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[A/N: Hi my lovelies! I thought I'd spoil you with two uploads in a day! I hope you've been paying special attention to the recent chapters because I've been leaving clues and foreshadowing about these next intense chapters. As always, enjoy my lovelies! -K 🖤]

[🌙This chapter contains swearing, depictions of violence, and extremely saddening angst.🌙]
"You poor thing!" Layla softly cooed as Tawaret, noticing the injured child within my grasp. "You were always one to protect the innocent, (Y/N)." She continued as she peered at us both, protecting us from the onslaught around us.

The gunfire died down and Layla suddenly fronted. "Sorry about that. We're both getting used to this temporary situation." She gritted as I gratefully nodded and watched as she immediately broke from her protective hold and began to charge the assailants, taking their attention from the girl and myself.

While Layla and Tawaret began to ruthlessly attack the weapon wielding disciples, I hurriedly ran behind one of the overturned cars. Upon reaching the opposing side, I heard a strangled weeping sound. I turned my head around the side and found we weren't alone. Also hiding there was a woman whose face was buried in her knees as she sobbed in terror.

The girl in my arms reached for her surprisingly and the woman reacted to the girl's weep and call for her as if she had been waiting to hear her voice again.

Was this woman her mother?

A shriek erupted from the woman as she noticed the girl's open hands and she quickly collected her from me, peppering kisses over her dampened cheeks. They embraced sweetly and their reunion told me that they had believed the other was forever lost from them.

I smiled, and although helped a mother and child reunite, felt heartbroken still.

"Go! Leave the city! You must take your daughter and go!" I begged, helping the woman stand and gently caressing the girl's dirtied face. Out of all the people to run into, fate would have it that this child was finally returned to her mother.

Before running away with her young child in her arms, the woman gently touched my cheek and spoke in broken English. "You...give life." She patted my cheek and began to sprint towards the direction of the disappearing crowd.

I watched them escape and sighed in relief until the moment was bitterly ruined.

A hand gripped my scalp and forced me backwards, dragging me onto the ground. I clawed at their intense vice of a grip, but they didn't halt or stop their parade of forcefully pulling me along behind them.

It would have been nice to have a god at my beckoning, but I didn't need one at this moment.

Or did I?

I reached behind me and dug my nails into the thigh of my assailant, clutching hard, and causing him to scream. He immediately stopped our progression and gave me the opportunity to stand, twisting in a way that contacted his arm painfully until he let go.

Once freed, I positioned myself onto his back, tightly wrapping my arms around his neck, and locking my arms around his waist. His hands reached for my tightening grip, but I relentlessly and mercilessly continued to choke the life from him.

I was no better than those who mercilessly killed within Cairo.

However, I was still the avatar of the god of death.

I felt the man's legs buckle beneath him and we collapsed to the ground in a pile of failing limbs. His gripping hands attempted to reach for my neck again, but this time he was brandishing a hunting knife with a curved blade.

He aimed for my vulnerable arm, but once he exerted his force and I closed my eyes in preparation for the pain, his blade was bent as it came into contact with an intact armored sleeve.

The Moon and The Sun (MoonKnightxReader)Where stories live. Discover now