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[A/N: Hello my lovely readers! Here is the next chapter for you all, with more to follow, of course. If I were to make another book with an enemies to lovers trope with Oscar Isaac's character "Pope" from Triple Frontier, would you all be interested in reading it? Let me know! Also, while the gods are conversing in this chapter, I didn't bold or italicize them as it happens so fast! Thank you all for being here. As always, enjoy! -K 🖤]

[🌙This chapter contains swearing and extremely saddening angst.🌙]
Ammit glared at the gods that stood defensively before her. "Khonshu. We could have ruled together." She took a sly step in his direction, running a fingertip across her collarbone. "With our avatars, we could have wreaked vengeance upon this dark and cruel world."

Khonshu grumbled, erratic and not willing to listen to her monologue once again about how they would have ruled in harmony. "Never, Ammit. That would be hypocritical of me, to deliver vengeance to those who have not wronged."

"Who have not wronged yet. Can't you see? Or have you been blinded by the mortality of this world? By removing the wrong before it happens, we ensure that a more pragmatic environment is created. And we can continuously keep the humans under control as they honor and fear us." Ammit returned, her jaw clenched, livid that she was being refused once again.

"To be forced to honor through fear is dishonorable and abhorrent in itself, Ammit." Khonshu was directly referencing the early years of (Y/N), where her servitude was required and instituted by fear being used as a weapon.

She had no choice but to serve Ammit, for fear of being reprimanded and punished for refusing.

Ammit gripped the staff angrily at hearing (Y/N)'s undistinguishable phrases and her fighting for dominance within their shared mind. Once Ammit pushed her away, she then focused her attention towards Anubis. "And Anubis...who was once my partner in the Underworld."

Truth be told, there was a time when Ammit believed they were more than simply business partners, but Anubis never admitted to nor addressed the situation.

For Ammit, she could never count on men to fulfill her desires for power. This was one of the reasons that she needed (Y/N) as her avatar, because she too realized that men were despondent and unreliable.

"It never had to end like this." She continued, "If you would have accepted my offer to join me in the Upperworld, we could have brought balance to the world as we thoroughly judged humanity." Her hand, which had been opened during her speech, was forced closed in a passionate display of retelling her belief that she had been betrayed.

Anubis sneered, baring his canines menacingly. "Ammit, your concept of balance is truly skewed. Our work in the Underworld is purposely meant to stay where it originated: in the Underworld. Only after death do we have a right to judge hearts and souls. It is not justified in the Upperworld where life is the currency of humanity." Anubis took a step forward in defiance and revolt, wanting Ammit to witness his disdain for her and for the way she had wrongfully stolen his only avatar in a tactic of manipulation.

"Gods, you still love to follow daddy's rules even after he betrayed you, Nubi?" Ammit purposefully dragged out the phrase targeted at the jackal headed god, who responded in a low growl. She knew of his strained relationship with his father, which was similar to (Y/N)'s own agonizing relationship with her own father.

Perhaps Anubis saw his avatar as an opportunity to act as the protective and loving father that she never had, and to prove to himself that he could be a better father than the authoritarian and terrorizing one he had.

Anubis believed that rules were necessary to properly running a functioning system, although he often broke rules for the sake of his beloved avatar.

"Enough, Ammit!" Khonshu roared, stepping in front of Marc and directing him backwards and behind him. Marc's eyes had never left the image of his wife. He was heartbroken and felt like a failure for not preventing her from risking her life to trap Ammit by using her body as a temple to house her.

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