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[A/N: Hello again, my loves! Here is another chapter for you! It may seem like there's a lot of information and twists, but trust me, you've already read hints and foreshadowing in previous chapters! Anyways, enjoy, my lovelies! -K🖤]

[🌙This chapter contains swearing and extremely saddening angst.🌙]
"Please...stop..." I weakly whispered, feeling overexerted and disgustingly used with utmost disregard. I could hardly open my swollen eyes, as the hours of crying had altered them painfully and made them sore to the touch.

There was no use in moving at all, even to defend myself. The chains around my one hand and feet felt as if they had quadrupled in their already obnoxious weight.

But the chain around my neck was effectively dragging me under.

Harrow grumbled in dissatisfaction. "Stop resisting! Aren't you tired? Aren't you exhausted? Can't you feel the culmination, the consolidation of your past and present? Give into it. Give up!"

Memories began to painfully merge and distinguishing them became increasingly difficult and quite impossible to separate.

There was no need for anymore tears, as I had already cried them completely dry.

Anubis hadn't abandoned me, but because of my current mental state in the middle of its torturing deterioration, he couldn't take control.

If Anubis fronted now, it would be a permanent station for him.

He continued to encourage me to resist and fight Harrow who wielded the cane of Ammit's extended power, but he was also aware that ever memory became more debilitating, more paralyzing.

More fracturing.

Thousands of years of memories are a lot for one person to bear alone.

"Laters Gators!"

You're not supposed to be awake. But, since you wanted to fly so close to the sun last night, little treacherous Icarus of the Greeks, we need to converse. NOW.

"Just don't touch the constellation sheets. I don't need you ruining anything else."

"Have you thought what that's doing to Marc? Or what about Steven?"

"We're going to have a beautiful life, my Moon. We're going to make beautiful life, lives, together."

After you tear him into two pieces, you can use his intestines to wrap him in a bow. Then, we send him to his mother!

"I love you, my moon..."

"Right. You remind me of someone, but you'll make a much better tour guide."

"Haven't I raised you better than this?"

"But what I can promise you is that I will be right by your side every step of the way. And if there's things that you can't remember, then we'll just make new memories instead."

My avatar.

"How fascinating."

"I've been thinking a lot since, erm, earlier and I-I think that I might know you from somewhere."

"Hello, my beautiful moon..."

I don't want your deplorable apologies. I want your servitude!

"Why are you so paranoid that they're after you? I can promise you that the only one who cares about you is your fucking dog of a god!"

You must compel the Sun and Moon to relinquish their destined roles of their servitude, trading their responsibilities within the sky.

The Moon and The Sun (MoonKnightxReader)Where stories live. Discover now