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[A/N: Hey there, thanks for reading so far! I'm hoping you're enjoying this as much as I am writing it. Let me know if there's anything I can change or add for future parts! :) -K 🖤]
Although London was exceptionally lively during the day, I found myself readily awaiting for evening to fall. In the night, the streets only filled with more exuberant energy and I couldn't help but be immersed in the different experiences.

Earlier, I had left the museum to for several reasons: I needed to shop for groceries before I inevitably forgot, and after the package of jellybeans, actually find a more sustainable lunch. Thankfully, I managed to complete both before noon.

I found myself returning to the museum, but not for any particular artifact.

As nonchalantly as I could, I searched the gift shop for Steven. Another employee had taken his place and I was surprised that I felt...disappointed.

I couldn't wait to return, now knowing that I had met with Steven before. There was a small hope within me that wished he remembered me too.

Unfortunately, Steven didn't return. He must've been working somewhere else in the museum away from the bustling activity upstairs. If anything, I would plan to catch him tomorrow.

I spent a few hours roaming what was going to be my new workplace. It was spectacular and enchanting.

"And if you'll follow me, we are going to travel back in time to experience the magnificence of Egypt and the divine authority of the Pharaohs!" A tour guide expressed from behind me. The group that mingled after the excited speaker were mostly students from middle school, half of which appeared to be miserable on their field trip. I observed the group, noticing how some of the youth were taking notes and others were passing them in boredom.

I stifled a laugh and returned back to the statue before me.

Everything seemed to be falling into place.
Laughter erupted around me, creating a joyous atmosphere. The streets of the small square that I was visiting were abundant with people and bustling with different activities.

I continued to walk, popping a few more candied pralines in my mouth. A group of people had formed a small dance circle away from the path of attendees. Their energy caused me to smile and observe them for a few moments.

During my trek home, I just so happened to stumble upon this small market square that I'd be more than happy to continue stumbling upon. Because I had never needed to walk this way before, I had never experienced the streets of London at this personal level and magnitude.

To my right, performers with fire were twirling flames in an enchanting and mesmerizing manner. I made sure to steer clear of their flaming batons and walked towards the center of the square where a center piece was located. It wasn't a fountain, but more of a collection of greenery encased by four walls of concrete.

Above the marketplace were hanging lights, softly twinkling, and mimicking the still stars of the night sky. As I continued further in the market place, I noticed a man completely adorned in gold frozen on a bench on the far side of the square concrete centerpiece. He was a street performer, a living statue that no matter the circumstances, never moved a muscle.

Beside him was another man, in regular clothing and appearing to be eating. I passed by the bench, looking ahead to see what other performers were waiting for a passerby to entertain.

"(Y/N)? Is that you?" An inquisitive voice asked from behind me.

I turned to face the bench that I had passed, feeling my cheeks slightly flush. "Hello, Steven."

"Hi- excuse me, sorry. Here are your pralines." He directed towards the performer in gold, offering him a small bag into his donation plate. Steven gave the man a hurried hug and approached me. "Fancy seeing you here."

The Moon and The Sun (MoonKnightxReader)Where stories live. Discover now