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[A/N: Hello my lovely readers! Here is the second to last chapter of this book! I love seeing your comments saying that you've re-read this story or that it has inspired you on your own journeys of creation and original writing. Thank you for everything: your kind words, your hilarious comments, and your praises. But without any of you, this story wouldn't have been possible. Please enjoy, my lovelies! -K 🖤]

[🌙This chapter contains swearing, slight angst, and heightened emotional content.🌙]
No, we're not having dinner tonight. I'm not going to put you at any more risk, (Y/N)!

I sighed dejectedly and gripped the porcelain sink, hearing Jake's raised voice coming through the phone. We had been arguing for the past 10 minutes about our planned reservations for the evening. However, my pounding headache had other plans. "Baby, I'm fine. Just stop yelling, please." I tried to convince him, but my head continued to spin as I gazed into the cloudy mirror.

I don't like this. We don't like this. Even on our honeymoon a few weeks ago, mi vida, you've been seriously declining. What the hell is Anubis even doing, huh?! He's just letting you suffer!

My head dropped over the sink as I pulled the phone away from my ear. This migraine has lasted over two weeks, and Anubis had been begging for me to allow him to relieve the pain. "This is not his fault, okay? Maybe it's the fact that I'm over 2,000 years old and my lost time is suddenly rushing back to me. Maybe it's because I died twice. Maybe that's why, Jake. Some of us didn't get to live like you did! Some of us don't get an excuse to act out!" I mindlessly retorted, holding my pounding head in my hand.

He huffed in exasperation. Really, cariño? You don't understand the hell that we've been through. Don't fucking act like it was a walk in the park for us. And don't ever refer to me as a form of 'acting out'.

My eyes closed, blocking out the blaring florescent light in the bathroom. His tone was stressed, perturbed, and obviously angry. "That's not what I meant. I'm sorry, Jake, I just don't feel well-"

No, you fucking meant it! You know exactly how demeaning that sounds to Marc, Steven, and I. His voice was increasing and I pulled the phone farther away from my ringing ear. You know what? Let's just cancel the damn dinner, sweetheart. I'll cancel the reservation myself. I don't even want to eat with you while you're in this pissy mood, mi vida. Marc thought he won the damn lottery with you. In fact, ever since we got back from our honeymoon, and even before then, you've been acting like a total, absolute bitch.

My mouth dropped in silence as he gritted out that last phrase. My decline in health had taken a serious toll on all three of them as there never seemed to be an answer or reason.

But his words hurt more than a migraine ever could.

Wait, honey- I didn't mean that. I really didn't mean that. I'm just so worried-

I immediately hung up and put my phone on silent mode before shoving it into my back pocket. Not even five seconds later, it began to buzz in my pocket and I abruptly ignored it. It continued to vibrate, mostly like Jake to repair what he said, Marc to console me about what he assumes happened, or Steven to comfort me or inform me about a new book of poems he added to our collection.

With whitening knuckles, I gripped the sink as I painfully squeezed my eyes. The extreme and unbearable pain brought on another unfortunate spell of nausea, and I stumbled to the nearby toilet, vomiting again. I hadn't been able to keep anything down, and with the amount of painkillers I had been taking, there was so plausible way that they could be compliant on a totally empty stomach.

I wiped my face and flushed the toilet, teetering towards the sink again. My reflection was extremely pale with noticeable discomfort on my face. I washed my hands again and used the water to clean my face, having been familiar with this process for the past week and a half.

The Moon and The Sun (MoonKnightxReader)Where stories live. Discover now