Harbinger of Death

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[🌙 This chapter is very long and contains...well...swearing, violence, and utter ⚠️SMUT⚠️. I'm so sorry if it's not what you expected, but this is my first time writing something like this.🌙]

[A/N: I have some work to finish in the next couple of hours, so y'all better behave in here until I come back, ya hear?🧍🏼‍♀️🤨]

Enjoy, lovelies. 🖤
"So, Anubis, then?" Marc questioned, never taking his eyes from me. I was still sweating and cradling my aching head, softly rocking on the bed.

I just affirmatively shook my head, closing my eyes, trying to forgot the last vivid and traumatizing vision.

Where I died.

Marc cautiously pulled me into his chest, palming my hair, and kissing the crown of my head. It was so natural and I craved his touch anyways, so every reservation that I once had against him immediately left from me.

"These visions..." Marc began, "Are they from the past? Or the future?" He questioned, speaking softly against my hair.

"I think...they're from the past. My past. I just..." Moving my head into his neck, I breathed in an aroma that I knew more than my own perfume. "I don't understand...how I can be alive this long, Marc? I don't...what about my family back in the States?"

He was silent before interrupting the quiet moment. "Do you actually have any family there?"

Of course I do. I desperately wanted to respond, but when I thought back to the time before London...there was no memory that came to mind.

In fact, I couldn't remember anything before moving into my apartment.

But how did I get my degrees? How did I attend university? How was I now qualified to work at the museum?

You have been learning the cultures of the world for millennia. You have lived among them and learned their languages. I, however, have fronted the entire time. You needed time to recover your mind, split due to the pressure of holding two deities at once.

"(Y/N)?" Marc noticed my trance as I listened to Anubis explain why there was a gap in my memories.

I had to keep you away from Marc. You are always in danger when you are together. You cannot remain together.

No. I had been sleeping for generations. I wasn't going to leave him again. "Don't say that. You're wrong." I argued, feeling a deep resentment in my chest.

Marc cupped my cheek and angled my face towards him. "You don't have to do what he says. You can keep him at bay. He can't do anything without you agreeing."

Do not listen to him. You are my avatar and mine alone. My harbinger of death.

Tears stung my eyes, and I caressed his cheek. "I don't think I can... He's been in control longer than I've been awake." The thought terrified me and I clutched Marc's shirt as I considered the consequences.

He discontentedly sighed, knowing that there was no remedy for this. Even being Khonshu's avatar had driven him up an eternal wall of instability. He feared for me, well aware that the god of the moon was all powerful, but he couldn't imagine harboring the god of death was an easier task.

"We need to leave, (Y/N). I already packed your things." He muttered, rising from the mattress, and and guiding me to follow him.

"Wait, we're leaving?"

"Harrow has the scarab. I failed Khonshu in losing it. We have to find Ammit's tomb before he does." He stated grabbing the full duffel bag from the other side of the bed that I hadn't noticed before.

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