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[🌙 There is slight violence and swearing in this chapter.🌙]

[It is also another long chapter, so enjoy! 🖤]

"Run, run, go!" Steven yelled, forcing me up the rickety stairs by pulling onto my hand. I wanted to tell him to slow down, that what had just happened to was severely affecting my ability to think or even stand up straight.

But I continued to run anyways, despite my body begging me to rest for a moment. We bounded the stairs until we were halted by a wide and broad shouldered man preventing our escape.

"What do we do?" I begged  Steven, who was huffing erratically and trying to concoct an idea of possible escape. His head turned around, facing the stairs that were now filling with approaching enemies who were out for blood.

Kick him. Hard.

Suddenly complying, I agreed to execute the order. With no other choice, I dropped Steven's hand and approached the man who was also walking towards me. "I'm so sorry..." I told him, which was followed by a howl of laughter. His lengthy strides were quickly closing the distance between us.

As if I had no control, I reared my leg up and shoved it square into the center of the man's chest feeling his ribs snap immediately. He forcefully flew backwards through the wooden railing made of thick beams, down onto a pile of stacked pallets below.

I felt a grasp on my wrist, tugging me once more.

"That was...awesome." Steven exclaimed through a few sharp breaths, running with me down a hallway and through a behemoth sized doorway.

He rushed to close the doors, shoving the giant lock into place across both panels. The sliding lock would definitely buy us some much needed time.

We took a moment to get a bearing of our new environment, only to panic when we realized that there was no way out. Only a massive glass window  acted as the farthest wall. Corpses wrapped like mummies were littered around the room.

"What do we do? Where do we go?" I asked, frantically looking around the corners to find an exit.

"How-what was that back there?!" Steven questioned, taking my shoulders into his hands and shaking me hard. "I watched you die, (Y/N)!" The look in his was was borderline maniacal as he attempted to understand what he had witnessed.

My lips trembled and I shrugged unconfidently. I didn't even know what had happened myself.

Steven's attention was stolen by a cracked mirror that was leaning against a pile of rubble. "No, no way!" He shouted, turning from his reflection in distress.

The bolted doors shook with a forceful rage.

Steven and I glanced at each other, until another heave of the doors drew our attention back.

"Okay- Let's each go-" Steven was about to formulate a plan when the doors finally caved in, revealing the most grotesque creature I had ever seen. Thinly and malnourished, the giant hound focused on Steven, baring its fang-filled mouth.

"Jackal...Jackal!" Steven pointed at the creature, as if I was missing the obviously real monster standing at the entrance to the room.

"I believe you, Steven. I see it now..."

"You can?" He asked incredulously, then interrupted by the jackal charging towards him. Immediately, Steven ran backwards until he hit the window, falling through.

"Steven!" I shouted after him, not knowing how far we were from the ground below. The hound slowed itself down before it could also share the same fate. It watched the ground outside of the window, then turned its attention to me.

The Moon and The Sun (MoonKnightxReader)Where stories live. Discover now