Embracing Darkness

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[A/N: The new episode has me punching, kicking, and crying. 🥹🫠 Things are slowly falling into place, and I've already got the next few chapters and possibly the ending planned out. As always, please leave your comments and suggestions: I am usually howling when I read them. Enjoy, my lovelies! -K🖤]

[🌙This chapter contains violent situations.🌙]
I had approximated that it had been five minutes since Steven's initial collapse, and he still hadn't shown signs of any stirring, or that he would anytime soon. The fraction of the almost full moon softly highlighted the contours of his handsome face, making him look ethereal. With a compassionate sweep of my fingers, I removed the sand that had been plastered to his cheeks.

His raven curls had become dampened with sweat and stuck to his forehead. With both hands, I combed his hair out of his face, so that he wouldn't have to uncomfortably clear his face when he awoke.

Yet he remained stagnant and somewhat paralyzed in his unconsciousness.

"Steven! Please, wake up!" I worriedly groaned, now grasping his biceps and dragging him across the sand. The layered grains only built up around him, creating a constantly increasing impediment that made my efforts more of a struggle.

If I could get him into our car, then I would have a better chance at getting him help.


I had learned from previous mistakes to never ignore Anubis, especially when he said my name sharply, yet so sincerely. My head whipped up towards his scowl as he squinted off towards the horizon that was somewhat below us. He snarled lowly.

We have company.

As I released Steven's limp arms and carefully returned them back to the sand, I traversed to Anubis' side to also survey our immediate surroundings. Nearing our position were distant, blurred spheres of quickly advancing headlights.

Sudden gunshots rang out and echoed in the empty environment, and the small, pocketed clouds of sand exploded before me, coming out of the ground. The bullets pierced the dune in a frantic manner, and only missing me by inches.

Move him out of the way. You'll need as much room as you can get.

We were in the desert, how much room did I need?

But I obeyed, scrambling to Steven's unconscious side and hoisting him over my shoulder, still hearing the whizzing bullets come into contact with the sand by my feet.

There were definite advantages of being an avatar, one of which was the inhuman strength.

Steven was solid, his frame lean and mostly composed of muscle. I gripped his shirt tightly, breathing heavily as the growls of an engine approached. "Wake up, Steven..." I begged, beginning to feel my anxiety increase. The familiar sounds of a vehicle were becoming more distinct, so I without hesitation, began to slide down the dune.


Anubis shouted, startling me, which led me to accidentally releasing my grasp and dropping Steven. Because of our already speeding velocity, he resumed to tumble down the sandy dune, rolling unconsciously.

I followed after him, attempting to catch up with his speeding descent. Anubis began to cackle loudly at Steven's retreating escape from the pinnacle of the sandy hill we had started from.

My footsteps sunk into the dune, preventing me from easily catching up to him. But I resumed in my constant pursuit of him, not phased by our distance apart.

Steven had finally stopped his turbulent escapade, and I glared at Anubis who was having to steady himself by holding onto his knees in uncontrollable wheezes of howling laughter.

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