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[A/N: I can't believe we're nearing the last installments of this book! I love you all and thank each and every one of you for being here. This is your warning for the chapters that follow this one. I hope all of you are ready. As always, enjoy! 🖤 -K]

[🌙This chapter contains sexual references and depictions of violence.🌙]
The cool breeze of the early evening met Marc and I we exited the tomb. The sun had just lowered and was lazily hovering over the horizon, bathing the landscape in an ethereal glow of yellow and orange hues.

With hardly any clouds to contaminate the golden sky, the atmosphere was peaceful and serene, completely opposite of what were preparing to face in Cairo.

Marc had first traversed the entrance, climbing up the wall briefly and then offering his hand to assist me upwards and out of the deep entrance of the tomb.

I had managed to scale the wall partially, but was still several feet away from exiting. Marc's hand appeared above me and I reached towards him with complete trust. I grabbed his awaiting hand and silently gasped as he, without struggle, hurriedly lifted me towards him, clearing several feet, as well as the entrance.

While I stood trying to get my bearings and stabilize my balance after being hauled feet from the ground, Marc took the opportunity to act cheekily, seeing as Khonshu hadn't materialized near us yet.

He began to dust off my shoulders and my back, all too eager to "assist" in dusting off the lower portion of my back that led to my ass. His movements were swift, but his hands were deliberate. "Marc." I warned, raising as eyebrow upon feeling his lingering and longer than normal swipes.

He mischievously smirked, "What? I'm helping." Marc would always be the one to ignore the impending end of the world for a moment of sexual tension. I silently chuckled as he finished his escapade and turned towards a now appeared Khonshu.

I know you missed the suit, Marc Spector. As well as me.

Marc's suit disappeared and was traded for a different one. This time, a mask accompanied the wearer as well as a sassy attitude and a British accent. He approached Khonshu and looked up bravely as the god stared him down.

"Just curious about something. How's this whole new arrangement going to work, then?" Steven asked, now donning his tailored suit. His hands were on his hips as he peered at Khonshu.

Steven Grant. I was not speaking with you.

"Yeah, all right. But we do come as like a package deal now, yeah, Marc and I. So you are going to have to deal with me." Steven pointed at Khonshu, and although he sported a mask, I knew that his eyebrow was raised in defiance. "And we, well, Anubis and (Y/N) did free you. So you're welcome for that."

Khonshu groaned and glanced to me for assistance. I shook my head, not able to help, or willing to for that matter. I was, however, trying to contain my laughter at watching Khonshu being reprimanded by his avatar.

Steven nodded and situated himself on one of the nearest and largest jutting rocks, tugging at his pants to ensure there wouldn't be a crease once he sat down on the surface. "But I do think that you should answer my question though. How is this going to work?"

You would attempt to negotiate now, with so much at stake?

I covered my mouth and hid my laughter as Steven chuckled. "Well, we did learn from the best, you silly old bird." He squinted his eyes and angled his head, watching Khonshu's response and reaction from his bold words and daring attitude. Khonshu signed in apparent defeat.

I will release you both. You have my word.

Steven adjusted his suit and stood to his feet. "Ah, mhm, I like the sound of that. Good, I'm glad we got all that sorted out. Now, how the heck are we going to get to Cairo?" His hands were raised in concern, not understanding how we were supposed to teleport to ground zero of the awaiting battle.

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