Another Note 🖤

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Hello there! Thank you all all for reading my story. I absolutely love to write it, and I adore every single comment and vote. (Some of y'all had me cracking up at 3 in the morning with your hilarious comments. Please keep writing them, they mean so much!)

Stay tuned because later today I will be adding the next chapter. Be warned, it is going to be a LONG one with a LOT of craziness, plot twists, and angst 😈.

Following after this next chapter will be bonus scenes in Steven/Marc's perspective.

Don't forget to check out my other story where I'm taking requests for Steven and Marc! In the space where these chapters are in editing and waiting to upload, I'll be faithfully adding to the other as well!

Thank you all, you mean so much to me! 🖤

The Moon and The Sun (MoonKnightxReader)Where stories live. Discover now