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[A/N: Alright my readers, I have a few chapters left to tie this book to its completion! This is one of the longest chapters of the book and definitely the one that had me blushing the entire time. I heard your requests and of course, I had to provide. So please, enjoy! -K🖤

[🌙This chapter contains swearing and...extreme and graphic (for me at least) ⚠️⚠️SMUT⚠️⚠️, so please read at your own expense.🌙]

[Please keep all hands on the devices while reading through this chapter, and for the love of everything pure and holy (which this chapter is not), please behave. 🖤]
I tiptoed across the hardwood floor, mindful to not step on a creaky board. The apartment was silent, except for the constant bubbling of Gus One's and Gus Two's fishtank, a muted hum that had evolved into being a comforting sound for me.

My bare feet finally took me to the kitchen where I snatched the last cookie from the dessert plate, smiling as I held it between my fingers in victory.

The middle of the night was the only opportunity I had to finally retrieve one of the cookies that I had made the day previous, as they had all been abruptly eaten by three suspicious individuals who kept denying the cookies' disappearance.

The apartment was dark, aside from the soft glow of the moon light that entered into the shadowed studio from multiple windows. I eagerly took a bite, simultaneously pulling the large t-shirt, that clearly wasn't mine, down over my thighs as I began to trek back towards the bed.

I chewed the sweet chocolate pieces and turned the corner of the fish tank. My steps immediately halted and my mouth opened slightly to find that I wasn't the only one awake in the silent apartment.

Marc was sitting on the edge of the bed facing me, his hands on his knees as his legs spread apart gingerly and attractively. His eyes stared at me in trepidation and intimidation. Then, his gaze drifted from my stunned face down to his shirt that was doing an awful job at fully clothing me.

I grabbed the hem and attempted to tug it down again, but the stretchy fabric only returned to the dangerous position at the top of my thighs.

Before I could greet him in the late hours of the dark evening, he slowly stood up and walked towards me. His strut was determined and undeniably inspired by a carnal desire. "What do you think you're doing?" His baritone voice was laced with a potent toxicity that had my knees wobbling and my thighs clenching together.

His broad chest was finally against mine and the expression in his eyes told me that I was in for a long and exhausting evening.

We had managed to convince Khonshu and Anubis to take the night off, not really planning on anything sexual in nature, but just wanting the domestic feeling of being married in our now shared apartment.

Or so Marc believed.

I gulped and raised my hand with the remaining portion of the midnight snack. "I...cookie." I responded, unable to form words as I felt Marc's fingertips ghosting on the side of my thigh, causing electricity to surge to every part of my body, awakening my never fully dormant desire for him.

He smirked teasingly, noticing how I shuddered at the contact from his fingers against the bare skin of my thigh. "That's not what I'm talking about, baby." My breathing had increased as I now felt his open palms on either outside portion of my thighs that trembled for him. "What's this?" There was a slight tug on the hem of the material that separated my chest from his shirtless one.

I blinked rapidly, a familiar desire burning in the pit of my stomach. "It's...a shirt." I playfully responded, but my smile faltered when Marc roughly gripped the material and pulled me against him completely.

The Moon and The Sun (MoonKnightxReader)Where stories live. Discover now