Cosmic Curse

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[A/N: Every single one of you have made my dreams come true. Thank you for supporting me and this book, making it ranking #1 in several lists across thousands of books. Y'all are amazing! 🖤]
You're not supposed to be awake. But, since you wanted to fly so close to the sun last night, little treacherous Icarus of the Greeks, we need to converse. NOW.

I didn't have a choice to obey Anubis. His quick reprimand and his immediate request to talk had taken me someplace other than the sands I found myself in.

In an instant, the sunny environment had transformed to a shadowy realm. The mixture of tan, brown, and beige particles had been altered to sand composed of obsidian-colored granules. I crouched down to scoop the mysterious texture, admiring the shiny charcoal composition.

A veil of fog rested above the sand, spiraling and hypnotically twisting depending on how the environment affected its movement.

It was eerily silent, except for my own breathing and the crunching of the sand beneath my feet.

As I glanced at the sky, I was taken aback to see the sun, although this was different than that the sun within the solar system of my own realm. The radiance itself and the muted rays were pale, hardly lighting up the intense raven-colored heavens. The pale light slightly reflected off of the shine of the charcoal sand. To complete the distant atmosphere were gray clouds, some passing before the sun, not necessarily altering the dimmed luminosity of the rays.

It was as if day and night had conjoined here.


Anubis called to me, but this time, he wasn't in the far crevices of my mind. His voice was too clear, too commanding, to just be a thought in my brain.

He was standing behind me.

The first thing I noticed when I faced him was his height. My neck craned as I continued to gaze upon his figure. 13...14...15 feet tall, at least. To add onto his immense height, he was muscular in an inhuman fashion. His canine-like physique would put the world's most dedicated body builders to shame.

But covering his muscles were plates of armor, layered over the other, encasing him in a warrior's attire.

Besides the armor, were drapes of material, made from the deepest blacks and shimmering gold accents. He was wrapped in lush fabrics as they hung from his shoulders and waist, softly blowing in a faint breeze.

Instead of hands, he adorned lengthy claws, and instead of a typical human face, he had the face of a hound with a protruding muzzle. From the way he was glaring at me, I noticed the sizable teeth and extending canines.

Lengthy, pointy ears extended from his head, standing perfectly straight. There were golden hoops lining the thin cartilage, glinting and stacked next to each other.

His eyes were absent of color. They were thoroughly black, slightly highlighted by the weak sun.

"Where am I, Anubis?" I asked looking up into his face. If I cowered, he would have the tiniest bit of authority over me.

You are in the Duat. But you are not dead.

That was good to know.

My mask, a representation of Anubis' jackal-inspired depiction, had retracted upon me speaking. That would be important to recall later if the need arose.

"Why am I here? Why am I not back in the room I fell asleep in?"

You are here because I wanted to have a conversation without the distractions of your world. Such minuscule things they are.

The Moon and The Sun (MoonKnightxReader)Where stories live. Discover now