remained absolutely normal, with no flaw, and not even a fallen petal nor leaf.

I was seriously starting to lose it. I rubbed my eyes and audibly laughed, unable to believe that I was almost convinced I had drained the life from the flowers on the table.

With a sigh, I walked to my refrigerator, opening it, and pulling out a bottle of beer. I slammed the door closed and popped the cap off, enjoying the feeling of the cold glass in my hands.

Before I could put the glass to my lips, someone rapped on my door.

Seriously? The one time where I think I deserved a drink, and I don't get a chance to take a swig?

I set the glass down on the counter beside me and made my way towards the door. I opened and saw a severely perspiring Steven clutching a black duffel bag to his chest.

"Hi, Steven, are you okay?"

"Yup, come with me, now, quickly." He muttered, grasping my wrist and pulling me into the hallway. Before I could retaliate, he closed the door to my apartment, and returned his hand on my arm, dragging me to the elevator.

"Steven! What the hell is going on?!" I asked in shock and concern, ripping my arm from him. We stepped on the elevator and he rapidly pressed the button to force the metallic doors closed."Just press it once, Steven-"

"I got it, it's fine," he interrupted, looking at me with the most deranged expression, "It's all going to be fine, (Y/N)." Once the doors accepted his request, he began to continuously tap the button to the fifth floor.

The elevator moved with aged life, ascending to the floor above. Steven and I said nothing, but he was huffing and gasping, completely out of breath. He interjected in the silence. "I think I'm having a panic attack. I need to go to hospital."

The Moon and The Sun (MoonKnightxReader)Where stories live. Discover now