When the Moon Met the Sun

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[A/N: Hello, lovelies! The playlist for this book is on Spotify, labeled, "The moon and the sun"! A very wonderful person has helped me immensely in creating it for you all! The songs aren't in any particular order, but they all relate to this book. Anyways, I love you and hope you enjoy! -K🖤]

[🌙This chapter contains extremely saddening angst.🌙]
"(Y/N)!" Marc screamed again, swiftly running down the tiled hallway, passing replicas of the same hospital doors for an uncountable time. He was out of breath, but continued to traverse down the hallways of white, an eternal maze that haunted the recesses of his mind.

He had been panicking and running the halls for what felt like days, even years. He knew that he and (Y/N) couldn't survive without the other for any amount of time, especially now that they had been reunited after suffering years of separation. Marc didn't know how much time had passed on the upside where (Y/N) had been left alone.

Was she okay?

Frantically, he tugged at his hair, unable to process fully what had happened that had caused him and Steven to end up in the Duat, and separated into two bodies.

But he knew that Steven and himself were dead.

Or were they?

"Marc, she can't hear us!" Steven chased after him, unable to keep perfect pace, but was still close enough to not let Marc out of his sight. He was concerned for Marc's well-being, especially after trying to call out for (Y/N) for yet another time.

Steven had also painstakingly shouted for her.

Both Steven and Marc, having been in the Duat for what seemed like days, had been trying to send a message to their love.

But it wasn't working.

Marc turned the corner yet again and nearly ran into a now familiar face. He huffed and leaned against a creme-colored wall, panting and feeling defeated once more.

"Okay, boys, why don't we take a moment to breathe, alright?" Tawaret tried to comfort, raising her hands as a sign of a maternal, calming nature. She had witnessed their frantic behavior for what felt like days on end, when in reality only a few hours had passed in the upper world.

Steven, having conversed with Tawaret many times now, was still in awe at the goddess of motherhood that towered over him. He waved and shyly grinned at her, ecstatic to be in her presence.

However, Marc had already threatened to kill ber once as a possible plan of escape, but little did he realize that he actually enjoyed her comfort.

"I know we've been over this, but let me reiterate. This..." Tawaret motioned to them and to the general vicinity, "Has never happened before. Never has a soul reached the Duat, and then their body on the upside has been healed." Tawaret shook her head in amazement, the decorative gold pieces in her hair creating melodic twinkles. She began to walk down the hallway beneath the fluorescent lights and Steven immediately followed her. "Until I receive word from one of the higher ups, you must remain calm."

Marc slowly trudged behind them. His eyes were hollowed and dark, and he was desperate to be released from this prison.

Tawaret looked over her shoulder and sighed, seeing how heartbroken and lost the two appeared to be. "In the meantime, why don't we take a break from the sad memories and take a look at a happy one, yeah?"

"Yes, I agree. Marc, say you agree." Steven stopped trekking behind the goddess and waited for Marc to reach him. He clasped Marc on the shoulder and scoured the broken expression of him. "Hey...hey. We're going to get back to her."

Marc nodded and sighed dejectedly. If they were going to return to their body soon, perhaps they could take a moment from trying to call out to (Y/N) and revisit a memory with her instead.

The Moon and The Sun (MoonKnightxReader)Where stories live. Discover now