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[A/N: Hi, my lovely readers! Happy Moonknight Eve! Here is the final chapter before the episode releases tomorrow. As a warning, I weeped the entire time I wrote this, which is now the longest chapter so far. I'm sure many of you have questions, but fear not, all will be revealed in due time. As always, please enjoy! -K🖤]

[🌙This chapter is long, contains swearing, depictions of extreme violence, and severe angst.🌙]
Silent sobs escaped me as I approached the only entrance that the corridor was leading to. My hand trailed the aged, concrete wall closest to me. I cleaned my cheeks of the stains from my tears of pain, resentment, confusion, and betrayal.

The entrance of the tomb was up ahead, but everything within me begged me not to advance. Every fiber, ever nerve, every vein sent signals of imminent danger to my brain, but I needed to get to him. I needed answers.

I needed him.

I slowly stepped into the threshold of the tomb, a dark ambiance welcoming me in. The tomb was an inner chamber, a holy sanctum of rest and refuge for the pharaoh that resided inside.

My eyes followed the tracks of the lowered ceiling, scouring over more inscriptions and vivid paintings. There was hardly any illumination, but my attention was taken by the reflection of rippling water that was playfully dancing across the ceiling above the massive sarcophagus.

Normally, I would have been ecstatic to be in this most preserved and precious of places, surrounded by centuries of preserved items and cultural artifacts, but I couldn't appreciate like I wanted to.

"Look, (Y/N), we won!" Steven exclaimed, waving an item within his grasp. His smile was bright and happy, and his feet lightly left the ground as he joyously danced and hopped around.

Did we really win, Steven?

Were we truly victorious?

He laughed and traversed down the steps towards me, proudly showing the small figurine in his clasp. "And the ushabti goes to us!" He pulled it into his chest and bowed for an invisible audience. My eyes rested on the ushabti that Steven nestled against him.


She was so close to me.

This was the moment I had been waiting for.

I could finally exact my revenge on everything that had been done to me because of her.

"Besides the fact that I had to dig down Mr. Alexander the Great's gullet..." Steven continued, glancing back at the slightly opened sarcophagus. "It's ours, I found it! We did it!" He raised his hand with the ushabti over his head, laughing and ecstatic to be at the end of our perilous journey.

I refused to meet his eyes that had been following me since I had entered the chamber of the tomb and his smile faltered, leaving a saddened look on his face. My steps were light as I kept my distance from Steven.

His hand fell and he tucked the ushabti back into his chest. "You all right, love?" He inquired, worry lacing his voice.

I waited a moment before responding. "Is he listening?" My voice wasn't as strong as I hoped it would be. I wanted to sounds confident and angry, but it only came out as timid and weak.

Steven titled his head curiously. "Mr. Great? I don't think so, oh my God, I hope not." He glanced back in a rushed motion and chuckled at the possibility of a mummy eavesdropping on the two of us.

"Why did you leave me all alone in Rome?"

Steven eyed me curiously and remained stationary. His eyebrows showed evidence that he was thinking, trying to remember, and hoping to understand what I was referencing.

The Moon and The Sun (MoonKnightxReader)Where stories live. Discover now