Just Out of Reach

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[A/N: You guys, this story has over 20K reads! I woke up to 300 notifications and basically cried over seeing the support from you all. I love each and every one of you! -K🖤]
Yatzil waved to me sadly as she exited though one of the darkened hallways out from the Ennead's gathering place.

My mind was concocting conspiracies and trying to suspect different gods that could have been the assets of Hathor.

With my thoughts preoccupied by the revelation of Yatzil, I couldn't focus on the task at hand after her apology for Hathor. I was left dumbfounded. And seething in anger.

Why had Marc and I been targeted over every other couple, every other person in love?

Marc was briskly walking several feet ahead of me though the corridor as I continued to lag behind. My hand trailed the reflective surface beside me, running my fingers over every groove and every notch. The longer I continued to conspire within my head, the angrier I became.

What was I supposed to do with the fact that there were multiple gods involved in the same scheme?

And that they formulated our demise, our eternal separation, and for what end purpose?

You have to stop, (Y/N). Turn your focus on finding Senfu's sarcophagus.

With Anubis concerned for my escalating mood, I figured that I could wait before formulating a list of gods who acted as accessories to this atrocity, each equally responsible for the events of this situation.

"Baby? Are you okay?" Marc inquired, having ceased his ever separating footsteps from me. His eyes searched mine, unsure of why I was so far from him. He didn't prefer that we were out of reach from each other and closed the distance between us immediately.

I had failed to realize that I had completely stopped walking, staring in a trance directed towards my reflection in the stone, unaware of my surroundings and the approaching footsteps.

Betrayal was the only feeling that I began to associate with the gods.

Marc's hand cupped my cheek, removing my gaze from the reflective stone, and up to his concerned face. He said nothing, but waited for me to respond instead. His eyes roamed my face, as if trying to memorize the smallest of details.

"I'm okay, it's just...Yatzil told me that..." I bit my lip, knowing that our outcome and our search for the sarcophagus could be severely affected if I muttered the truth. "She told me that we needed to be careful."

He nodded in understanding, then kissed my forehead. "We'll be fine, we'll be safe. I'll keep you safe, I promise." He uttered against my skin, pressing another loving kiss against my forehead that was crinkled in worry.

Marc then grasped my hand, and guided me out through to the end of the chamber. He used his free hand to retrieve his dark gray ball cap from the back pocket of his jeans and situated it on the wild curls atop his head.

I could only stare at him in awe. He was ethereal, unreal, and the most attractive man I ever wanted to gaze upon. He would always be out of my league.

Always be out of my reach.

As if nobody noticed two figures climbing out of a wall, the commotion of the streets continued to bustle with fizzing activity. There were countless swarms of people, hypnotizing hues of colored fabrics and runs that were being sold, people calling out, and even music playing from somewhere in the vicinity. The city was swarming with life, unaware of the impending apocalypse that was in the beginning stages.

My eyes caught voracious and charismatic vendors, even those who walked through the people, trying to sell whatever product they were advertising.

The sun had returned to its normally high temperature and blinding essence, as if it hadn't been previously affected by an unusual eclipse.

As if it hadn't been united with the moon.

The sun remained powerful and mighty, and although it had been forged with the moon just for a moment, it was as if they had never interacted in the first place.

How did the moon feel after being reunited with the sun? Now that they were separated again, it was probably desperate for the next interaction where the sun would offer the moon warmth and comfort in the midst of the veiled darkness that it was always shrouded in.

And yet in between the moments they were able to unite, they would forever be just far enough to be separated.

A voice interrupted my thoughts, bringing me back to Marc and our mission at hand. I couldn't let Hathor or any other gods distract me from what was important.

But I wasn't going to let them get away with this.

"Thank you, sir! The best juice in the world!" The mad chided, using a handmade contraption to contain what seemed to be unlimited juice, pouring yet another cup.

Marc waited for the man to be finished with his task before stealing his attention. "We're looking for Senfu's sarcophagus." He stated nonchalantly, as if it was typical for tourists to be searching for the dead and their resting places.

The vendor, adorned in a velvet vest and cap, which stood out against his white dress shirt, slowly looked up at Marc. He stood up straighter and panic flooded his face. "...Senfu?" He questioned, unsure of what he had heard.

I watched as Marc nodded, completely serious, and expecting an answer. Perhaps he knew that certain people were affiliated in the underground activities in the black market, and hoped that this one man was a participant willing to talk.

Horrified, the vender took agonizing steps away from Marc and myself, glaring at us like were contagious, like we were infected with the most unholiest of zeals.

Before I could ask Marc who else he was going to interrogate, a different voice from behind talked first. "Well, it seems you still like attention."

Marc and I adjusted ourselves to face whoever was not initiating a conversation with us. The stranger was a gorgeous woman with shoulder length curls, bright eyes, and full lips. She was drinking juice from a transparent bag.

"Layla?" Marc questioned incredulously. "What are you doing here?" He didn't appear to be confused or angered, but he definitely knew who she was.

"I happened to be in town for business of sorts and caught wind that Marc Spector was here." She shrugged and continued to drink from the straw. "What are you two doing here?"

"Searching for a dead man. (Y/N), this is Layla. We worked together a few years ago on some quite illegal business trips. Layla, this is (Y/N), my wife." Marc exchanged the casualties and I smiled at Layla, hoping she would in return.

She did, but her expression held more amusement and surprise. "Marc Spector...married? I guess there have been stranger things." She offered her hand to me and I shook it, but there was nothing immediately alarming to be seen in a vision. "Right guy, wrong place. However, you two stand out amongst the crowd."

"What do we do next, Layla? We can't just abandon Egypt." I questioned, and she looked at me with understanding.

"I've...done some transactions with the people you're looking for. With some convincing, I can send you off in their direction and under the umbrella that you work for me. However, I cannot come with you. But I can help you find what you need."

She motioned for us to follow her, to set us up and prepare us to infiltrate whatever base Senfu was buried deep within.

Marc hand squeezed around my own, slightly comforting my distress. He looked at me in adoration and lightly smiled, completely unaware that I was planning to kill the gods of Egypt.

The Moon and The Sun (MoonKnightxReader)Where stories live. Discover now