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[🌙  This chapter has sexual insinuations. If you choose to not read, please scroll past the italics. Thank you! 🌙]
A soft breeze drifted through the thin fabric that was hardly covering the open window. The coolness that entered the small room interrupted the insufferable heat that many would be uncomfortable in.

The room was completely silent, aside from the occasional whisper and giggle.

"(Y/N)...you must be a sorceress." A baritone voice claimed, burying into my neck, and latched onto the sensitive skin that already had a mark from him. I hummed upon feeling his breath and lips on my skin. His large hands travelled up my bare thighs, over the contours of my hips, until they roughly grabbed my waist.

I forced my fingers through his dark and wild curls, tugging in playful love. "Me, a sorceress? Why? You know better."

"Because, you have utterly bewitched me. My soul will always be tethered to you. And no matter how many times we shall be reborn, I will always find you." He whispered into my ear before nipping it lightly.

With a laugh, I craned my neck upwards in contentment, to which a warm hand quickly claimed.

His eyes, as brown as the treasured stones that were stored in the tombs outside the city, bore into my own (E/C) eyes. He gently squeezed, causing me to close my eyes in satisfaction.

I felt a soft sensation on my lips which quickly turned into a rough connection. He squeezed my neck a bit harder, which forced my mouth to open slightly. He saw the opportunity and slipped his tongue past my now parted lips.

My hands grasped the top of his back, lightly digging in my nails and dragging them from his shoulders down his bare back, his muscles rippling in response. He whimpered in my mouth, causing me to smirk.

I lifted a leg so that he'd have more room to comfortably move. I gasped in surprise when his hands roughly grabbed underneath my thighs and wrapped them around his waist, situating himself between my thighs. Now that he was partially sitting up, his eyes roamed from my face over my collarbone, to my exposed chest, and down to my stomach. His eyes were hooded as he glanced back up to my face. He looked intoxicated with a mixture of love and lust.

We were already slightly sweaty with perspiration, but it never bothered us before.

He bit his lip and admired me from where I lay as an offering to him. It would always end up like this. I would submit to him, but his nature would reverse our roles, and he would worship me and my body in holy reverence.

He was my everything. My love, my life, my morning, noon, and evening sun.

I opened my palms before him and he placed his hands on top of mine, interlocking our fingers before guiding my hands above my head, laying them flat on the rug that was covering the ground we were sprawled on.

"I love you, (Y/N). Please promise me that you'll never leave me." He leaned down to my face, peppering my flushed cheeks in soft kisses.

I grinned, my senses fuzzied by love and pleasure. "I love you too. I promise, my love. As long as you promise the same." I pecked his lips before he could sneak any more kisses.

With a serious tone, he laid his forehead against mine. "I vow my heart, body, and soul to you for all eternity. If I should ever fail you or your love, let me die and be denied entry into the Field of Reeds..." He solemnly swore.

His vow brought tears to my eyes. I never believed myself worthy of a love as noble as his. He noticed my watering eyes that were admiring him. Lovingly, he placed a kiss on each of my eyelids and on the temples beside them. He then feathered his lips over mine, our breaths fanning the others face.

The Moon and The Sun (MoonKnightxReader)Where stories live. Discover now