Divine Pawns

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[A/N: Hello my lovely readers! I hope you all are enjoying these recent chapters so far! Be warned, the next two chapters are going to be intense, especially before the final episode releases! Fear not, the chapters will continue, as there's ends and twists to wrap up! Thank you all for staying, and as always, I hope you enjoy! -K🖤]

[🌙This chapter contains swearing and angst.🌙]

{Third Person Perspective: Please refer to the chapter, The Sun Should Rule Over the Night!}

Marc screamed in unbearable agony, saddened and pained, as if he were a wounded and abandoned animal. His lamenting cries were swept over the endless sands and had disappeared into the wind beneath the moonlight that always and silently watched from above.

It was the night of his much anticipated wedding to the love of his life, of his being, of his soul. They had spent hours dancing, eating, drinking, and victoriously celebrating amongst their closest relatives and friends, as they were finally recognized within the city as husband and wife.

The Sun and the Moon seemed to have defied all odds, and even the gods, having been joined in a most holy union.

(Y/N) had admitted to Marc at the ceremony that she needed to tell him, to confess something that had been burdening her for the entire day. He eagerly agreed and was ecstatic to finally have a moment with his wife, although he believed that their souls had been wedded for an eternity already.

He palmed her stilled, softened cheek, which had once held radiating warmth, but it was quickly fading. It was fading faster than he had the ability to properly help her. Her life was draining rapidly, just like the seeping blood that was increasing in size across the front of her white dress.

The same white dress that he had saved enough money to buy for her as a surprise, a first gift to his beloved and adored wife. She had never asked anything from him except for his passionate and virtuous love and dedication, but when he passed through the market and glimpsed the white cotton material, embroidered with golden accents and turquoise beads, he automatically knew that he was going to marry her while she wore it.

He believed the Moon should outshine every other celestial body in the heavens, especially for their wedding. Their only wedding.

Marc believed that she already put the other stars to shame, all on her own accord, without even trying to do so.

Marc forced his hand against her chest harshly, not wanting to harm her further, but not wanting to fail her at such a time as this. He increased the pressure, not understanding where the wound had been inflicted from. Her crimson blood relentless forced itself through the spaces between her fingers.

Just minutes ago, she had confessed that she accepted an offer to be an avatar, for a god that she never got to admit to him.

In fact, Marc only watched in confusion as she appeared to be glancing in two opposite directions, as if there were two divine presences unknown to him.

He would never forget the expression on her face. It was one of betrayal, confusion, unbearable panic, and...brokenness.

He pleaded for her to reveal the god, or gods, that inhabited her, knowing that if she simply uttered the god's name, he would faithfully scour the entire earth to discover a way to save her from his fate, which consisted of being Khonshu's avatar.

The Moon and The Sun (MoonKnightxReader)Where stories live. Discover now