🌙Freedom [Bonus!]🌙

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[A/N: Here is the second bonus scene from Steven/Marc's POV! Please reference "Solar Flare" to understand which scene this is from! I write these bonus scenes in the third person to prevent any confusion. Let me know if there are other scenes you with to read from their perspective! There are MAJOR details and further plot twists in here, so please read carefully! As always, enjoy my lovelies! 🖤-K]

[🌙This chapter is long, contains swearing, and sexual references.🌙]
The soft rays of the early sun entered the car, making Steven cover his defenseless eyes in protection. But he wanted to risk the run slightly blinding his eyes. He wanted to look.

He needed to look at her.

The woman in the driver's seat was so beautiful, so perfect, and he was ultimately blinded by her radiance.

She was the only person who appreciated him, who indulged in his knowledge, who made him feel worthy when no one else did.

Steven didn't understand why Marc referred to her as the Moon. The moon was in no way compatible with her heavenly, luminous nature. Not even the sun could be compared to her, and she outshined every other star in the universe.

She was celestial, ethereal, and unbelievably brilliant.

His thoughts of reverence were interrupted when the only voice he wished to hear finally spoke. "Harrow must have headed to the tomb, unless he hasn't found it yet..." She muttered, glancing toward Steven. He absently nodded in response, smiling to himself as he admired her focus, determination, and beauty.

His mind would conspire against him, continuously replaying the events that transpired a few hours previously, where she blessed him in a holy and sanctified act, purifying his soul, and leading him to experiencing heaven.

His eyes closed, remembering how she caressed him, how she gripped his skin in ravenous pleasure, the way she praised him, and the way that she made him unravel with every moan and cry of his name.

That's my wife, Steven.

Steven swallowed hard and glanced into the side mirror. Marc was glaring at him, completely pissed and utterly fuming at Steven's derailing and promiscuous memories.

Stop it, now. Stop thinking about her like that.

How was he supposed to simply forget? He gave his virginity to her willingly, and he regretted nothing, having waited for her for what felt like forever. She was the woman that he desired to spend the rest of his life with.

He knew it from the moment he saw her walk into his life.

My wife, Steven.

Steven squinted his eyes in defiance, turning his attention towards (Y/N) who had sighed in discontentment.

"If Harrow is there... Steven, we need Marc, okay?" She questioned, her concerned eyes meeting his own that were full of adoration.

Steven didn't want to give control to Marc, especially after witnessing how much she took care of Steven, how much she showered him in the reverence and love that he had only dreamed about.

You hear that? She needs me. Not you.

"No." Steven gritted, an answer to both (Y/N) and Marc. He stared hard at his reflection, reveling in the way that Marc continued to devolve in a wrathful attitude.

"...No?" She questioned back, slowly turning to glance at Steven. His expression was hardened, as if he was resolute and angry in his decision, which he was. He wanted Marc to understand how invested he was, how much he truly cared about her, and how much he loved her.

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