The Summoning

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[A/N: Hey my lovely readers, just a quick note before you continue on! If there's any questions, concerns, or confusions about the plot or (Y/N) that I might not have expanded on or answered yet, let me know and I will try to answer without spoiling any of the final chapters I have planned! Maybe I'll make a Q/A chapter for you guys if you want. Enjoy! -K🖤]

[🌙This chapter contains slight swearing, a lot of information (clues) to process, and extremely saddening angst.🌙]
The silence in the car had been comfortable with no conversations or music to fill the void. Marc and I found solace in just being within the vicinity of the other, finally able to just quietly exist.

We were still headed towards unparalleled and precarious danger, but we were confident that no matter the threat, we would finally remain together with no fear of separation.

"I really liked that jacket..." Marc sighed, eyeing his irreparable jacket that had been damaged as a result of visiting Mogart only three hours prior.

With a glance from the driver's seat, I looked towards his downcast face as he attempted to recall whatever memories he had accumulated while wearing the jacket that he had preferred over many others.

Layla, who I couldn't ever perfectly express my extreme gratitude to, was more considerate than I had estimated. Knowing that I already ruined one of her dresses, she had no hesitation in giving me yet another outfit. This one was unlike the first, and I had no intentions of going to another party.

A simple t-shirt and comfortable pants were the most appreciated apparel that I could have requested, and Layla had provided them with no complaints.

If we had more time, I could see us becoming great friends.

Unfortunately for Marc, she had nothing to offer him clothing-wise, so he continued to wear the clothes that he had donned the entire day. "Oh well." He stated, tossing the ruined jacket in the space of the car behind our seated positions.

Because she thought ahead, Layla, at same time of acquiring the vehicle, had managed to find Marc another shirt. As I continued to drive through the darkness of the night, Marc began to slip his arms out of his current shirt.

Not wanting to be distracted while driving, I decided to bring up a topic that hadn't left the forefront of my mind. To be honest, it scared me. The thought drove a javelin of fear directly through my heart. "Marc, what did Harrow mean?"

"Hm? What are you talking about?" He questioned in return, forcing his dirtied shirt over his head. With a tug, the shirt was removed, leaving him bare chested in the passenger seat.

I kept my eyes trained on the road, knowing that if I spared a glance, he'd teasingly call me out for staring at him. "He said that you were keeping something from me. You're not, right?" My eyebrows raised, sincerely hoping that Harrow was simply stirring the waters to cause division between Marc and I.

His eyes searched my face that was turned from him, and then he reached behind my seat. "I have no idea what he's talking about, (Y/N). He's a lunatic and tries to scare people with a cane." His hands rustled among the items that Layla had prepared for us. "Don't believe anything that comes out of his mouth."

On the outside, I affirmatively nodded. But on the inside, there was a slow-rising panic. Alarms were faintly blaring within my mind, and my heart ached, fearing that Marc was lying. And I knew he was.

Because Marc didn't say no to my question.

He continued to search around behind my seat and I bit my lip, knowing that any more prying wasn't going to miraculously reveal his secret. I had been suspicious for the better part of the day that something was bothering Marc. Outside of our current predicament, he gave me no inclination or insinuation to what it could be.

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