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[A/N: Hey, my lovely readers! This one is extra long because I adore you all. And tomorrow, the fight scene that you've all been waiting for will be uploaded! Enjoy! -K🖤]

[🌙This chapter contains tense situations and slight swearing.🌙]
"Maybe you should be a little nicer, Marc?" I lightly rubbed his tense bicep, hoping that my suggestion would be taken to heart. "Maybe let Steven have control for a few minutes? Y'know, so they don't kill us because of your remarks." I quietly scolded Marc as we approached the display of Senfu's sarcophagus.

He huffed, "Absolutely not. I can't stand how he's treating you." Beneath the pale yellow spotlights of the interior of the pyramid, the sarcophagus was illuminated in an otherworldly glow. "What are you seeing?"

I leaned closer to the inscriptions, using my knowledge that Anubis had accumulated from millennia. "It looks like..." My eyes squinted across the figures and incantations, "The burial practices falls into place within and coincides with the Studenwachen texts."

"The what?" Marc whispered, following my gaze, also trying to interpret what he didn't understand.

"Basically, it's legit. But all that's here is writings to lead the dead, perhaps guide them." As delicately as I traced the glyphs and markings, slightly hoping that I would suddenly be able to understand. Hoping to peruse the glyphs inside the sarcophagus itself, I bent over the opening of the lid, my eyes flickering over the aged pages of constellations that were resting on Senfu's mummified corpse.

Marc licked his lips in concentration and settled his hands onto his hips. "Right. Any place where they might be going?" Nonchalantly, he turned back to observe if Mogart was still stationed beyond the entrance to the pyramid.

Mogart was, as Marc expected, waiting for us to finish perusing. He stood in between the protective stances of his guards and was was shamelessly eyeing the bottom of the back of my dress, which had slightly raised due to my position as I attempted to read the inscriptions inside the sarcophagus. Marc gravely glared at Mogart, then resolutely positioned myself behind me, blocking Mogart and his pervasive gaze.

"No, I'm not reading a location." I admitted to Marc, looking back to face him. His jaw was clenched and his eyes had darkened. Suddenly, he glanced up towards the reflective panes of the glass ceiling of the pyramid. His eyes squeezed tightly as he massaged his temple in frustration.

A strained moment of silence passed between us.

"Um...I have to talk with Steven. He says that this," Marc motioned to Senfu and the inside of the sarcophagus where the pages of faded constellations were situated, "... these are all coded." He stared back at the reflection above him. "As much I hate to say this...keep them occupied."

With a wave of hesitation, I stayed motionless in front of Marc, still blocked from the men outside. He softly caressed the back of my hand with a finger, and nodded with a determined, yet slightly worried expression.

With a counterfeit grin, I removed myself from Marc's protective blockade and trotted towards the awaiting men. They curiously glanced towards Marc still on the inside of the pyramid, but I flipped my hair over my shoulder and tried to distract them as much as possible. "He needs a few minutes. He loves to revel in the presence of antiquities alone."

Mogart's eyebrows shifted in dissatisfaction, suspicious of Marc's sudden desire to remain solo. I continued, once again commanding the attention of them, "...Because that's how he's able to connect with the artifacts and properly enjoy the history."

Out of the corner of my eye, an agitated Anubis began to pace towards me, effectively standing behind the three men as they were completely unaware of his presence. I held my breath as he began to open his jaws above Mogart's head.

The Moon and The Sun (MoonKnightxReader)Where stories live. Discover now